Thread: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce? Reply to Thread

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21st November 2020 01:05 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Sir can I join IAF with a commerce stream sir. I heard that a commerce student can't join in IAF(Indian air force) or Indian navy . But sir I want to join sir ,so is there any option to commerce student sir .
26th February 2019 07:31 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Hello sir, I am a girl. Have commerce maths background and have degree. Can I join Indian Air Force. If yes what is the procedure?
9th June 2015 08:40 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

I am Abhishek I am clear 12th class but in commerce stream but without mathsmatics so can I apply in Indian army.
30th May 2015 01:57 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

You can join the army after passing 12th standard with commerce.

You will have to give the entrance exam i.e NDA.
You can only give the entrance exam between 16 and 19 years of age.

After this you will also have to give the physical and the medical tests as well.
Only if you pass all of this you will be able to join the army.
14th February 2015 06:10 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

How can I join Indian air force after completing my second PUC with commerce what are the trainings
9th June 2014 05:58 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

at present i am studying 1st year....i hav choice to join in air force??my D.O.B is march 9th 1995
21st May 2014 10:18 PM
[email protected]
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;2408785]sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]
21st May 2014 10:14 PM
[email protected]
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:- [email protected] am waiting for your message
21st March 2014 12:24 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;2408785]sir can i join in air force,navy or army after persuing 4th sem commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]
28th January 2014 12:33 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Re: sir i am the studen of BCA . cometing 1st year of BCA . I wanna joint navy or air force .can you please inform the details of joining navy and air force . my E- mail ID is [email protected]
25th July 2013 05:56 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

To join the Air force , Army ,and Navy after 12th commerce ,
a candidate has to appear for the NDA ( National Defence Academy ) entrance exam
which is conducted by UPSC .

The NDA entrance is conducted in two stages written test followed by intelligence and personality test .

Educational eligibility for Army Wing of NDA is 10+2 or 12th in any stream .

Educational eligibility for Air force and Navy wing is 10+2 or 12th with Physics and Mahtematics.

Since there is no Physics subject for Commerce stream so the 12th commmerce candidate can apply only for the Army Wing and not for the Air force and Navy wing .

The eligibility conditions are :

1. A candidate should be citizen of India .
2. A candidate should be a male .
3. A candidate should be unmarried and cannot marry until he completes his training .
4 . Age limit 16 1/2 to 19 years .

For more details :
16th July 2013 08:05 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

maine 12th commerce se kiya hai. but mai airforce me job karna chahata hu. please get me suggention. kya mai kar sakta hu.
16th July 2013 04:56 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Re:sir,i am a student of eleventh class from commerce and i want to join merchant navy , can i join merchant navy please tell me full process? please reply me on my email add:- [email protected]
7th June 2013 09:23 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]
should consider your inter marks
23rd May 2013 10:11 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

sir, i am commerce student with passed 1st division so that i can apply the NDA.
21st May 2013 10:35 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Can we take admisson in air force or navy college after completion of 2 commerce without maths sir, please reply your answer to my [email protected]
19th May 2013 05:43 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]

Dear friend,

As you have completed your 12th class in commerce stream so i want to tell you that you are only eligible to join Indian Army. You can't join Indian Airforce and Indian Navy. In order to join Indian Navy and Indian Airforce you should be the student of science stream but being a commerce stream you can only apply for Indian Army.

In order to join Indian Army you have to apply for National Defense Academy (NDA) exam. This exam is conducted by Union Public Services Commission (UPSC). UPSC conducts this exam two times in a year. NDA is Tri Services Institute which selects candidates for, Army, Navy and Air Force wings and give training to everyone under a single roof.

Eligibility Criteria:-

1)- In order to join Indian Army you should have completed your 12th class in any stream from a recognized board.

2)- For joining Indian Navy and Indian Airforce you must have completed your 12th class in only science stream from a recognized board.

3)- You must have Mathematics as compulsory subject in 12th.

4)- Your age must be in between 16.5 to 19 years.

5)- You should be an Indian citizen.

6)- You should be physically fit.

7)- Only unmarried male are eligible to apply for this exam.

Selection Procedure:-

1)- Written Exam,

2)- Group Discussion,

3)- Personal Interview,

4)- Physical Fitness,

5)- Medical Test.

After clearing written exam you have to pass through 5 days SSB (Staff Selection Board) exam. This is the main and toughest part of selection. In each day many students are removed from there. So, if you get selected in written exam then you also have to clear SSB for getting seat in Indian Army. In SSB they will check your Physical Fitness, Mental fitness. In SSB you have to pass through Group Discussion, Personal Interview, Medical test etc.
19th May 2013 03:16 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Dear friend NDA Stands for National Defence Academy .
NDA exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission in twice a year.

NDA has three wings :-
Army wings
Navy wings
Air force wings

Eligibility Criteria for Army wings :-

Candidate must have to completed 12th in any stream from a recognized Board.
Minimum pass marks is enough to appear for this examination .
Those who are awaiting the exam results OR pursing in the final year of 12th exam may also eligible to apply .

Air Force and Navy wing:-

Candidate must have to completed 12th with PCM subjectes from a recognized board.

Age limit:-

Age limit is 16.5 years to 19 years.
There is no age relaxation.

Note :- Only Unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for NDA Examination.

Candidate should be an Indian.

