Thread: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers? Reply to Thread

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16th July 2020 06:04 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Hello, I failed in 3 subjects 12 hsc boards Maharashtra.can I give the re exams which I've failed only??or noy
19th July 2019 06:15 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

9th May 2019 02:45 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I was failed in 3 subject. My question is that I have to repeat 12 or I can give this 3 subject and continue my study please reply me fast
10th May 2018 05:12 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I am a science student I failed in 3 subjects 2 subjects for 8 marks and 1 subject for 5 marks 1 subject i am writing improvement exam and the 2 subjects i am writing say exams I know the marking scheme of improvement exams but now I need to know about the say exams marking schemes as I told I need to get 8 marks in 2 subjects so I should only study for those 8 marks or I need to study for the whole mark ?
4th August 2017 12:18 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I failed in my 2 maths and all other subjects are passed in the academic year of 2010 to 2012.can I appear exam in 2018 year
14th May 2017 01:44 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

If am failed in 4 subjects in class 10th mp board exams am I able to give compartment exams now?
12th May 2017 02:38 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Sir, i am failed in two main subject in 10 board exam now i have to give only these two papers or all 5 papers,please reply
12th May 2017 02:31 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Sir, please tell me that i am fail in two main subjects in class 12 board exams in this 2017 exam, so i have to give all the exams again,or only these two papers in which i am failed, please reply
22nd March 2017 09:08 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

If I failed in one or two subjects in intermediate telengaana state can I go for instant exam
5th October 2016 01:46 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I failed in 2 subjects in 12th even in 1st supplementary exam all those because of my health plz help me I have to pass and have to join nutrition plz help me 8526594563
26th May 2016 04:04 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Sir i fail in physics in july we have supplementary exam now i want apply for neet phase 2 plz sir give me answer that it willl come are not
25th May 2016 09:58 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir! I have comparment in 3 main sub then how i can apply for that papers.
13th April 2016 05:08 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

My friend want to give re exam of the 12 th but he failed in 3 subject... Bt he give exam in 2012 so can he give re exam ..he from HSC boarc Maharashtra...
8th February 2016 12:29 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

My friend had failed in one subject in state board 2 exam in 2006. Now that he wish to reappear for the exam. is that possible?
27th January 2016 10:28 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

i have failed in chemistry and biology theory,should i give practical exams once again???
10th November 2015 03:17 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir I failed in five subjects in inter in 2006 then I wrote again and passed two out of five again failed in three in 2009. then I stopped writing exams and again iwant to complete the three exams in 2016 March. can I have that opportunity.because if I complete these three I can get job in call centre. please reply me sir. thank u
31st October 2015 04:13 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Sir my friend failed in cbse maths examination .. She wrote 3 times compartment but couldnt pass .. Is their anyway for her to pass 12th .. We thought of writing nios .. Bt then she need to take hindi as one sub coz kerala university accepts nios nly vit 2 languages ... Is their anyway sir ?? She already lost her one year coz of maths ...
20th August 2015 02:53 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I am failed in maths I had state syllabus now since the syllabus is changed how can I rewrite my exam for state syllabus this year please reply me
13th August 2015 11:51 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I failed in say exam with 4 subjects can i write those subjects next year finsl examination of march ?
Last date plz apply
12th June 2015 04:58 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir I have failed in phy and maths in 2013 2nd puc anual exams in karnataka and I wrote supplementary exam but I failed again.thn I joined diploma.nw I'm studing final year diploma.nw I want to complete 2nd puc failed subjects but kanataka syllabus has been changed to cbse syllabus in 2014 nw I want to write exams in 2015-2016 anual exams .will have to write exam in cbsc syllabus or in state
Why don't you take lateral entry (engineering, bsc, bba, bca, etc) admission in some of the good institutions like:
1) Lovely Professional University
2) PEC University
3) Thapar University
4) Delhi University......etc
11th June 2015 02:19 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir I have failed in phy and maths in 2013 2nd puc anual exams in karnataka and I wrote supplementary exam but I failed again.thn I joined diploma.nw I'm studing final year diploma.nw I want to complete 2nd puc failed subjects but kanataka syllabus has been changed to cbse syllabus in 2014 nw I want to write exams in 2015-2016 anual exams .will have to write exam in cbsc syllabus or in state
31st May 2015 05:09 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;1228350]i had failed in three subjects of plus two board exam i.wether i have to write all the papersor only the failed papers.please give me the details as soon as possible. and i am from cbse board
27th May 2015 06:54 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I have failed in 2 subjects this year so how is the exam procedure to reappear and can I also take admission also this year for 1st year engineering?
21st May 2015 03:57 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

My brother has failed 4 subjects in plus two exam..what are the possible way for say exam ?
18th May 2015 04:10 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I have passed in all the subjects and passed and got low marks in 12th public exam . IS there any possibilities to write re-exam ? If so when the result will come ? Wll one year gets wasted for me if i wait for results ?
12th May 2015 06:37 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

