Thread: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates? Reply to Thread

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12th May 2014 11:57 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

No streams in Engineering are specially designed for Girls.

Like Boys, even the girls also can opt for the stream in Engineering course as per their interest.

If you have interest in technology side, I suggest you to opt for any of the following
-Information Technology
-Computer Science Engineering

If you want to have long term career, opt for
-Civil Engineering
-Mechanical Engineering

If you have interest in Air craft designing side, opt for
-Aerospace Engineering
-Aeronautical Engineering

My suggestion is to go for Civil or Mechanical.

You did not mention your highest level of academic qualification.

The minimum academic qualification that is required for the candidates in order to join Engineering course is by completion of 12th class.

The admission will be given on the basis of performance in the Entrance Exam.

Popular Entrance Exams are

Wish you all the best.
9th May 2014 11:06 AM
Phebe Grace
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Now i am reading in ENGLISH HONOURS. After that what course shall i do?
B.E in Computer Science,Electronic and Communication are suitable for girls.
31st July 2013 09:13 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Now i am reading in ENGLISH HONOURS. After that what course shall i do?
30th June 2013 11:51 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Hello dear....

I definetly support you....

Engineering is best for boys &girls....

In engineering best branches which support girls are:
1.ece-electronics and communicaton engineering
2.cse:computer science engineering
3.eee-electrical and electonics engineering

there are other groups like mechaical,civil.....

Best the best group in engineering is ece.....this field is evergreen...

If your interested in science field(physics)...then select ece...if your interested in software(computer knowledge) then select cse....

Choose a good branch....which makes your future bright...

All the best dear....
28th May 2013 12:04 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Sir which is the best engineering course for muslim girls?
1st April 2012 12:45 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

To apply for such examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass and
should have physics and maths at 10+2. Those appeared in the 10+2
exam are also eligible to apply for this examination.

You can apply for any of the engineering branch as per your interest.
Below is the list of some engineering branch is given which are suitable
for girls.
7th September 2011 03:23 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

why alot of people says that girls are not suitable for civil engineering?
31st August 2011 01:34 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
Yes girls have the option to choose engineering for future.There is so many

options for you.Its depend on your interest.The best option in my opinion for

you is computer science.There is so much scope for a engineer in computer

field and also its the best suitable field for you.You can choose this one.The

first dtep for engineering is you have to give an entrance paper for

engineering.You can give entrance paper like AIEEE,IIT or state level

engg.entrance paper.After that you can choose any branch which you have

more interest.

There are some options for you.

Computer science engineering.

Information technology

Electronics and communication

Electronics and instumetation

All the best
15th August 2011 09:54 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
yes,kasak girls definitely are apt and can opt for engineering...u can have a wonderful career in branches like it,cse,etc.but apart from that it is u to decide whether u have interest in engineering or not? if u are interested then in which branch u feel affinity?this is al abt u to decide.

with best wishes....kasak
11th August 2011 06:31 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

hi friend,
ofcourse girls can do engineering. at present girls are there in every field. so a girl can choose any stream in her engineering and get good job after completion of course.
in general, girls can opt for branches like
computer science and engineering
information technology
electronics and communication engineering
electrical and electronics engineering
electronic and instrumentation engineering

the best choice according to me CSE and IT because only in software field brainwork is required being a girl choosing mechanical and going into high load jobs is difficult.
choose a stream of your interest.

Gud Luck
11th August 2011 06:23 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

hi friend,
ofcourse girls can do engineering. at present girls are there in every field. so a girl can choose any stream in her engineering and get good job after completion of course.
in general, girls can opt for branches like
computer science and engineering
information technology
electronics and communication engineering
electrical and electronics engineering
electronic and instrumentation engineering

the best choice according to me CSE and IT because only in software field brainwork is required being a girl choosing mechanical and going into high load jobs is difficult.
choose a stream of your interest.

Gud Luck
6th August 2011 08:55 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Definitely girls can do engineering. A girl can do engineering in any branch. The most important criteria for choosing a branch is interest.

But generally girls choose following branches-

*Information Technology
*Computer Science and Engineering
*Electronics and Communication Engineering
*Electrical and Electronics Engineering
*Electrical Engineering

The reason for choosing these branches is that in mechanical and civil branches, a lot of field work is required. Everything depends on your capacity and interest.

Good luck.
6th August 2011 04:57 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

kasak i want to tell you that girls have a lot of option in the field of can easily do your engineering from any branch but EC , CS ,IT and EE are most suitable branch for girls.
6th August 2011 01:42 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Yes, every one is eligible to do engineering.
some of the suitable branches for girls are,
ARCHITECTURAL engineering.

In mechanical engineering lots of physical work is involved,so it is not suited for girls.But if you are interested you can study it.
6th August 2011 03:25 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This year I pass from cbse and got a branch ece and am confused in between ese or cse. so,for which one I switch to?
Dear Friend,

If you think you are good in Computers and are keen interested in programming in computer programming languages like C, C++, Java then only switch.
Best of luck with your decision.
6th August 2011 02:40 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

yes ofcourse girls can opt for engineering,Infact you can choose engineering colleges for girls if you feel odd.
according to me following branches would be good
computer engineering
computer science and engineering
information technology
information and communication technology
information and telecommunication technology
electronics and communication
power electronics
rest is up to you in which field are you interested.
and there is no limitation to these branches only as other branches are also available if you want to go in the field of teaching.
teaching is the best job you can opt after persuing in mechanical,civil,electrical,automobile etc branches where industrial or commercial jobs are not ment for girls or takes hard.
5th August 2011 10:22 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

This year I pass from cbse and got a branch ece and am confused in between ese or cse. so,for which one I switch to?
1st August 2011 12:58 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

There are various branches and all branches are good for girls too so you can join any branch form the below branches .You should take exams like AIEEE,IITJEE to get admission in good colleges like IIT AND NIT.

