Thread: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam? Reply to Thread

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26th June 2017 07:18 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

My ward is born on 1.2.2001,can she eligible for NEET exam for the year held in 2018.
31st January 2017 08:30 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Married candidates are eligible for attending allied health science entrance under mgr medical college, jiipmer medical college and upper age limit for sc candidates
11th April 2016 06:27 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

I am 16 year old how I am admission in MBBS private college in india
6th October 2015 01:59 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

There was a news during these days that state medical entrances are going to be replaced by a national entrance exam...
Is it true???
Please reply......
24th April 2015 04:15 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Can I giveAIIMS entrance in 2016 because my birthday is 02 /10 /1999
16th August 2014 03:53 PM
Anil bedre
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
admission?my date of birth is 12-5-1999 can appear for medical entrance exam in 2016?
20th May 2014 06:35 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

I'm 20 year old, I've done science 11th and 12th and now I'm completing with my Bms course...I want to appear for medical entrance test.. Am I eligible for it?
13th July 2013 08:50 PM
lakshmi dhana
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Hello friend

Yes you are eligible for MBBS entrance exam at the age of 18 years
All the candidates appearing for MBBS exam must complete 17 years and must not complete 25 years of age
All the candidates apply for the exams like NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER, EAMCET, KCET etc exams
All the candidates must pass the 12th exams with 60% marks
All the candidates must pass biology, physics, english and chemistry subjects in 12th

all the best
13th January 2013 03:10 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS

Eligibility for Medical Entrance Test(M.B.B.S)

Educational qualification:-
  1. You must be 10+2/Intermediate pass out with science stream.
  2. Your subjects in science stream should be Physics,Chemistry and Biology.
  • Your minimum marks in 10+2/Intermediate should be 50%.
  • Your minimum age should be 18 years.
  • Your age should not be above 25 years.
Exam Pattern:-
  • There will be 2 papers from which the questions will be asked in any medical entrance exams.
  • These papers will be Physics+Chemistry & Biology(Botany & Zoology).
There are various Medical Entrance Exam in which you can appear for taking Admission in M.B.B.S are:-
  • C.B.S.E NEET.
  • Kerala KEAM.
  • GCET.
  • Jamia Hamdar,New Delhi.
  • PIMS Ahmednagar.
  • Manipal University.
  • MGIMS Wardha ....and many more.
13th January 2013 07:03 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Dear Friend,

The Full Qualifications required for Medical Entrance Exams are :

* you must have completed 12th with PCB as your key subjects from any recognized board.

* You must have a minimum of 45% marks in 12th.

* Your age must be in between 17-21 years.

* No. Of Attempts : 3

* Age Relaxation :

a) For OBC Candidates : 3 years

b) For SC/ST candidates : 5 years

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.

24th November 2012 07:45 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

my daughter DOB is 04.07.1996, is she eligible as per the criteria laid
23rd October 2012 09:25 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

my D.O.B. is 09-06-1997 whin will i be elligible for this exam plz answer quickly
16th September 2012 12:49 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my date of birth is 1 April 1995 can I eligible for AIPMT Medical exam
dear friend,

the age criteria is given below for medical entrance:-

Age Limit:

Candidate must have attained the Minimum Age i.e. 17 years of age.
Upper age limit is 25 years of age.
There is relaxation of 5 years for SC, ST and OBC.

all the best
16th September 2012 12:37 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Hi dear,

As you are Very much interested in MBBS Course then you have to Fill application form for various MBBS Exam .

For Example You have lot of options like AIPMT i.e All india Pre Medical Test , AIIMS i.e All Indian institute of Medical Science and even some Private Exams are Also there Like JIPMER , MANIPAL etc

To Fill up all these forms you need to wait for some Time because Notification for all these Exam will come after September End for Next year Exam.

Educational and other Details

Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed intermediate science (Biology Group) or equivalent examination.

The minimum age to compete the above Exams is 17 years. You should be between 17-25 years of age as on December 31st, 2011. There is a relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC candidates
15th September 2012 09:30 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

i have passed 2 in the year 2009 with physics, chemistry, computer sciecnce and maths as subjects. I have not studied biology . now i want to study for MBBS. how can i appear for this. can i pass biology paper seperately and appear for entrance exam . now iam doing my btech and btech will be completed in 2013 .
18th August 2012 02:26 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The age of my daughter is 22 nd july 1996. Can she eligble for 2012- 2013 medical enterance examinition.
Manoj Sharma
19th February 2012 12:57 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

I, Farhat Jahan is styding in class -XI with phy, chemistry , math, bio & english . My date of birth is 15-05-1996 ( fiftheen may nineteen ninety six ) , can i sit in any medical entrance examination which will be conducted during the year 2013. Please suggest me whether , I will eligible to appear in the said entrance exam or otherwise.
15th February 2012 01:02 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

the age criteria is given below for medical entrance:-

Age Limit:

Candidate must have attained the Minimum Age i.e. 17 years of age.
Upper age limit is 25 years of age.
There is relaxation of 5 years for SC, ST and OBC.
5th February 2012 01:54 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Medical Exam Query !!

