Thread: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers? Reply to Thread

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15th November 2015 06:08 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir my name is naveen.m ..... iam preparing for psi exam so I need previous question papers I request you sir please send me to my mail I'd. ( [email protected]
9th October 2015 10:14 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me previous question papers of psi Karnataka I request you please send me to this mail ([email protected] )
5th May 2015 10:31 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Any one please send me the previouse question papers.(subinspector),my e mail id is. [email protected]
21st January 2015 09:38 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir please send last5 year psi and si question paper
([email protected])
12th December 2014 08:39 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

plzz mail me five year sub inspector entrance test question paper (english) my frnd needs it badly to ([email protected]).. thnk u
11th December 2014 11:03 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please send me a previous question papers of psi and central intelligence my email id {[email protected]}
16th November 2014 12:38 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir can u mail me previuos solved question papers of PSI karnataka to this mail [email protected].
14th November 2014 09:47 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

please send me last 5 years PSI question papers.
My Id is [email protected]
14th November 2014 10:50 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi sir I am Dadavali.....preparing for psi do I need previous question paper I hardly request you dit please send me to mail ([email protected])
9th November 2014 08:43 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Pls send me previous years question papers for PSI exam. My mail ID is [email protected].
Many Thanks,
31st October 2014 08:23 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me previous question papers of PSI i request you please send me to this mail id([email protected]) now i eligible for written exams
20th October 2014 01:14 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

I am attending SRSI subinspector exam....plz send me some ten question papers of previous mail id is [email protected]
16th October 2014 11:56 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?


please send me the previous years KSP SI question papers to the below mentioned email ID and do the needful.

[email protected]
28th September 2014 04:53 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me the previous 5 year paper of karnataka police sub inspector mail id [email protected]
15th September 2014 11:18 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir plz mail me the previous question papers of PSI (karnataka). my mail id [email protected]
7th September 2014 04:30 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir would you please mail me the last 5 previous question papers of Karnataka Police Sub-Inspector?? My email id is here..
[email protected]
6th September 2014 11:24 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

pls send the karnataka psi exam question papers to my mail sir plz i m not getting where to download so plz help us sir..........
[email protected]
29th August 2014 08:24 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Where do I find psi exam papers sir .
Or if u hv it mail me @ [email protected].
If possible
30th July 2014 10:49 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir, my name is kishore, please send me the previous year questions papers of PSI to my mail ID: [email protected]
29th May 2014 11:12 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir my name adarsh my life aim was si..... post please send me previous question papers to my mail I'd . [email protected]
8th May 2014 07:20 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Dear Sir, Can i have the karnataka Police constable previous year question and pls mail it to - [email protected]
10th April 2014 07:03 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

please send me previous questions paper of Karnataka psi exam. n the syllabus.
21st February 2014 04:11 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

hello sir my name is vinay, please send me a police constable model and old question papers my e mail id is ([email protected]) thank you....
17th February 2014 06:53 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi my self raghu.... i am preparing for PSI exam so i need previous question papers i request you sir please send me to my mail id.([email protected])....thank you
21st December 2013 09:26 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Pls send me previous yeard question paper of psi karnataka state.
12th December 2013 02:11 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi my self asha .... i am preparing for PSI exam so i need previous question papers i request you sir please send me to my mail id.([email protected])....thank you
12th December 2013 01:45 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me previous question papers of PSI i request you please send me to this mail id([email protected])
3rd December 2013 05:23 PM
pramod m shirahatti
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Dear sir ,

my self pramod mohan shirahatti sir i preparing psi exam so i want 5 years question paper there fore i request you ples send me question paper my email ID.
Email ID: [email protected]
15th November 2013 10:25 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Dear sir,
I am naveen from shimoga,sir i want last 5 years question papers of civil police sub inspecter exam.I will request you in sincerely please send the question papers to below mentioned mail ID
[email protected]

thanking you,

yours faithfully

Naveen kumar
12th November 2013 04:54 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Originally Posted by naveenkumarnm View Post
karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers
sir please send me last 5 years Karnataka civil sub inspector question paper to [email protected] ple send me sir.
25th September 2013 03:58 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir plz mail me for last 5 years papers of civil police sub inspector in karnataka sir plz mail me its my humble request.... my mail is [email protected],
thanku sir.......
13th July 2013 06:26 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me last 5 years question papers of Civil Police Sub-inspector in karnataka Sir Mail ID is Mail :[email protected],
18th June 2013 10:19 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir please mail me last 5 years question papers of ESI and PSI exams ,also the books and exam pattran preferible to clear the exam . Mail : [email protected]
1st June 2013 10:34 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Excise SI Exam on June 9th please can you mail me the question papers of previous year or nay model papers to my mail ID : [email protected]
27th May 2013 10:38 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi Sir, I have Excise SI Exam on June 9th please can you mail me the question papers of previous year or nay model papers to my mail ID: [email protected]
24th May 2013 04:07 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir please mail me last 5 years excise sub inspector and karnataka police. sub inspector and question papers my mail id is [email protected]
Sir,this is gururaj k p pls send last 5 years sub inspector question paper to [email protected]..... pls sir send me.
23rd May 2013 11:51 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi sir this is harish please send me tha last batch sub inspector exam questions
16th May 2013 12:18 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

please let me know if any 1 has the soft copy of any karnataka sub inspector previous years exam question paper. if ; please forward it to [email protected]
3rd May 2013 05:38 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Dear sir plz send me 5 year excise duty sub inspector question paper. my mail id [email protected]. Please send me sir.
29th April 2013 03:09 AM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Thank you sir
If you do have some previuos years question papers or some kind of model question papers? Please could you forward it to me.
My Email ID is [email protected]

Many thanks,
24th April 2013 08:08 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?
18th April 2013 08:23 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Sir plz mail the civil sub inspecter 5 yr question paper my e mail address is [email protected] plz urgent
7th March 2013 01:37 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi sir please mail me 5 years excise sub inspetor question papers.mail address [email protected]
7th March 2013 01:33 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir can u plz mail me last 5 years SI and PSI exam question papers to my mail id is [email protected]
3rd March 2013 03:54 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?


Sir, please send atleast five years question paper or model of question to my mail id ([email protected]) at the earliest.

Thank y sir
21st February 2013 04:48 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Hi sir please mail me 5 years excise sub inspetor question papers.mail address [email protected]
17th February 2013 08:06 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

hi sir plz send me 5 years excise sub inspetor question paers. mail. [email protected]
10th February 2013 07:43 PM
[email protected]
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Kindly let me know where can I get the previous year question papers for KPSC excise sub inspector exams and also let me know what are all the books preferable to clear this exam
Thank you sir
7th February 2013 05:40 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

sir can u plz mail me last 5 years ESI and PSI exam question papers to my mail id is [email protected]
7th February 2013 05:37 PM
Re: Karnataka sub inspector previous years question papers?

dear sir will u please send me the 5 years excise psi question papers, this is my mail id [email protected]
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