Thread: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical Reply to Thread

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24th June 2018 07:26 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

I am a girl and passed 12th this year. i have appeared both entrance exam of bsc agriculture and mbbs. I did well in bsc agriculture but couldn't in mbbs. should I join bsc agriculture or wait one year and reappear entrance of mbbs. Pl guide me.
2nd February 2016 09:39 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Colleges in hyderabad for bsc agriculture ,fee structure ,cut off matks in eamcet.I am an SĒ
8th October 2015 12:40 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Hi l have passed out12 pcm with 51% what sub should I take? Which sub have more scope between or i fight for PAT&ICAR ? Is percentage is required for good university please tell me?tell me about best uni in m.p?
1st April 2015 05:42 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

From which institute I can take coaching to qualify the test of bsc agriculture in hisar
10th August 2014 07:58 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

what are the fee structure in anand college chitwan and others in nepal ????is math is compulsary in 2 for ag ??
14th June 2014 01:15 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

i(girl) got 72000 rank in eamcet iwant to do bsc agriculture in hyd .can u suggest me &which college and future scope
16th May 2014 05:51 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

i passed 2 gets 81% marks in medical and i join agriculture ludhiana universty so plz advise me i join or not becoz i doubtfull any scope agri for girls?????
7th April 2014 10:23 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

What is maximum mark's are required 12th to getting admission in pune uni for Bsc agri
plz information me
24th December 2013 05:36 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

I am an 12 student with PCM WILL MY DECISION to take BSC in agri be usefull for me
9th September 2013 11:21 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

pls reveal me the fee structure...& what should be the rank in the competitive test?what type questions will be there in the entrance exam?
24th August 2013 11:29 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

if you have quallified the medical exam then it is better to go for it rather then this ag bsc as there is scope but not as compared to medical .
it not about girls or boy but it is about the course which may suits to you and which you may grab in easily in the future
i hope this may help you in your future .
good luck for your future
19th August 2013 07:51 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

I have cmpltd my 12th scoring 75% in non medi. Is there any scope in d future of agri..???? I mean after agri cn i get any job oppurtunity??
19th August 2013 07:49 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

I have cmpltd my 12th scoring 75% in non medi. Is there any scope in d future of agri..???? I mean after agri cn i get any job oppurtunity??
9th July 2013 05:25 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Am doing my 12th now.., (CBSE STUDENT) i scored 8.4 cgpa in my 10th.., i have choosed pcmb group and still i didnt have any idea wat to do after my 12th...,n i'm an average student n not interested in maths but very much interested in biology.., so i wish if anyone could help me to decide my future course.., plz
12th June 2013 10:42 AM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Sir i m passed PCB sub can i get bsc admm.?
21st May 2013 05:40 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

subjects in bsc non med.
11th May 2013 03:34 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm a 12th passed medical student.i'm doutful in my career about bsc agriculture.i want to ask is there any scope for girls in bsc agriculture.also i want to ask which profession can i adopt after bsc agriculture.

Dear Aspirant,

Yes,there is equal scope for girls and the boys have now a days all the fields are filled with the women.

So never be in a situation that a girl doesnt have a option of success.

My own cousin sister does this course in the hyderabad.Now she is studying the second year in the bsc agriculture.

We are from a farming culture.So this would definitely help us and also her in the career perspective.

We can even do the MS in the abroad in this course.In usa it has a very good future.

So in the end this a ever green course.Any one can choose this field without any doubt.

Onlything is the students need to be passed in the intermediate exams with atleast 50% marks.

Hope this info helps you.

All the best for your future endeavor's.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
10th May 2013 01:49 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

what is the cut off marks needed for bsc agriculture
23rd September 2012 01:21 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

Can't girls join in nepal?
21st June 2012 07:36 PM
Re: Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

1.yes there is little scope of bsc agriculture for girls.
2.basically,bsc agriculture has more scope for boys not for girls. we know girls are not close to agriculture as the boys.
4.if you are interested to do bsc in agriculture then i suggest you to go for Punjab Agriculture University,Ludhiana.
6th June 2012 10:17 PM
Any scope for girls in BSc Agriculture? I have passed 12th medical

I'm a 12th passed medical student.i'm doutful in my career about bsc agriculture.i want to ask is there any scope for girls in bsc agriculture.also i want to ask which profession can i adopt after bsc agriculture.

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