Originally Posted by Unregistered
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
As you are Very much interested in MBBS Course then you have to Fill application form for various MBBS Exam .

For Example You have lot of options like AIPMT i.e All india Pre Medical Test , AIIMS i.e All Indian institute of Medical Science and even some Private Exams are Also there Like JIPMER , MANIPAL etc

To Fill up all these forms you need to wait for some Time because Notification for all these Exam will come after September End for Next year Exam.

Educational and other Details

Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed intermediate science (Biology Group) or equivalent examination.

The minimum age to compete the above Exams is 17 years. You should be between 17-25 years of age as on December 31st, 2011. There is a relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC candidates
15th January 2012 09:00 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Age limits:

You can write Entrance exam like AIPMT - All india Pre Medical Test , AIIMS - All Indian institute of Medical Science

* Candidates should be the citizen of India.
* Candidates should have the age limit within 17 to 25 years.
* Candidates have 5 relaxation for SC/ST.
* Candidates should complete 12th from a recognized institute.
* Candidates should get 60% at 12th.
* Candidates should study Physics,chemistry and Biology as subject.
* The number of attempts for a candidates is 3.
* Final year candidates are also eligible.


* All India Institute of Medical Science - AIIMS, Delhi
* Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Post-Graduate medical education and research (JIPMER), Pondicherry
* BJ Medical College , Pune
* Medical College & Hospital Kolkata
* Grant Medical College, Mumbai

Best wishes.
14th January 2012 06:15 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

dear friend,

From the 2012 the WBJEE will go through all India Basis.

friend,you should go through following medical entrance exams in India.

1.>All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

2.>All India Common Entrance Test (AICET)

3.>Armed Forces Medical College Entrance Examination (AFMC Entrance Exam)

4.>Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges (AMUPMDC)

All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

Availability of forms:

AIPMT 2012 Forms are available in the branches of Canara Bank/ Regional offices of Central Board Of Secondary Education (CBSE) accross all over India.

AIPMT 2012 Important Dates/ Notification:-

Sale of Bulletin: - December, 2011

Online Submission:- November, 2011

Last Date of Receipt Application form:-

Offline Application: - January 2012

Online Application: - January 2012

Preliminary Examination:- April , 2012, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M

Final AIPMT 2012 Examination Date: - May, 2012, 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M

AIPMT Website:

best of luck.
13th January 2012 11:13 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

If you are interested for Medical entrance exam then you should fill the application form for MBBS course for different exam conducted as :-

AIPMT-All India Pre Medical Test
AIIMS-All India Institute Of Medical Science
Manipal etc.

The eligible candidate should have completed 12th with Science and the age limit is between 17 to 25 years of age. There is upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PH candidate.
13th January 2012 09:58 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

dear friend,

Age Limit for Medical Entrance Examination :

A candidate must have at least the Minimum Age i.e. 17 years of age and Upper age limit is 25 years of age.There is relaxation of 5 years for SC, ST and OBC.

Some Medical Entrance Examination : -

Here I have also mentioned some medical entrance examination which is given below

* A.I.I.M.S. (All India Institute Medical Science,Delhi)

* A.I.P.M.T. (All India Pre-Medical Test)

* D.P.M.T. (Delhi Pre-Medical Test)

* A.F.M.C. (Armed Forces Medical College Exam)

* A.I.P.G.D.E.T. - All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test

* A.I.P.G.M.E.T. - All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test

good luck.
13th January 2012 09:57 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

dear friend,

Age Limit for Medical Entrance Examination :

A candidate must have at least the Minimum Age i.e. 17 years of age and Upper age limit is 25 years of age.There is relaxation of 5 years for SC, ST and OBC.

Some Medical Entrance Examination : -

Here I have also mentioned some medical entrance examination which is given below

* A.I.I.M.S. (All India Institute Medical Science,Delhi)

* A.I.P.M.T. (All India Pre-Medical Test)

* D.P.M.T. (Delhi Pre-Medical Test)

* A.F.M.C. (Armed Forces Medical College Exam)

* A.I.P.G.D.E.T. - All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test

* A.I.P.G.M.E.T. - All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test

good luck.
13th January 2012 08:19 PM
zeeshan hashmat
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
The minimum age for appearing in medical entrance exam is 17 years. The candidate should be between 17 to 25 years of age. For SC/ST/OBC candidates there is a relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit.
13th January 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The minimum age limit for all categories including SC/ST candidates is 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December of the year of his/her admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S./DENTAL Course and is an INDIAN NATIONAL.

