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3rd February 2014 07:31 AM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

Originally Posted by kengtha View Post
No,NCERT books are not enough if you are aspiring for AIPMT.You can refer to those books as syllabus books but you should also be thorough with the questions present in the NCERT books as sometimes it is seen that the questions given in NCERT books are asked in the examination.
You have to refer to other reference books and subjective and objective questions' books and also solve previous years' papers to get good ranks.You should be enriched conceptually and be thorough with the biology lessons.
whoever you are, you are a dumbass ! if you can't do ncert thoroughly do hell with dinesh,pradeep or trueman you can't clear any competitive exam and before you consider replying let me tell you i am one of the toppers of AIPMT 2012
20th January 2014 07:39 AM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

How i can do preparation of aipmt exam and tell me how i manage our time and how much hours i need for preparation
2nd December 2013 07:43 PM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

Tell us how we prepare for AIPMT2014 ?
11th September 2013 09:16 PM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
are ncert books n cbse syllabus books enough for the aipmt examination preparation

AIPMT - All India Pre Medical Test

AIPMT is an all India medical entrance exam for medical courses.

AS it is a national level exam, there is a tough competition.

Although NCERT and CBSE books are enough in itself but studying some additional books may help to get better marks.

NCERT and CBSE books are very good and it is advisable to memorize these books first and then you can refer some more books.

I am writing the names of some books that you can refer for your preparation --

Dinesh Biology

Physics By H.C. Verma

Dinesh Chemistry

ABC Chemistry

Trueman's Biology
11th September 2013 10:01 AM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

can I get good rank in aipmt without coaching ??
20th April 2013 09:51 AM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

can i get good rank in aiims without coaching and has anybody till now has got good rank in aiims enterance without coaching?Please refer me some books which i can study in class 11 and 12 to get rank in aiims enterance without coaching and with all myself .
24th December 2012 09:14 PM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

If iq of a student is then n.c.e.r.t books are enough for i.i.t.
18th June 2012 09:25 PM
Re: Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

No,NCERT books are not enough if you are aspiring for AIPMT.You can refer to those books as syllabus books but you should also be thorough with the questions present in the NCERT books as sometimes it is seen that the questions given in NCERT books are asked in the examination.
You have to refer to other reference books and subjective and objective questions' books and also solve previous years' papers to get good ranks.You should be enriched conceptually and be thorough with the biology lessons.
12th May 2012 12:16 AM
[email protected]
Are NCERT books and CBSE syllabus books enough for AIPMT exam?

are ncert books n cbse syllabus books enough for the aipmt examination preparation

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