Thread: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence? Reply to Thread

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24th May 2013 01:55 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
If you really want to do M.B.A. then go for Regular instead of Distance education.

You will be able to get more Confidence and Knowledge.

For admission in top M.B.A college you have to qualify the entrance exam conducted by different institute like:-
> C.A.T
> M.A.T
> G.M.AT
> R.M.A.T
> X.A.T
> S.N.A.P


Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM C)

XLRI - Xavier Labour Research Institute, Jamshedpur

ISB - Indian School of Business, Hyderabad

FMS - Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi

Indian Institute of Management, Indore (IIM I)

Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode (IIM K - Calicut)

Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM B)

Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IIM L)

23rd May 2013 01:35 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?


Regular MBA is anytime better than other form of MBA
Always remember the following sequence

- Full time MBA
- Part time MBA
- Corresponding MBA

Full time MBA is most effective and fruitful while the corresponding MBA is least effective and doesnt add any value to you or your CV.

All the best
31st January 2012 04:55 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

hello dear
Pursue your educational dream by having the top schools all around the world come to you. Fill out your information accurately in this form..

of course u Doing m.b.a.
The best m.b.a. colleges are:
* Tamil Nadu Open Univers
* Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University, New Delhi

*Anna University

As ur choice , depand of u ok i hope u r very very satisfy my answer.
31st January 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

There is no any basic difference between regular MBA and Correspondance MBA as the degree provided by both these means are same .In regular courses ,you will have to join classes daily which will provide you more knowledge and experiance as compared to correspondance MBA as in correspondance MBA there is no need to join classes.You can prepare yourself and sit in the exam .After successfully completing all the exam ,you will get the degree.

Correspondance MBA is for those people who are financially weak and are doing job and want to do MBA but have no time.

Regular Mba is for general student who are not doing any job and have enough time to join MBA classes.

There is only advantage of Regular MBA Over correspondance MBA is that the knowledge and the condition that you get in classes are not possible to get in correspondance.

Sp if you have enough time then you should definitely go for Regular MBA but if don't have enough time then you can go for correspondance MBA
31st January 2012 04:52 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

There is no any basic difference between regular MBA and Correspondance MBA as the degree provided by both these means are same .In regular courses ,you will have to join classes daily which will provide you more knowledge and experiance as compared to correspondance MBA as in correspondance MBA there is no need to join classes.You can prepare yourself and sit in the exam .After successfully completing all the exam ,you will get the degree.

Correspondance MBA is for those people who are financially weak and are doing job and want to do MBA but have no time.

Regular Mba is for general student who are not doing any job and have enough time to join MBA classes.

There is only advantage of Regular MBA Over correspondance MBA is that the knowledge and the condition that you get in classes are not possible to get in correspondance.

Sp if you have enough time then you should definitely go for Regular MBA but if don't have enough time then you can go for correspondance MBA
10th August 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
hi roushan

If you are not in job at present then I suggest you to do a regular MBA

If you are in job then go for correspondence or part time MBA because
with MBA you get promotion in your current firm.

Best of Luck
10th August 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
i would suggest a regular course,that would be more helpfull.
but if you want to do MBA from a highly reputed university then you can go for a correspondence.
well,IIM has also announced CAT exams,you can look for will be the best option if you could clear it.
gud luck my friend !!!
10th August 2011 09:19 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Both MBA Regular and Correspondence are same but still regular degree is better than correspondence degree.Regular Mba is for general student who are not doing any job and have enough time to join MBA classes.There is only advantage of Regular MBA Over correspondence MBA is that the knowledge and the condition that you get in classes are not possible to get in correspondence.If you are doing a job and it is not possible to carry on regular classes then you should opt for correspondence MBA course.
10th August 2011 02:39 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

what i do after mca
9th August 2011 09:20 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Regular courses are always better and valuable than correspondence. If you are working anywhere then u continue there and after having 2-3 yrs of experience u cn go for full time MBA.
If u hv decided nt to quit job then u can go for correspondence but one thing remember.. u will get degree but u r not given value as u desire.
9th August 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

do mba regular because regular mba have more value than correspondence mba . correspondence have no value
9th August 2011 07:18 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

MY friend,
According to me a regular degree is always better than correspondence degree.
When you do MBA in regular you must attend classes daily and when you go in search for a job with your MBA degree your college's fame will be standing by your side to make your future sure. If your college is good you can get good jobs through campus interview.

Otherwise if you are in a job and you want to have an MBA just for name sake or even correspondence MBA will help you to get promotion in your dept then go for it.

9th August 2011 05:44 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

If you are presently not working in any firm then i strongly suggest that you take up a regular course and that too by getting into a top rated college. In my opinion the best thing for you is that try CAT and earn a high score in it. It takes a really good hard work but it pays . It really pays to be in one of the top B-schools. All the best for you my friend..
9th August 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

to me corrospondence MBA classes are for those students those are finencially weak and are doing job as they have no time
but regular Mba is for general student who are not doing any job and have enough time to join MBA classes
the only advantage for regular students is that they gather more knoledge over crospondence students.environment of regular students is also different.
so it is better for you to do regular classes.
best of luck.
9th August 2011 05:01 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

there is no difference in regular and correspondence.
in regular you have to come college and attend the classes.
in this case if you are doing the job then you are not able to do the regular course.... so, if you are intersting in a job when you do the MBA then you should choose corrospondance MBA....choose as per your requirment.
9th August 2011 03:54 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

It depends whether you have got a job or not. If you are satisfied with the package, then you can do MBA from correspondence. Otherwise do it from regular. In both cases you should do it from a good university.

