Thread: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics? Reply to Thread

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16th June 2017 05:06 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

What is best after doing bsc in physics honours other than Msc ?i want to do MBA after completing bsc is it correct or not if not what to do? Please suggest .
23rd April 2015 02:13 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Hii I'm doing bsc p6 now can i study MBA after finishing this?? & fot those who chosen bscp6 as ur carieer u hav done a great job!!! All the best to shine in u'r life
15th May 2014 09:30 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

which is good after completing BSC physics? i don't like teaching profession
8th April 2014 01:39 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

In have passed B.Sc (physics) with 75% & now i am doing B.Ed .Sir i want to get good job & salery so please suggest me that which type of job will be better for me .I meant that something diffrent from teaching feild.Plz sir give me some suggestions..

26th October 2013 12:37 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

can i do MBBS after BSc cardiovascular technology?
21st September 2013 03:35 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

which qualifications to compete astronomy
25th June 2013 10:17 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

sir pleasd tell the deatailst about the course bsc physics instrumentation and its job oppertunity
15th May 2013 06:36 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I think B.Sc in Physics is GREAT I prefer it than that to Engineering, after doing B.Sc in Physics you can go for bank jobs and also other jobs which wants bachelors, but if you are interested in scientific or teaching life you you need to do M.Sc in Physics and after that if you want a good teaching or research job in govt sector or in a good college than you will need to do PG first than you can go for Doctored after that you will be set very well. But another opportunity left in your hand is to go for GATE or JAM after qualifying which you be doing M.Sc or higher Technical studies in any of the IIT's which I thing to be CROWN OF SUCCESS for all Science lovers.
BEST OF LUCK for all the PHYSICS lovers................
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10th December 2012 07:47 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Respected seniors and dear batchfellow.
I had passed my Bsc.Phy(Hons.) in 2008 after then i have come in industrial radiography field.for this job i passed my BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center) level 1 course in RT.But now i would like to establish my more beter future so please guide me kindly. i'll have been waiting for your valuable advice.
Thanks & Regards
Arvind Kumar
24th July 2012 01:45 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

if i do mba after bsc in physics?what job will i get?
23rd November 2011 02:41 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

you can move into
Teaching - high school and elementary.
Laboratory Technician - in government or industry.
you can easily get job in government sector.
you can join ISRO or any research center also .
22nd November 2011 06:46 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

you an appear for the test conducted by following organizations in the government sectorUnion Public Service Commission,Staff selection commission,Indian Forest Services,Public sector Bank,State PCS and Indian Defense services etc.

you also have following option :
Teaching - high school and elementary.
Laboratory Technician - in government or industry.
A range of technical jobs - radiation monitoring, electrical power plant operator, scientific instrument operator
Meteorology (the study of weather) - proceed to Diploma program or graduate study
Computer programming in industry (e.g. aircraft design)
Salesperson for technical instruments
Self-employment - electronics/computer development, contracting for installation of acoustic insulation.
Continue to Law degree - e.g. industrial patents.
22nd November 2011 05:09 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Hi I completed my B.Sc. Phy 5 yrs before. 3 yrs I worked in Administration (chemicals companies)
sector. But I am not feel in stable Now what can I do and which type of job I will choose I m very confused
which course should i select?
14th November 2011 12:06 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

sir, can i join indian army after bsc??????
14th October 2011 11:37 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i have completed physics. i joned to b.ed or sir please reply
20th September 2011 06:49 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

what are the jobs or courses available after completing chemistry?
and what are the scope of doing phd through chemistry except teaching?
13th July 2011 06:01 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hey i em in 3rd yr pursuin physics n i wan to go for after my gradution..can sum temme...z it da rite field or i shld go for
10th July 2011 03:10 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

please suggeste me to which type of course is good after completing (physics)
6th July 2011 02:25 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I have completed my physics. I want to do technical field. I don't interested in teaching field.
What is best course available after physics.I wish to join you suggest any job after physics.
6th July 2011 02:20 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I have completed my physics. I want to do technical field. I don't interested in teaching field.
What is best course available after physics.I wish to join you suggest any job after physics.
29th June 2011 07:37 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i want know other electrical cources after
) instead of
29th June 2011 02:52 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hi dear,
I think B.Sc in Physics is GREAT I prefer it than that to Engineering, after doing B.Sc in Physics you can go for bank jobs and also other jobs which wants bachelors, but if you are interested in scientific or teaching life you you need to do M.Sc in Physics and after that if you want a good teaching or research job in govt sector or in a good college than you will need to do PG first than you can go for Doctored after that you will be set very well. But another opportunity left in your hand is to go for GATE or JAM after qualifying which you be doing M.Sc or higher Technical studies in any of the IIT's which I thing to be CROWN OF SUCCESS for all Science lovers.