The upper age limit is 25 years for general candidates and 30 years for SC/ST candidates.
13th January 2012 07:49 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The minimum age limit for all categories including SC/ST candidates is 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December of the year of his/her admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S./DENTAL Course and is an INDIAN NATIONAL.

The upper age limit is 25 years for general candidates and 30 years for SC/ST candidates.
13th January 2012 06:24 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

11th December 2011 10:38 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

m 18 jun 1996 born. am i eligible to give the medical entrance in 2013?
11th December 2011 07:29 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

my dob is 12mar 1995..i am eligble to sit in neet 2012
2nd November 2011 03:13 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

My date of birth is 22-2-1996. am i eligible to sit in NEET(UG) 2013?
29th October 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Hi, I am Sakshi. My date of birth is 24-10-1995. Am I eligible to give medical entrance exam in 2012?
8th October 2011 12:00 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

my date of birth is 1 April 1995 can I eligible for AIPMT Medical exam
6th October 2011 07:42 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Their are four best course for 12th PCB stream candidates:

As your daughter has didn't qualified entrance exam,so she will not get admission Medicine colleges.
Next best course for PCB background is B-Pharmacy, she can get admission for B-Pharmacy course directly in private colleges in Management quota.
5th October 2011 07:31 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

if a candidate is born on 1st january ,1995 then is by 31st december ,2011 the criteria of minimum age limit of 17 years is fulfilled or not?
30th September 2011 09:41 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Dear friend,
The age limitation to appear for medical entrance examination is as follows :

You must be within 18 to 25 years of age.
You should complete your 12th standard examination with PCB.
27th September 2011 08:23 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

hi dear
There are some criteria for Medical entrance...
The candidates should be a +2 pass from science stream with more than 60%, from a recognize board.
The age limit is 18 - 25 yrs .
here is some details .......

good luck...........
27th September 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

If any one age should be 25years and 2 month as on date mentioned on form then can it may eligible for the entrance exams?
27th September 2011 12:27 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Eligibility criteria for Medical entrance exam -

Educational qualification = 12th with Physics , chemistry,math,biology .At least 50% marks in 12th .For sc/st candidates relaxation of 10% marks are given .

Age limit = 17 to 25 years for general (3 years relaxation for sc/st candidates).

Thank you
26th September 2011 11:27 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
MIN age is 17 & MAX age is 21year
26th September 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

the age limit for these exams are 17-25 years.
there are 5 years of relaxations are given to SC\ST candidates.
there are many entrance exam are held for getting medical colleges
such as MMBS,AIPMT PMT BDS ,AIIMS i.e All Indian institute of Medical Science and even some Private Exams are Also there Like JIPMER , MANIPAL etc
19th September 2011 12:04 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

8th September 2011 12:12 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

sir the date of birth is 12th jan1997, can she eligible for mbbs course
4th September 2011 08:56 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The Date of Birth of my ward is 3rd May 1995, can he appear in Entrance for MBBS Course
4th September 2011 08:51 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The Date of Birth of my ward is 3rd May 1995, can he appear in Entrance for MBBS?
10th August 2011 02:42 PM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

The admission to MBBS course is given on the basis of AIPMT or state level PMT exams. To appear in AIPMT, eligibility critria is as follows-

* You should have passed 12th board exam with Biology stream.
* Age limit is 17 to 25 for general, 17 to 30 for SC, ST and OBC.
10th August 2011 11:55 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Your age should be between 17 to 25 years, and should finish your 12th class with BIPC stream,then only you can apply for Medical entrance.

Some of the Medical entrance in India:

10th August 2011 11:21 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
dear friend,

the age criteria is given below for medical entrance:-

Age Limit:

Candidate must have attained the Minimum Age i.e. 17 years of age.
Upper age limit is 25 years of age.
There is relaxation of 5 years for SC, ST and OBC.

all the best
10th August 2011 11:07 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

friend for most of the medical entrance exam the age limit is b/w 17-25 yrs but now a days their are a specific no. of attempts u can give so see to it also. also for enrolling into a mbbs degree the max. age is 25 yrs.
10th August 2011 11:03 AM
Re: Age limit to appear for medical entrance exam?

Medical Exam Query !!

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the age limit for medical entrence examinations and what is the age limit for MBBS
As you are Very much interested in MBBS Course then you have to Fill application form for various MBBS Exam .

For Example You have lot of options like AIPMT i.e All india Pre Medical Test , AIIMS i.e All Indian institute of Medical Science and even some Private Exams are Also there Like JIPMER , MANIPAL etc

To Fill up all these forms you need to wait for some Time because Notification for all these Exam will come after September End for Next year Exam.

Educational and other Details

Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed intermediate science (Biology Group) or equivalent examination.

The minimum age to compete the above Exams is 17 years. You should be between 17-25 years of age as on December 31st, 2011. There is a relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC candidates
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