Thread: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech? Reply to Thread

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16th November 2015 02:49 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Can i prepare and get the best score in GATE without going to any GATE coaching centers...if it is possible,then reply me how because anna university BE syllabus differ from IIT if it is possible to get good score in GATE by self study
2nd April 2014 07:07 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Hello sir
I got 331 score, AIR 29721 in ME, OBC, Is there chance to get any good college, Is it possible to get interdisciplinary branches at IITs or other good colleges in north India... Please guide...
31st March 2014 05:50 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir I have secured 20.33 marks in gate.m from eee stream. can I hope any better college for mtech
30th March 2014 02:21 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir, I have got 3199 rank and 635 gate score in gate 2014 ece branch. so i want to know, whether i have chance of getting any good nit colleges ???? I belong to GM ........
30th March 2014 02:19 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir, I have got 3199 rank and 635 gate score in gate 2014 ece branch. so i want to know, whether i have chance of getting any good nit colleges ???? I belong to GM ........
28th March 2014 03:54 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir, I got a GATE score 7.33 in cs and im a sc. Can I get admission in any college.
24th October 2013 06:48 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

what is the minimum mark required to join in the IIT in chemical engineering
24th July 2013 09:53 PM
jayshree bacchav
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how much marks is required in mechanical stream to get into IIT?
Hello friend,

For getting admission into IIT for M.Tech you need to be a topper i.e 99 percentile and above.

Also you will have to face an interview to get selected in final round.

so you need to prepare real hard for IIT.

All the best!!
24th July 2013 07:05 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?


there is no specific marks you should have.
You should just qualify the gate exam in you branch to apply to various colleges for M.Tech.

generally the cut off for general category is less than 28-29 marks

So try to get a percentile of 95 and above.
if you get such percentile, you will be able to grab a seat in IIT (98 percentile and above) and NIT (95 percentile and above)

All the best
26th April 2013 07:11 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i got 260 score with 23040 rank in EE paper plz provide me which college will i get im from ap
15th March 2013 08:59 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir, i have SC kota and score 19 marks in gate. can i get admission in iit's or nit's?
7th October 2012 09:06 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Dear aspirant,
The selection of a candidate in IIT is based on the cut off marks.
The cut off marks out of 100 is as follows.

This the minimum expected marks for the students to get admission in the IIT's is as follows:


Now a days the no. of IIT's is increased so you have more opportunity to get the seat easily.

At the same time the cut off marks depend upon the no. of students appeared for the exam and the toughness of the question paper.

Work hard and let your dreams come true.

It is your destiny you can change it because you are the creator of your world.
7th October 2012 09:01 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Dear aspirant,
This the minimum expected marks for the students to get admission in the IIt's.

Now a days the no. of IIT's is increased so you have more opportunity to get the seat easily.

At the same time the cut off marks depend upon the no. of students appeared for the exam and the toughness of the question paper.

Work hard and let your dreams come true.

It is your destiny you can change it because you are the creator of your world.

Believe you can and you will on the half way.
Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam.
Best of luck
7th October 2012 08:47 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Dear aspirant,
In Gate question paper the paper consist of 100 marks.
It is one of the toughest exams conducted by IIT and it has a lot of benefits.
One can get admission in IIT's or get job though the GATE score in popular exams.

The score of 50/100 is enough to get admission in IIT's.
Aim high to get more marks and buy the recommended and best books to prepare for this exam.

Made easy publication
Upkar's Gateway to GATE
Nodia publication
Handa publication

Believe you can and you will on the half way.
Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam.
Best of luck
2nd June 2012 06:48 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Is to take admission in besu,sibpur for and in npti,durgapur require domecile of wb
2nd May 2012 04:25 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

my gate score is 215 and i am belongs to st category can i get admission in any nit ... or any other better universities... where as my b.e percentage is 72
2nd May 2012 12:30 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i got 22 out of 100 in gate 2012 CSE (i am obc 28 is the eligibility marks).
will i have any chance of getting admission at iit or nit.
10th April 2012 01:26 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

Sir, My GATE score is 23 out of 100 (CSE) & I belong to SC Category can i get a scope to study M.Tech with stipend? & which college should i apply?????
2nd April 2012 11:22 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i have a score of 380 and rank 11456 in 2012 gate examination. whether i will get an admission in any of the govt.colleges in kerala? if so in which colleges i can apply?
2nd April 2012 01:34 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

respected Sir, I got 20 marks in gate and my gate score is 152, belong to OBC categgory, please can u suggest me in which college i can take admission.
sir can i get admission in ST.JOSEPH'S ,chennai.
please sir tell me.
28th March 2012 06:00 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?


