Thread: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement? Reply to Thread

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6th July 2018 01:25 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I am 6th sem BCA student. I could not attend my one sub exam in 6th sem because i was not well. I got placed in a company. I can write that subject by this month end because we have super supply. Will it affect my placement??
6th December 2017 05:18 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I am first semester backlog student .can it possible to placement after completing all paper and exam?
28th May 2015 10:43 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I got backlog in 4th semester in Mathematics. Can i get job in on campus. Or my life ruined? What i will do please say......
26th December 2014 12:47 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

i scored 58% and i had 2 next semester I i cleared my backlog with 62%.which % will company consider?
5th July 2014 04:00 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

By next year I will complete my b.e in mechanical engineering and am interested in doing job and not so will it be helpful to give gate exam.
21st February 2014 10:47 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I got a back in 7th sem... Righ now im in my 8 th sem....if i clear d back with 8 th sem papers will i get a good job?? My aggrigate is 62%
4th December 2013 12:57 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

i am studying in b.e.if any backlog which is cleared in first attempt,will be affect my job in future?
14th October 2013 11:43 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I am in BE final year computer science. I had 2 backlogs in sem 1 but I cleared it in sem 2. Now the on campus placement is going on. Though I cleared aptitude, I have not been selected by the company. My aggreagate % 70%. Can u tell me the reason?
29th August 2013 05:07 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I have passed my 2 in 2007 and due to my family back ground I could take admission in BE in 2011 now i m Ex in my 4 sem and backlogs in three semesters Am I elligible for job in any company?
3rd August 2013 11:56 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

now am 22 .i have completed my diploma in ec and i got year back in my b.e in 2nd year is my dream of getting placed in campus in core companies is over r nt please help me i'm so much depressed
19th July 2013 09:25 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

hello sir i am student i had some backlog that i have cleared this year .but i had passout in how can i apply for a job in companies.
3rd May 2013 07:04 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

hello sir i am gtu's student n i have backlog in 7th sem practical exam than when this exam is taking by gtu n now i m in 8th sem so sir give hopefully answer
7th March 2013 04:23 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

I have a back in 3rd sem. UPTU and i m now in 8th sem...So my questions are
1. how can i clear the back paper?
2. is there any special carry over paper exams to clear it?
3 my degree duration?
25th December 2012 10:58 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

i am a BE student . i am pursuing my 7th sem in the field of electronics and communication engineering . i have 75 % with one backlog . which kind of jobs are suitable for me to apply? pls tell me
17th August 2012 03:58 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

i am engineering student i am in 7th sem now.
i hav back from 4th sem
anybody knows best of three exam marks system from pune university
6th August 2012 10:15 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

sir i have a sem back in 1 yr so can it give problem to me in future
24th July 2012 09:43 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

how a final year student with backlog in 7th sem will clear the paper and when, allready passed in 8th sem?
8th July 2012 02:02 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

sir i m a student of final yaer... i got placed in tcs.... but unfortunately i have 2 back in 7th semester....dis is d first time i got a back.... i have cleared my 8 th sem exam... my reval result of 7th sem vl b come in d end of august.... but if i vl not able to cleared ... then my bck exam vl b held in november... and d result vl b come near march ...... and my joining vl b in december..... so sir pls tell me dat dere is a procedure to get an extension in tcs?
18th June 2012 11:21 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

Hi, i m a student of engineering i suffered year back in 2nd year ,now i 've one more backlog to be cleared to complete my degree should i go for SAP certification course ,will this course provide me a well paid job
29th May 2012 02:42 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

28th January 2012 12:18 AM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi, i am B.E final year cs student ,i hav back in lab of 7th sem,how wil it effect my off campus,i hav 66% of aggr ,i am thinking to take readmision in 4th year.n clear campus placement too
Dear friend,

As you have a backlog in the 7th sem, so you will not be eligible for the on campus recruitment

All the companies coming in the on campus recruitment recuires students who dont have any current backlogs.

So you are not eligible in that case.

Now in case of Off Campus recruitment, It will start just after the passout of final year students.

The companies recruiting in off campus are also require candidates without backlogs

But you have to wait for another six months after your pass out to clear that backlog.

That means you are not eligible for another six months, which is really a big big loss for you

So I think that your decision of taking readmission in 4th year is right.

This will offcourse take one year extra but you can get both the oppurtunities of on campus and off campus from next year...

So follow your decision, that will help you for sure......

Best of Luck.....................
27th January 2012 07:50 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

yes u will get job in placement cell.. if u have excellent communication skill (speaking knowledge). because so many companies need only excellent communication skill employers.
27th January 2012 05:16 PM
Re: How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

Dear pal,
there are many people who are unable to get their job due to the backlogs that they have. Most of the companies prefer for aspirants without backlogs . The minimum percentage of marks required is keep around 60% by most of the companies and there is relaxation in that to some extend. But one only a few companies prefer aspirants with backlogs. The companies may select aspirants having standing arrear. So as far as possible try to clear the papers.
It is true that backlogs do not tell about a persons skill but they are considered while choosing a aspirant. Do not worry about it try to clear the paper as soon as you can. While applying for offcampus placement do not give false information like you do not have arrear. If they find it out then you will not get the job. Have good knowledge about the core subjects so that you will be able to clear the rounds .
27th January 2012 01:11 PM
How will a backlog in 7th semester affect my placement?

hi, i am B.E final year cs student ,i hav back in lab of 7th sem,how wil it effect my off campus,i hav 66% of aggr ,i am thinking to take readmision in 4th year.n clear campus placement too

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