Thread: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl? Reply to Thread

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22nd July 2016 01:04 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

Hi,I am an oc girl and I have scored108and secured 4687 rank in ts eamcet2 of 2016 and I have national level certificate of hockey can I have any chance of getting MBBS seat under sports quota
6th June 2016 09:52 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

I got rank of 16066 state wise and 103 rank in local and category can I get mbbs seat
I am ST student
4th August 2015 06:34 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

sir, I am an oc girl .I have scored 78 marks in telangana emcet with a rank 21,919 .and ipe marks 946 can I get a seat under sports catogory.?
6th November 2014 08:41 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

whats the percentage or marks required to get a seat.. (minimum marks) even having an ncc certificate..??
12th June 2014 01:24 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

Sir I got 17354 rank in eamcet MBBS and having NCC C CERTIFICATE . Can i get seat in govt. colleges?
11th June 2014 03:48 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

i got 28342 rank in eamcet medical and iam a state player got 2nd prize. whether will i get mbbs seat and iam local to ou and i belongs to sc category
23rd May 2014 08:12 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

I got 50% in eamcet can i abl e 2 get a seat through bc-e reservation of muslim minority
1st July 2013 11:55 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

What percentage of seats are allotted for girls in BC B category ,what is the cutoff mark?
25th June 2013 07:17 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

how many seats available for sports quoto in medical 2013?how percentage is taken from sports quota?
17th June 2013 06:47 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

how many seats are present in sports quota in this year
14th June 2013 10:27 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

can i get a MBBS Seat with 84marks in ncc quota?
5th June 2013 07:35 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

i can get 7413 rank in eamcet.can i get a seat in medicine under ''A'' or govt. seat in any college
14th April 2013 11:38 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

I have many sports merit that certificate can help me to get admision in govt. Or any good college for nursing or MBBS
21st November 2012 10:28 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

Whether statelevel participation useful to avail sports reservation in medicine or aieee or iit
28th August 2012 06:45 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

is there any sports quota in eamcet medicine.
26th August 2012 12:07 AM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

Am i eligible for eamcet(2013) ncc special counciling if i got my ncc certificate after completion of my intermediate ( 2012)?
20th July 2012 03:10 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

i got 4203 rank in eamcet 2012 would i get govt seat in MBBS
14th July 2012 07:15 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

=Unregistered;2118355]how many seats in ncc qota for bc students
12th July 2012 10:30 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

how to procide under sports quota sir plz tell me
7th July 2012 11:08 AM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

will i get a seat in medicine??i got 50 marks in eamcet , i had seniour level national certificate and i had sc reservation
19th June 2012 07:41 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

How many seats are available for medicine ( Eamcet AP ) under sports quota for Senior NAtionals in
Ball Badminton
19th June 2012 07:27 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

If I get 75 marks in Eamcet in B.P.C. and 75% in Inter board , In which Universities can I get a seat
I played Senior Nationals in Ball Badmintonfor one time
19th June 2012 07:24 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

If I get 75 marks in Eamcet, if I get 75% in Inter board ( in Bot, Zoo, Phy, Che ), In which Universities can I get a seat ?
16th June 2012 12:56 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for B C girl?
5th May 2012 02:28 PM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

how many seats in ncc qota for bc students ?
4th May 2012 10:48 AM
Re: How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

How many seats are available for medicine in EAMCET(AP) under sports quota for O.C. girl?
19th January 2012 11:42 PM
How many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET AP) under sports quota for O.C girl?

i am a student of inter second year.i want to know how many seats are available for medicine(EAMCET A.P) under sports quota for a o.c girl

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