Thread: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students? Reply to Thread

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18th March 2022 10:50 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

I am handicapped disable student if i did yes during CET form filling what will be happen with me in during exam
(Have extra time for disable person in this exam
16th August 2021 07:46 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

Please tell me reservation in mhtcet
30th June 2019 02:01 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

How many marks is excepted for handicapped students for engineering in subject PCM.?
11th February 2016 01:06 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

my daughter is having. disability of only lower limbs having 71%of disability .can she will be eligible for medical admission in Maharashtra state? what is criteria for disability %?
5th August 2013 11:01 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

Dear Sir,
I am Physically chaleenged by leg but can walk somehow. I am acitizen of Nepal. Can I get the schlolarships in India to continue my study in MBA.
Please send me reply at [email protected]
5th June 2013 06:09 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

i secure 66 % in 12 th 39 in jee mains and 83 in cet can i get coep college and i m physically disabled? also i selected for jee mains to write jee advance
18th June 2012 10:45 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

I have 62% in 12th and 75 marks in MHT-CET and iam physically handicapped. Should i get coep?
9th June 2012 06:09 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

i am physically handicapped candidate and i hv scored 97 marks in cet can i get coep?
5th December 2011 08:10 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

what is the cutt off percentage for student to join in i.a.f for physically disabled candidate
5th December 2011 08:07 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

i am studying final year...i secured 58%...and i am a physically disabled candidate...can i apply for iaf?
15th November 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

I am 100 % deaf from one ear. whether i am eligible for physical handicappet for MHCET (Medical)
30th September 2011 04:40 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

what is the cutoff for physically handicapped in pumba
27th August 2011 08:56 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

hi i am physically disabled students i have psychiatric problem o.c.d now year 2011 i am 2 Pu i like to join medical i don't have money to pay lacks together i need to write cet may be i can get seat but i need scholarship or fund for disabled plz give me suggestion to attain my goal my email id [email protected]
29th July 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

what is range of physically disability?
25th June 2011 08:45 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

what is the maximum age limit for ph(ortho) for appointment of lectureship in pu and degre colleges in karnataka.
19th June 2011 09:20 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

eligibility criteria in mht cet for sc cast student
9th June 2011 08:18 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

how to see the result of mecal test held today for physically handicapped
30th May 2011 07:24 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

my question is minimum how much marks i have to get in mht cet to eligible for engeneering course??
6th April 2011 11:23 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

disorder between 50% to 70% in lower limbs. i am not sure about upper limbs.
6th April 2011 10:33 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

1.The candidate must be a domicile of Maharashtra.
2.The candidate must show a certificate(proforma F/F-1) to prove that his disability is more than 40%. The proforma is available in MHT-CET brochure.
3.The candidate can be visually impaired, have learning disabilities &can be physically handicapped.
3rd November 2010 04:18 PM
asrarul haque jeelani
Eligibility criteria in MHT CET for physically disabled students?

what is eligibility criteria for MHCET for general physically challenged studen?

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