Personally I would prefer MBA regular. There is no difference in syllabus of regular and correpondence.
9th August 2011 12:30 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
MBA from correspondance will not give you a great value and it is of time MBA regular and from better university like IIM ........qualify the CAT hard work.........dont try to do from correspondence it will be a wastage of time......................
9th August 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

According to me there is only one basic difference between doing MBA in Regular and Correspondence.

When you do MBA in regular you must attend classes daily and when you go in search for a job with your MBA degree your college's fame will be standing by your side to make your future sure. If your college is good you can get good jobs through campus interview.

When you do MBA in correspondence your classes will be weekly once or twice only. And when you do MBA in correspondence you must go for a job at the time of studying MBA so that when you finish MBA and go in search of a new job your old job experience will stand by your side instead of college's fame.

From the above things i think you can get your own idea about what to choose.
9th August 2011 11:59 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

I have done btech in biotechnology ..kindly suggest me the direction where should i go ?? mtech or mba or either for job hunting? i don't think there is more job opportunities in biotech ?
9th August 2011 11:48 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

hi friend ,

* In my opinion i will suggest you to join in regular basis rather than correspondance.

* Because regular classes have more advantage than correspondance .

* Its because of lack of money ,candidates who are weak in financial basis used to do in correspondence.

* Doing MBA in regular have more advantage than in correspondence.

* Regular students have more scope than correspondence.

* But fees is very low in correspondence compare to regular but it provides lot of opportunities.

good luck!
9th August 2011 09:52 AM
malek basit
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

subjest: guideLine 4 careear

i m very happy B"coz u have passed ur exam
When examinations for M.B.A. are over in India, students begin looking for a better future and career options. M.B.A. students often chose bussiness or engineering streams. But there are many options which are equivalent to established options. Students can also make there future...
9th August 2011 09:38 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

my dear friend doing MBA regular is better than correspondent .because in MBA programm all are seeing communication skills and subject knowledge.if you do MBA in correspondent you won't get good as my sincer suggestion is do MBA in if you want do regular concentrate on following steps
1)apply fr i-cet exam
2)apply fr mat exam
3)apply for cat exam
all the best
9th August 2011 09:28 AM
malek basit
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

sub: advise 4 m.b.a.
ur thought is very very positive , u doing m.b.a.
Some tips 4 m.b.a. u try in Common Admission Test i Give u some knowledge about this test... read crefully

When anyone thinks about doing MBA, the first and foremost entrance exam to think about is none other than the Common Admission Test (CAT). The CAT is conducted majorly for the admissions in the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). But, it is also accepted by other prominent management institutions in the country. It is a two and a half hours exam comprising of questions form sections like, arithmetic and logical reasoning skills, problem solving skills, data interpretation, puzzles type questions, English language skills, etc… The scores are calculated on the percentile basis, hence the students who are scoring above 99 percentile, besides higher scores in all the sections would be considered for next higher stages in the MBA admission program. No wonder, why CAT is considered as tougher and difficult exam to crack, isn’t it?
9th August 2011 09:08 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

hi dear
There is no difference between M.B.A regular or correspondence course .
in this the valuable is the certificate which is provide by the college.
In the regular course of mba you earn some knowledge by attending classes where as through correspondence which you can not get .
mainly correspondence course is done by financially week person or already doing job & want to get good post with high salary.
regular mba is for general students those who are joining after their graduation, they have no job & having enough time to go classes.

then if you have got job then its better to do correspondence course to increase your salary.

good luck.......
9th August 2011 09:01 AM
malek basit
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

subject: give knoeldge 4 &
Difference between BBA and Integrated BBA + MBA

After HSC, students are more often than not confused about choosing one course or the other. They might select a course under peer pressure or haste and it might not be the right decision. One such confusion is between taking up BBA and taking up BBA MBA integrated.
9th August 2011 08:36 AM
malek basit
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

hello dear
Pursue your educational dream by having the top schools all around the world come to you. Fill out your information accurately in this form..

of course u Doing m.b.a.
The best m.b.a. colleges are:
* Tamil Nadu Open Univers
* Amity School of Distance Learning, Amity University, New Delhi

*Anna University

As ur choice , depand of u ok i hope u r very very satisfy my answer.
9th August 2011 08:33 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
a regular degree is always better than correspondence degree. but if you are in a job and you want to have an MBA just for name sake or even correspondence MBA will help you to get promotion in your dept. then go for it. But if you thinking to complete your MBA and then search for a new job then never think of correspondence MBA. there are so many companies which clearly mention in the eligibility criteria that the course should not be correspondence /. part time.
9th August 2011 08:18 AM
Re: Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

Originally Posted by roushan_dipu View Post
i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help
There is no any basic difference between regular MBA and Correspondance MBA as the degree provided by both these means are same .In regular courses ,you will have to join classes daily which will provide you more knowledge and experiance as compared to correspondance MBA as in correspondance MBA there is no need to join classes.You can prepare yourself and sit in the exam .After successfully completing all the exam ,you will get the degree.

Correspondance MBA is for those people who are financially weak and are doing job and want to do MBA but have no time.

Regular Mba is for general student who are not doing any job and have enough time to join MBA classes.

There is only advantage of Regular MBA Over correspondance MBA is that the knowledge and the condition that you get in classes are not possible to get in correspondance.

Sp if you have enough time then you should definitely go for Regular MBA but if don't have enough time then you can go for correspondance MBA
30th May 2010 06:32 PM
Should I do MBA from Regular or Correspondence?

i hv passed my B.E. mechanical in 2009.
i want to doing mba but i am not geting a decision to do mba from regular or correspondance please help

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