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6th September 2011 06:07 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

which book is the book for the preparation of jam exam in physics
5th September 2011 11:38 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

which is the best book for reaction mechanism 4 iit jam....
29th August 2011 08:28 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

Sir I want previous years solved papers of iit Jam for chemistry
23rd August 2011 12:37 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

I want to know which biology book is preferable for JAM-biotech exam?
6th June 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

sir i need the solve paper of iit jam of chemistry exam
6th June 2011 08:10 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

is there any good coaching class for iit jam in chemistry in kolkata ??? how much time is needed for preparing it ??
6th June 2011 08:02 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

is there any coaching class for iit jam in chemistry available in kolkata ??
31st March 2011 12:22 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

The books are -
* Organic chemistry – Graeme Salaman
* Organic chemistry – Bruce
* Organic chemistry – I.L Finar
* Inorganic chemistry – JD Lee
* Physical chemistry- Puri and Sharma
* Biochemistry – Albert Lehninger, Lubert Stryer
* Microbiology – Prescott, Steiner, Ananth Narayana
* Cell biology – Alberts, Ladish, M.Cooper
* Molecular biology – Weaver

All the best.
21st March 2011 09:03 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

Originally Posted by sneha@chemistry View Post
I want to know which would be preferable books for physical chemistry for JAM exam.
Is there any book available in the market in which solved papers of JAM are given?
Books and solved paper for JAM exam

The JAM examination is conducted by the IIT for the M.Sc course in
IIT. The candidate has to qualify the JAM examination to apply for
the M.Sc course in IITs.


You can consider the following for the preparation of your
JAM examination.

Sample Paper

I have attached the sample paper for the JAM examination with
this forum. You can download it from below:
21st March 2011 02:08 PM
[email protected]
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

Reference books for JAM

* Organic chemistry – Graeme Salaman
* Organic chemistry – Bruce
* Organic chemistry – I.L Finar
* Inorganic chemistry – JD Lee
* Physical chemistry- Puri and Sharma
* Biochemistry – Albert Lehninger, Lubert Stryer
* Microbiology – Prescott, Steiner, Ananth Narayana
* Cell biology – Alberts, Ladish, M.Cooper
* Molecular biology – Weaver
19th March 2011 12:45 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

it is very good to solve previous year questions before going for it.
You can get last decade question from the link :
2nd February 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

i just want to know that solved passing year questions, are enough for preparation to sit for jam in math in 2011?Is there any special book available in the market?
29th December 2010 11:11 AM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

Originally Posted by sneha@chemistry View Post
I want to know which would be preferable books for physical chemistry for JAM exam.
Is there any book available in the market in which solved papers of JAM are given?

There are number of books available in book stores for students to purchase and practice for the preparation of JAM exam. You can choose Puri Sharma Pathania’s book for Physical Chemistry. You can also find solved model papers. Please buy Chemistry Endeavour as to get the solved papers.
17th November 2010 02:45 PM
Re: Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

1. For physical section in chemistry
Puri Sharma Pathania
would be more interesting book.
It covers a detail topic of which now these years are asked in jam like phase rules, solutions, even it gives a brief history of nuclear chemistry n a deep knowledge about of radioactivity.
One can easily score good marks in this section and as far as numerical problems in physical chemistry, this book also provide stanadard illustrative numericals which will be more helpful in jam
2. If one wants jam solved papers, must read Chemistry Endeavour
14th November 2010 04:53 AM
Preferable books and solved paper for JAM exam

I want to know which would be preferable books for physical chemistry for JAM exam.
Is there any book available in the market in which solved papers of JAM are given?

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