My friend has failed in 4 subjects he can write all the four exams in June last week
26th December 2014 01:21 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

If a person failed in two papers on 2006 HSE Kerala exam, is there any option to continue his studies now (2015). As I am working in abroad Prefer Distance mode of education. Appreciate if someone can provide an advise and if possible please share any helpful reff link as well. Thanks in advance
16th October 2014 02:27 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I did my 10th in 2004 and I failed in one subject, is there is any possibility is there to write that paper now
4th October 2014 07:56 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

3 years ago I fail in 3 subjects in plus two boards now I want written do I have to write all the papers or only failed papers?
4th October 2014 03:36 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I failed in 1 subject in higer secondary exam can i write exam again ?
20th September 2014 04:44 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

If i fail in 12th cbse board do i have to write exam for all subhects or those in which subjects i failed?
12th September 2014 02:13 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?


i wanna continue my studies after 4 years of gap. i failed in C.B.S.E class 12th exam in 2010. what should i do. is it possible to give only those exams in which i failed or i have to give all exams..??
31st July 2014 02:48 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

if failed in any subject in supplementary when and how should i register for exam
16th July 2014 03:27 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Hi Sir,

I have failed kerala board plus two for two papers and also i have gave the one more time but could not clear. now people are saying i have to write plus one two papers first and next year two plus two papers. so total two years required?

please clear my doubt please ..
16th June 2014 04:33 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I cmpltd mi 12th std n 2014 wid 59 % in state board,taml nadu . nd i have applid 4 revaltn nd got failed n mi maths paper ..what shal i do next . Do i need to write al mi papers r ly maths
28th May 2014 04:18 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I had failed in three subject of plus two cbse 2014 board exam. wether i have to write all papers or only the failed papers. Please give me the details as soon as possible.
27th May 2014 09:10 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

i fail in three subject in12 th board exam do i have to write all the papers or only the fails paper so i have to attend this compartment exam
23rd May 2014 03:31 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

if i am failing in 3 subjects of gujarat higher secondary board then i have to give retest of all subjects or only in which i am failing
23rd May 2014 07:54 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I am failed in 12th boards in 3 can u tell me when is the retest plz
16th May 2014 09:00 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

im a 2007 plus two faild 3 subject faild student what i do pls help me
15th May 2014 03:45 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

hey sir! i have given my 12th MP board exam of 2014 and i am failed in 2 subject!
do i have to repeat my class or is their any chance to re write exams??
15th May 2014 03:40 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

hello sir!! i just wanna know i am failed in 2 subject in 12th MP board! so do i have to repeat my class or is their any chance to re write exams??
10th May 2014 12:11 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

my friend failed in two subjects maths and physics repectively in 12th .she is very depressed.she was interested in taking bsc phy.can she pursue her desired course as her wish?
6th May 2014 04:05 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

i failed in 12th in andhra pradesh board in maths II b. is there any alternative to pass without getting compartment mentioned in the certificate. can i cancel all my papers and reappear this academic year only - kindly guide me? 8885532599
12th April 2014 02:45 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir I completed my 2nd puc in 2009 and I have failed in maths and I wrote 2 times and not yet passed now in 2013 I wish to write my exam can I attend my exam with state board
24th March 2014 02:16 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir last year i give "12thHSC exam but i am faild that time now again i give the 12th exam so,can i got the admission of engenearing
22nd March 2014 09:48 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

Can we give compartment after failing in 3subjects in same year from cbse board? ????
19th March 2014 06:39 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

I got 48 marks in plus one examination including ce marks for chemistry. . How much mark should I score in the plus two examination to pass.
8th March 2014 10:18 PM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

sir i am failed in 2 subject in 12th HSC but i want to re write all papers so what to do?
9th February 2014 11:57 AM
Re: If I fail in 3 subjects in 12th boards do I have to write all the papers or only the failed papers?

This kind of doubts or queries are quite common for the candidates at 10+2 level. There is nothing wrong in asking these kind of questions also. We have to resolve all our doubts irrespective of how small it is.

The candidates have to write only the exams in supplementary of what they actually failed but not all the subjects.

If you have failed in 3 subjects, you have to appear for only those 3 subjects but not all the subjects.

Generally if you failed in regular exams, after 2-3 months supplementary exams will be conducted for the candidates.

If you have failed in the supplementary exams of first year of 10+2, then you can write them in the next year.

If you have failed in the next year also, then you have to wait for one more year to get appeared for the exams. This will results in academic gap for the candidates.

So, don't let such kind of situations to happen.

Whatever the subject that you failed, prepare well and try to finish them as early as you can.

Even at the time of campus recruitment also, if you have any academic gap, they may not give you much preference.

There are some institutions which will provide coaching to the candidates especially for those who are appearing for supplementary exams. You can join the same if you are not able to crack on your own.

There are some professional courses like CA for which if you are failed in one subject also, then you have to attend for all the exams again.

Wish you all the best.
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