26th March 2012 11:10 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir i have gate score of 619,rank 1468 and i belongs to obc, my branch is mechanical can i get any iit for thermal or design ?
22nd March 2012 03:06 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir my gate score card details for EE is:
will i get any iit or nit with this.
22nd March 2012 08:22 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir i got 34 marks in gate 2012 in aeronautical stream....which college may i get?
21st March 2012 07:36 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i have a gate score of 290 i belong to 'sc' catagory in mech. engg. branch which college is best for me
20th March 2012 01:14 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i scored 31.33 marks in ce decipline can i applly for in iit
19th March 2012 08:12 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

I have scored 40/100 marks in gate 2012 CH paper. This corresponds to gate score of 431 and AIr 675. Which colleges will i get admission into for mtech? I am from the chemical engineering field. Can i get IITM or NITK or NITT?
19th March 2012 10:33 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

how much marks OR RANK is required in INSTRUMENTATION stream to get into IIT?
17th March 2012 08:08 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir i got 24.33 marks in gate 2012 (EE) from sc category,which college should i get..????
17th March 2012 06:27 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

hello sir,i m belong to obc chem.engg.i got air 522 score 457 percentile 95.45 marks 42.33.can i apply for in iit?
17th March 2012 02:05 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

iam studying final yr and iam qualified in gate exam(in ST reservation category).plz inform the best colleges list in india.

16th March 2012 10:42 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

my gate score is 404 ECE. Whether any chances to get admission into M.Tech Programme in any NITs
16th March 2012 04:16 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

respected Sir, I got 38 marks in gate and my gate score is 398...please can u suggest me in which college i can take admission.
sir can i get admission in MANIT Bhopal.
16th March 2012 03:03 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i got 31.67 marks out of 100 in gate & my stream is electrical. which colleges do i get ?
15th March 2012 11:29 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

my gate score is 507 and marks are 30.67 in gate 2012...can i expect a call from any iits or nits?
15th March 2012 09:49 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

how much minimum marks is required for taking admission in IITs for M.Tech in Electrical Stream ?
11th March 2012 12:33 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

what will be rank at 54 marks in GATE-2012(mechanical engineering)
15th February 2012 12:54 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir my gate score for 2012 is 30 out of 100 in computer science/IT ans i am sc(category) so which college(only iits and nits) will i be eligible for. my mail id is ..plzzzzz help me sir
30th January 2012 07:40 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

gate score for selection in iits for st student in mechanical/production engineering?
29th January 2012 05:50 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

what is being asked in the interview for M-TECH course in iit's?
3rd January 2012 09:41 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

i have done mscwith microbology can in elligible for NET,GATE exam? What's the age lemetation NET GATE EXAM?
12th November 2011 10:11 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

GATE means Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
is conducted every year to select the brilliants for giving them chance of study M.Tech in IITs,NITs and other govt. colleges.

To place yourself up into IITs through GATE you have to score minimum 95 percentile and above as no. of seats in the IITs are really limited than others.

IITs take their students for mtech program on the basis of the following way :-

Score = (0.35) GATE score + (0.15) 8 sems Engineering % + (0.1) 10+2th % + (0.1) 10th %

This score has :-

70% of admission judgment (0.35 + 0.15 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 0.7)
10% is for written test and
20% weight is given to interview.

So,to go for mtech in IITs you have do the following things :-

1) Prepare well and score good in GATE.

2) Score well in your engineering semesters.

3) Prepare for the interview questions of iit.
4th November 2011 10:22 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

GATE is Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. You have to clear it with very high ranks to get into the IIT's

A minimum of 96 percentile is required to get admission in the IIT's. Or your marks should be much more than 800 to 1000.

You can get good college between 675 and 800 marks also.

All the Best.
13th October 2011 02:23 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir,i am student of nit.i know about how to got good job which % of gate mark.
29th September 2011 08:11 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

hi dear
GATE score for IIT :

My dear friend you have to score above 70 if you are interested to take your admission to IIT.
But for that you will have to work real hard.
[B]I can suggest you some books for that :
1.G.K.Publishers book.
2.GATE FORUM study material.

good luck
26th September 2011 01:26 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

GATE score for IIT :

My dear friend you have to score above 70 if you are interested to take your admission to IIT.
But for that you will have to work real hard.
I can suggest you some books for that :
1.G.K.Publishers book.
2.GATE FORUM study material.
23rd September 2011 01:25 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

sir,how much i need to score in gate to get in iit and i belong to OBC category
25th July 2011 11:42 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

wat score is min to join iit for mechaniacal?
22nd July 2011 07:30 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

For From iit you should have percentile of 95 and above to qualify or your rank is under 200 then you are eligible for iit and iisc.
Best of luck.
17th July 2011 12:20 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for M.Tech?

HI sir,
I want to know what is the gate score for cs to get into iit?
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