For more information visit the official website :-

All the best......
19th May 2013 08:09 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

I am studying in 2nd puc commerce i am week in computer science shall i take e bca completed 2nd puc commerce any problem
18th May 2013 11:30 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

hi my name is hari, and i'm 19 now . i have passed my 12th commerce . i studied all others advices. do i have any other choice to join air force,navyor army? plz gve me a reply!!
2nd May 2013 12:13 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

how to join after compliting with pcm describe in more details such as syllabus total no of marks and will be its form come....?
1st March 2013 07:21 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Sir i'm Mohit Chandwani studying in class 11th Commerce stream i want to join IAF INDIAN AIR FORCE after passing class 12th but i listen the com. Student can't join IAF but i want 2 join in IAF so i request to please tell how can i join IAF after passing class 12th in com.
18th February 2013 12:58 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Can I join the merchat navi in coomerce stram witout maths but I have a knowlede about pcm and can I join the merchant navy
17th February 2013 04:12 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

can a B.Com first year girl who is in NCC AIR WING join IAF
2nd September 2012 10:23 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

I am a 12th student how me go in army field and what kind of exam will conducted for it
7th August 2012 03:00 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with science Medical ?

sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th science Medical, i want make a doctor in Air force, Navy or Army, so please sir, reply me what should i do to join air force or navy..??? please reply me on my email address - [email protected]
16th July 2012 11:48 AM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?


To join in the Army,Navy or Airforce you need to apply for NDA exam.

NDA stands for National Defense Academy.

NDA exam is conducted by UPSC every year.

NDA exam is conducted the candidates in to Navy,Army or Air force.

Eligibility for NDA exam is :-
  • You need to have completed your 12th.
  • You need to have completed from 12th from Recognized board.
  • If you are appear for Army you need to have completed 12th from any stream.
  • If your appear for Navy or Air force then you need to have completed 12th with Chemistry,maths and Physics subjects.
  • Your age need to be between 16.5 to 19 years.
You can get the application forms online at the official website of UPSC.

So to apply online and for more information regarding NDA notification visit the official website of UPSC at:-
7th July 2012 06:54 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

can i join merchant navy with commerce stream with maths
2nd July 2012 11:22 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?


I am sorry to say that you are not eligible for the indian air force and navy exams with commerce. But you are eligible for the indian army.

To join the indian army you can qualify the NDA exam.

NDA stands for National Defence Service. This exam conducted by the union public service commission twice in a year.

That is



NDA has three wings

Indian Army


Indian Air force



The candidate should be citizen of india.

Educational Qualification:

The candidate should complete the 12th standard from any recognized state board of india.

There is no minimum percentage required to eligible for this exam.

The PCM need for the indian air force and navy exams.

Age limit:

The age limit should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

There is no age relaxation for the other categories.


Only unmarried male candidates are eligible for this exam.

Girls are not eligible for this exam.

Physical Standards:

The candidate should be physically and medically fit for this exam.


Date of commencement of Notification

Last date for receipt of completed application forms

Date of NDA II Exam

for more details visit the website

all the best.
2nd July 2012 11:02 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]

Sorry to say this you are not eligible to apply Air force & Navy after completing 12th with Commerce . But you are eligible to apply for Army wings . If you want to join Navy / Air force then you should have a mathematics and physics as subjects in your examination .

NDA Stands for National Defence Academy Examination , this examination is conducted by Union Public Service Commission . NDA II Last date for receipt of application on 04/06/12 and Date of examination on 16/08/12 .

After clearing the NDA Exam you can join any one of the following Services :-

~~ Army wings
~~ Navy wings
~~ Air force wings

Eligibility Criteria for Army wings :-

You should have a holding your Higher Secondary Level(12th) with any stream of a recognized School or equivalent qualification and there is no minimum marks required . Minimum pass marks is enough to appear for this examination . Those who are awaiting the exam results OR pursing in the final year of 12th exam may also eligible to apply .

You should have attained the age of 16.5 years and must not have attained the age of 19 years at the time of appearing for this examination . There is no upper age limits applicable for this examination . So your age should lies between 16.5 - 19 years then you are eligible to apply for this examination .

Note :- Only Unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for NDA Examination.

Syllabus of NDA Examination :-

~~ General ability
~~ Mathematics

More details , Visit the official website :-
2nd July 2012 06:28 PM
Re: How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

In order to join Indian Army, Navy and Air Force, one has to apply , appear and crack NDA(National Defence Academy) exam conducted by UPSC which is held twice every year.

To be eligible for the above Defence Forces one must be an unmarried Indian male candidate only. He should have either appear for the final 12th exam or pass in any stream from a recognised Board within the age of 16.5 to 19 years of age with good Physical and Mental physique.

The candidate aspiring for Indian Navy/Air Force should have Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in 12th standard.

As you are from Commerce stream, after completion of 12th you are only eligible to apply for Indian Army of NDA.

The NDA can be applied through on line by paying Rs.50.00 as exam fees for General candidate and exempted for SC/ST candidate.

The selection is through written exam followed by personal interview along with Physical Fitness and Medical Test.

For more information you may log on to
2nd July 2012 12:22 PM
How to join Air Force, Navy and Army after completion of 12th Class with Commerce?

sir can i join in air force,navy or army after completing 12th commerce....i got an info. that commerce student can't join air force & navy....but sir what should i do to join air force or navy..???please reply me on my email add:[email protected]

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