Different branches :

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
31st July 2011 05:56 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

hello dear

definitely.girls also can do engineering.

the given branches are suitable for girl candidates








all the best.........
31st July 2011 11:58 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

there are no prohibition on girls in any of the branch.
there is no issue for this.
for girls IT branch is the best trade because this is the presentive trade and in this field girls make much more perfect then boys.
so, as per your interst please choose the suitable field.
you also understand your future with your intersted trade.
this is only your choice...
28th July 2011 07:38 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Sir please tell me in which branch i can do better if i have intrest in physics chemistry and maths.I nothing know about programing in cs .Sir i am a girl
12th July 2011 02:44 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Among the various branches of Engineering, most of the branches are suitable for both boys and girls.

They are in no way inferior to boys.

But still people say that some branches are not suitable for girls.....but it depends upon that person who is doing the course.

So always go for that stream in which you are interested, no matter whether that branch is suitable for girls or not.

The different branches in Engineering are:

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Electronics and communication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering
Architecture Engineering
Environmental Engineering
8th July 2011 05:06 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

hi kasak
well do you think that today there is any difference between boy and a girl with respect to career field??
look this challenging world wants hard workers and not a boy or girl
of course being a girl you can do engineering in fact, mark my words girls show better result than boys...
according to me in information technology or chemical engineering or computer science will suit you the best
best of luck kasak...
do well
8th July 2011 05:05 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

hi kasak
well do you think that today there is any difference between boy and a girl with respect to career field??
look this challenging world wants hard workers and not a boy or girl
of course being a girl you can do engineering in fact, mark my words girls show better result than boys...
according to me in information technology or chemical engineering or computer science will suit you the best
best of luck kasak...
do well
8th July 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
Hi kasak,

A girl can definetely opt engineering as her career and now the ratio of girls is increasing year by year in engineering colleges.

To get admission in engineering colleges you have to clear any engineering entrance examination like IITJEE(Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination) , AIEEE(All India Engineering Entrance Examination) or state level engineering entrance test like WBJEE(West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination) , CUSAT , Karnatka JEE and so on....

The eligibility criteria for these examination is...

you have passed 10+2 with physics , chemistry , mathematics as subject with 60% marks.

Note that marks limit varies for different entrance test.

The final year 10+2 student can also appear in these examination.

Here I am listing some branches that may be suitable for a girl...

1.Electronics and Communication engineering(ECE)
2.Electrical Engineering(EE)
3.Computer science and engineering(CSE)
4.Information Technology(IT)
5.Environmental Engineering
6.Telecommunication Engineering
7.Chemical Engineering
8.Bio-Medical Engineering(BME)

For more information about the college you can visit the website given below....
8th July 2011 03:51 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Yes girls can definitely opt for engineering. The most suitable branches for girls are-

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Information Technology
Biotechnology Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
8th July 2011 02:53 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

if we are looking for today's Trend girls can choose any field as per their interest.There is no Particular limit at all. Recently I completed my Bachelor of Technology in IT.As per my Experience if you are interested in Biology then go for BTech in Bio-tech.this is best field for those who are interested in biology.there is alot of scope in this field.
For Computer tech peoples
go for:
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology Engineering
personal Advice not to choose Btech in Electronics and Communication engineering.
8th July 2011 02:22 PM
Uttam Nandi
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Dear friend,
Girls can definitely join engineering. Engineerings don't do much physical work.
Anyone who has liking and aptitude for engineering, can join engineering.
There is nothing like that only computer science or information technology is suitable for girls.
There is lot of good female mechanical, civil, chemical, electronics engineers.
You can opt for any branch in which you have interest.
All the Best
8th July 2011 02:07 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
it is competely open for girls. engineering offers many stream to girls is 4 year course to join it you need to fill forms like
there are many colleges who offers engineering and are UGC and AICTE approved
stream you can choose
mechanical engineering
electrical and communication engineering
computer science
Bio technology
there are also many
before choosing to any stream make sure one thing whether you are good in that or not it should be completely your own decision
best wishes
8th July 2011 01:20 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
Yes girls are eligible to apply for the engineering courses. To apply for the
engineering course you have to give the entrance examination like
AIEEE, IIT or any other state technical entrance examination.

To apply for such examination a candidate should be 10+2 pass and
should have physics and maths at 10+2. Those appeared in the 10+2
exam are also eligible to apply for this examination.

You can apply for any of the engineering branch as per your interest.
Below is the list of some engineering branch is given which are suitable
for girls.

Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electronics and Communication
Information Technology
Chemical engineering
Ceramics and so on.
7th July 2011 09:18 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

does ece have good job oppurtunities for girls in india
7th July 2011 08:44 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Girls can definitely join engineering..

The branches which are most suitable for girls are-

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Information Technology
Biotechnology Engineering
Biomedical Engineering etc...

30th June 2011 01:21 PM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

Originally Posted by kasak khurana View Post
dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana
dear friend,

as per my opinion the best stream for girls is COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.

because these job are not related to physical hard work but it have good mental work.

others options are ECE,CIVIL,BITECH etc.

all the best
25th June 2011 12:25 AM
Re: Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

There is nothing which stops a girl for opting engineering. If you see the trend now a day, number of girls getting admission to engineering colleges is greater than the number of boys. Engineering is not gender specific. There are a lots of courses from which they can choose from. The common courses that girl candidates opt for are civil. Electronics and communication, electrical, IT , CSE etc.
14th May 2011 12:35 AM
kasak khurana
Can girls opt for engineering? Suitable branches for girl candidates?

dear sir, i want to ask if girls opt any engineering or not? suggest few suitable branches having good scope for girls kasak khurana

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