Thread: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job? Reply to Thread

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18th June 2015 02:10 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am pre final year EcE studen I would like to get job in core for that what kind of skill i have to develop please guide me
If u want job in core, you must have good technical knowledge. That means not to be an expert at least clear about the basic principles of every topics.

companies are expecting only this from you in technical side.

subjects to be strong:
Electronic devices and circuits
Analog circuit
Network analysis
Signal and systems
Control systems
Electromagnetic field

Rest of the things are your personality and way of thinking to solve the problems.

last but not least they always expect positive thinking person so you should be positive in your thoughts.
5th July 2014 09:48 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

i m studying final yr b.e ece then i want to place a good company so wt can i do sir?
17th June 2014 11:45 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

i have two options in core, 1.c programme on chips(not c development), 2. service manager. so i like to know which is better post and which has good future in these two?
7th May 2014 06:44 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

hi am an prefinal student pursuing b.e ece i want to do my graduate degree in automobile sector so will autotronics suits me or is there any other course
3rd April 2014 09:08 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Im pursuing B.E. pre final year to get job in core companies like BHEL wheather I need to do some extra courses if so what course I have to do it?
2nd September 2013 02:05 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Im done my in ece but i have 4 back locks in my degree nd with that my degree is extended sir pls tell it would effect my carrier nd i question can i get job in between
15th August 2013 06:59 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

sir how can anyone get job in ece if he/she is having compartment in 12
12th June 2013 08:50 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

is embedded system is very important for ECE student to get a job in to core company or any other company
1st March 2013 03:27 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

I am studying 3rd year ECE. I want to get a job in core company. How should i improve my technical knowledge?
27th September 2012 07:27 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

what is work offered for ece students in HPCL,BPCL,IOCL,BHEL
12th September 2012 12:10 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

what is the minimum % required to get a job in any core company?
and what is the selection procedure?
12th August 2012 08:04 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

can i get admission obc category in asso. cct mbbs marks 164 sneha
12th August 2012 04:28 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

i have 58% mark in 10th, 60% mark in 12th and 62% mark in B-Tech ETC branch .can i get a job in core company?
20th July 2012 10:22 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

What are the companies those will offer internship for ece 2012 students in hyderabad?
11th July 2012 02:49 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Does the core companies select a graduates from campus interviem?
10th July 2012 07:33 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

i m interested in core job how can i develop my skills in basic aptitude and in technical?
30th June 2012 07:55 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

i am pre final year EcE studen I would like to get job in core for that what kind of skill i have to develop please guide me
29th June 2012 04:51 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

how they recruit in bhel?
13th May 2012 05:18 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Getting Core placement totally depends on your college .
Depends on your college reputation Core companies will come for placements .
If they don't come to college it is very tough to get core placement outside since core jobs for ECE students are very few .
Thank You
13th May 2012 07:19 AM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

sir i am cse student n how many round in it company and what we have to do complete these round
18th February 2012 01:22 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

How to get a job in core company after passing B.E MECH? How can I improve myself to get a job?
4th February 2012 06:58 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

To improve technical skills what will i do?
2nd February 2012 09:10 PM
Re: How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE) is a very popular stream of engineering now a days. there are so many institution offer this course with more seats compare to other branches in the same institution. from this branch it is easy to shift in software related branch being a students of core branch. after complete of engineering from ECE branch you may look for job in core field as well as you may look for job in software industries according to your interest.

but as every year so many students are passing out from ECE branch whereas the number of job in core field for ECE candidates are very limited as a result the competition became very hard. it's really difficult to get a job in core field now a days after passing out from ECE branch. still if you have good technical knowledge on your stream then surely you will get job in core field. there are so many government organization those recruit ECE candidates in core field like BHEL, ISRO, NTPC, BEL, BARC and many more. but the number of seats in these government organization are very less for ECE every year. still you may try for these types of job.

ECE students have one more opportunities to work in networking core field.communication is also one core field. there are so many organization work in communication field and recruit ECE candidates like Huwai, Ericsson, Alcatel, Larsen and many more. there are so many small vendors those give opportunity to work in core networking field after passing our from ECE branch. sometimes these vendor given job takes very much hard work. but still these job are really good to start your career in telecommunication field. you may go for this types of core job.

if you want to improve your skill for core company job then i will suggest you first to improve your technical knowledge. because in core company your technical knowledge is very much important. you have to work on totally technical field. to improve your technical knowledge study the book of your course and try to remember the basic things of the course. your knowledge does not required any long derivation or equation. basics things are sufficient to improve your technical skill.

if you want to improve your aptitude skill then you have to practice a lot. in which types of aptitude you are weak you have to find out and you have to practice more different aptitude on those topic. try to solve aptitude paper for various examination within limited time then you will learn to solve aptitude problems in time and also correctly.

best of luck.
1st February 2012 02:11 PM
How to get a job in core company after passing B.E ECE? How can I improve myself to get a job?

now i am BE-(ECE) pre final year & after that what i am do to get a job in core company
how can improve to get a job for skill&apptitude

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