29th June 2011 02:50 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hi dear,
I think B.Sc in Physics is GREAT I prefer it than that to Engineering, after doing B.Sc in Physics you can go for bank jobs and also other jobs which wants bachelors, but if you are interested in scientific or teaching life you you need to do M.Sc in Physics and after that if you want a good teaching or research job in govt sector or in a good college than you will need to do PG first than you can go for Doctored after that you will be set very well. But another opportunity left in your hand is to go for GATE or JAM after qualifying which you be doing M.Sc or higher Technical studies in any of the IIT's which I thing to be CROWN OF SUCCESS for all Science lovers.

21st June 2011 04:18 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

What's isthe future after doing Bsc.(H) physics and also i want to know that the languages like C ,C , Java , .net would be in the syllabus of 2011 of Bsc.(H) physics from DU.
20th June 2011 02:41 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

what kind of govt. jobs we can get after having a M.Sc in physics?
17th June 2011 01:01 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

sir i just want to know that after doing physics hons from a highly reputated goverment institute how can i go in scientific field plz help because i m quite disturb about the courses
15th June 2011 05:28 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I have passed my plus 2 this year. now i wish to go for b sc physics. i don't like to continue my career in teaching field. then what courses can i prefer after my b sc program. the matter is i wish to continue my career in much more lively and technical field. please help me by giving a good advice.
13th June 2011 04:27 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hi..i am doing physics honours from d.u...........what should i prefer after m.b.a or a good salary job is basically wt i want in future.... please tell me about the scopes also......
31st May 2011 10:11 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Hi I completed my MSc. Phy 6 yrs before. 3 yrs I worked in engineering sector. Now I would like to study which course should i select?
30th May 2011 05:21 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

what does really mean to get engaged in research after M.Sc.???
is there a good future in the pathway....B.Sc.(physics hons.) then M.Sc.and then going to the research line???
plz reply...
20th May 2011 09:58 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

is there an easy pg course that i can go for after completing physics honours as i find physics toygh
something related to science only.....
14th May 2011 03:59 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hello sir/mam
i complete my bsc in physics. now i am waiting for my results.wat is next? this question is going through my mind.can u give me suggestion?i i i i
12th May 2011 04:15 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i complete my bsc in physics.have any course available for journalism related with science.or any course available?
27th April 2011 10:51 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hello sir, m doing sy bsc. I want to do ty in physics... I want to know the courses related to physics... Which helps me in entrance exams of MSC... PLEASE GUIDE ME....
26th April 2011 11:30 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Hi sir/mam:

I'm bsc physics student. there are nice jobs or gov jobs after msc(electronics) except teaching?
26th April 2011 12:17 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I think B.Sc in Physics is GREAT I prefer it than that to Engineering, after doing B.Sc in Physics you can go for bank jobs and also other jobs which wants bachelors, but if you are interested in scientific or teaching life you you need to do M.Sc in Physics and after that if you want a good teaching or research job in govt sector or in a good college than you will need to do PG first than you can go for Doctored after that you will be set very well. But another opportunity left in your hand is to go for GATE or JAM after qualifying which you be doing M.Sc or higher Technical studies in any of the IIT's which I thing to be CROWN OF SUCCESS for all Science lovers.
BEST OF LUCK for all the PHYSICS lovers................
21st April 2011 03:19 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I'm doing bsc physics.. I'm so scared about my future.. what can i do.. how can i get job.. please help me... my humble request...
17th April 2011 01:23 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

hi sir/mam:
i m a tybsc(maths) student which type of jobs r available after completing ty bsc(maths). the best course after it to hv good salary in future.
21st February 2011 10:05 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

I am B.Sc in phy and i am now in B.Ed.How can i get gov job?
20th February 2011 01:40 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i am bsc physics graduate what can i do next .there are any job opporunities or can i do B.ED
17th February 2011 11:03 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i am bsc physics graduate i m not intrested in teaching field i want to do mba but our financial condition not good can u suggest me short term duration cources to getting job esily.?
26th January 2011 10:42 AM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

how can i take admission in M.Sc physics through JAM?
22nd January 2011 01:57 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?


After your BSC physics you can go for MSC phy in any college,you can apply for the post of lecturers in any colleges.

better you write for NET exam and BED courses for your better prospects.

All the best!!!
21st January 2011 08:00 PM
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

You cannot become Lectrurer Without doing Physics.
If you are Intrested in teaching then do PG first & then Doctrate.
If you want job give The exams of bank PO & clerk.
If You want you can become Lab Assistant in School or College
30th December 2010 06:23 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

Dear friend,
there are so many courses and jobs available after B.Sc in Physics.
As you can in any college as a lecturer.
You can also do M.Sc in Physics and P.hd in physics.
Then you can easily get job in government sector.
you can join ISRO or any research center also .

BEST WISHES!!!!!!!!!
29th December 2010 08:05 PM
What are the jobs or courses available after completing BSc Physics?

i completed my BSc physics this year. What are the job or course opportunities available for me

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