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13th May 2018 01:39 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

Hi guy's I completed BE civil engineering this yr can and I would like to do higher studies can any one suggest me wt to study it may be add on course r pg courses which as huge scope plz Tel me .. tq
1st June 2015 12:54 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

Which s better among m.e and Mba???? N wat are d procedure to enter into tat???
2nd June 2014 10:53 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

hii sir.. i am doing an civil 3rd year nw present. i don't knw wht to choose in final year design project. so plz help me to give an ideas
6th August 2013 01:27 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?


for getting into M.Tech you need to appear for GATE exam

GATE application would be out by october. and GATE exam would be conducted on 2nd sunday of febraury ( offline mode)

BAsed on your GATE exam score, you would be able to apply to different M.Tech institutes having civil engineering.

The better you score, the better college you will get.

Try to aim at 96 percentile and above to get into IIT and top NIT

all the best
5th August 2013 05:33 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

23rd July 2013 02:15 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?


You can go for higher studies such as


You could try to specialize on structures, that has a good market and professionals are needed everywhere. Have a look on the source site, dedicated to aerospace structures engineers. many professionals in this field are civil engineers.

All the best
14th July 2013 07:25 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

Hiiiiiii sir, i am studying 3rd year b_tech in civil engineering after the completion of my degree, i wana do job not intrested in
Heigher studies. So, i request you to guide me in choosing
Some top most leading constructions sir and i also request you to say me what more extra courses i
Have to do..........!!!!
12th July 2013 09:23 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

sir i have completed my be civil now what are the opion?
29th June 2013 12:20 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

what can i do after b tech pass( civil )
except b tech hons
and b tech are eaqul bachlor programe?
27th June 2013 11:33 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

You can go for MBA,M.TECH.If you go for M.TECH then you have to do your M.TECH from any good institution.If you will do it from local institute then there will be no value for M.TECH.If you have done your M.TECH then you can specialize your branch.If you want to do M.TECH in civil engineering then you can go for Transport civil,Construction,civil etc.There are amny subjects in which you can do your M.TECH.If you will go for MBA then also same condition but the difference will be that after doing MBA you will have dual degree.One of engineering and another of marketing.It will also give you good salary and good job.
24th June 2013 05:40 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

i have completed my intermediate i am taking civil in engineering ,give me d career guidance for civil engineering
16th February 2013 11:21 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

hi now i am doing b.e civil engineering 4th year.after completing can i do ms in structural enginerring?wats the procedure for that?will it be good...
4th November 2012 06:01 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

You can do M.B.A or M.E after completing your engineering degree. If you want to become a lecturer do M.E otherwise do M.B.A. M.B.A has good scope nowadays
4th November 2012 03:48 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

now i'm doing B.E civil engineering 3rd year...after completing my B.E i thought to do MBA.whether my opotion is good or not.and wat is the procedure for joining MBA.and what is the minimum marks to have for joining MBA
1st November 2012 09:25 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

hi i completed my in civil engineering. can i take a course in interior designing??..wat about the job opputunities after doing the course??
20th October 2012 07:08 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

My personal opinion is that if you have completed Civil Engineering, then there is no need to go for further education. I would strongly urge this in case you do not want to do M.Tech. I believe that M.Tech is the best option after B.Tech, others are less relevant.

If you are not interested in M.Tech then most probably, MBA is the best option. I will not recommend any other course. You can appear for CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT etc exams to apply for Master of Business Administration. Generally I recommend B.Tech graduates to either get a job or go for M.Tech.

Government jobs are the best option after B.Tech. They are actually quite well paid. Two options are there for you. You can apply for Public Sector Undertaking or appear for Indian Engineering Service.

The choice would be yours. Although I should mention that if you need to score at least 60 percent marks in B.Tech to be eligible for PSU jobs. If fail this criteria then Indian Engineering Service is the best option for you.

Indian Engineering Service (IES)

The government of India carries out various projects related to dams, bridges and many more. There are different departments for these projects. These departments need Engineering candidates. Therefore UPSC conducts Indian Engineering Service Exam. Those who clear this exam, gets a job in government department relevant to their degree.


1. Only Indian citizens can apply.

2. A B.Tech degree in Electrical, Electronics & Communications, Civil and Mechanical Engineering is required. Those who have completed B.Tech in other streams are not eligible.

3. Age limit for IES is 21 to 30 years.

4. 3 years relaxation is given for OBC.

5. There is 5 years relaxation for SC/ST.

Public Sector Undertakings

There are several companies which are known as PSU or Public Sector Undertakings. The reason is that these companies are controlled by government of India. Each PSU conducts entrance exam to recruit Engineering graduates. Unlike IES, it is not limited to some limited streams candidates.


1. A B.Tech degree from recognized univeristy

2. Minimum of 60 percent marks.

3. there is some relaxation in percentage for reserve category.

4. Candidates with pending backlogs can't apply.

5. Age limit is 21 to 30 years.

6. Upper age limit is relaxed for SC/ST/OBC candidates.

Exam Pattern

The exam pattern is written exam followed by interview. However not every PSU follows it. A lot of companies now demand GATE score instead of written exam. Therefore you must appear for GATE exam.

A Civil Engineer can apply for these PSUs for job.






Indian Railways


Bridge & Roof Ltd






19th October 2012 11:48 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

I dont want to continue my studies after with 70 percent marks.can i eligible for good job in civil field
19th October 2012 11:37 AM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

I dont want to continue my studies after my as a civil engg. Can i eligible for job
17th October 2012 04:23 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

i have complete civil engineering next i'll intrusted higher studies
5th August 2012 01:17 PM
Re: What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

Other than M.Tech, you can apply for MBA if you want to join for management related career line. You can apply for the same if you have scored 50% marks in B.Tech. CAT/MAT are some of the main entrance exams for this course. You can get job posts like Management trainees, Assistant Managers etc after MBA in both the sectors. Jobs in public sector companies, banks, railways, civil services, etc are also other important options.
31st July 2012 09:07 PM
What are the options for higher studies after passing Civil Engineering? What are the job opportunities?

Hi, I am a final year civil engineering student. I would like to know my options for higher studies(other than Mtech) and high paying job oppourtunities

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