Thread: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point? Reply to Thread

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14th April 2015 10:56 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

Which coaching is best among vibrant and Allen for engineering preparation?
13th April 2015 01:51 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

Here are 10 coaching institutes which you can consider for such competitive exam preparation:

Vibrant Academy


Bansal Classes



Allen Career Institute

Vidya Mandir Classes

Aakash Institute


Super 30

So, Vibrant academy is the best one.
12th April 2015 10:33 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

I will obtain 95 percent this year from icse whi ch coaching institute in kota will be best for avd.and mains
8th October 2014 09:19 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

For class 10 which coaching is best allen or resonance?
8th June 2014 07:41 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

i got 96 % in mp board and 105 in jee main and my advanced score will be near 80 so i want drop this year kindly suggest me best iit institute in kota ...
so that i can prepare best for advanced 2015.....
rahul yadav
[email protected]
29th May 2014 09:13 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

passed 12th with total 91%, in which 96% in PCM, from UP Board in 2014. want to do preparation for jee main & advance 2015. please suggest the best institute in kota & for fees & accomodation also as early as possible. I have secured 53 marks in jee main 2014. Details given below-
SUKRIT SHUKLA. e-mail- [email protected]
28th May 2014 04:54 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

passed 12th with 91% from cbse in 2014. want to do preparation for jee main & advance 2015. please suggest the best institute in kota & for fees & accomodation also as early as possible. I have secured 112 marks in jee main 2014. Details given below-
ADITI TRIPATHY. Mobile no.- 9470524906 & mail [email protected]
25th April 2014 10:49 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

Is there any difference between the branches of resonance in kota and other study centeres
3rd August 2013 10:59 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

which is the best coaching institute of medical for mbbs preparation in kota or other places, please send a tips either e-mail ; [email protected], or mobile no, 9883669322, yours,
jawed ahmed
25th May 2013 09:38 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

i wana join medical coachin..wich institute is bettr..Allen or Bansal?
7th April 2013 07:47 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

which one will be better to choose for medical coaching whether allen or resonance?
30th March 2013 11:45 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

which is best institute in kota for iit ??
11th May 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

which coching institute among resonance , Allen & vibrant should i joint for preparation of IIT
2nd March 2012 01:50 AM
Re: Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

Best institute in Kota is ALLEN. This is quite good institute for IIT or pmt.Their genre of teaching is just outstanding..
14th June 2011 05:01 PM
praveen anand1994
Best institute in Kota among Resonance, Vibrant, Allen and Career Point?

which is the best institute in kota among resonsnce,vibrant,allen,carrer point.??????

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