Thread: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009? Reply to Thread

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20th October 2011 10:45 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

how many question will get asked in cat2011 exam?
23rd September 2011 08:50 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

am gayatri...wna knw abt cat exam n all other ny one help me?
12th July 2011 02:20 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

SIR how many questions will ask in CAT2011
6th July 2011 11:36 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

Look for Cat question papers for that... :)
4th October 2010 11:00 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

how questions may be asked in the cat-2010
15th May 2010 10:55 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

hi friend,
there was 60 question in the exam....
and there was three section and 20 question were from each group.
12th May 2010 04:31 PM
sonal goel
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

In all there were 60 questions in the paper. in which no. of questions in english section were more than the other sections of quant and DI.
I being the examinee of CAT-09.....the pattern was relatively simple and no need to worry about its getting online...
I have also given online exam and feel much comfortable then doing it with paper pencil one.......
Further you can visit the following career launcher site and have the detailed analysis of CAT-09 exam day wise and slot wise.....
12th May 2010 11:32 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

hi, friend

in cat -2009 may be asked question is around 60. ther eare also sub part of there

bets luck...
11th May 2010 10:46 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

there will 60 question asked in totality which is equally divided into three different section......i mean :-

section A :- 20 question
section B :- 20 question
section C :- 20 question
11th May 2010 12:02 AM
[email protected]
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

they ask mostly 60 questions
visit the above given site you will get the useful tips to crack cat exam
10th May 2010 04:06 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

maximum number of marks in cat exam
6th April 2010 02:35 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

they ask mostly 60 question.

to crack the cat exam

best of luck
31st March 2010 10:46 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

mostly they ask 60 questions.but most imporatant is that you know tha answers or no :-)
well there wa a gossip that the pattern of the paper is changes sohe format of the test will remain more or less the same except that a candidate reads question on a computer terminal and clicks on the correct answer.

all the best
26th March 2010 08:25 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

hi friend
last year it was 60 questions
its not fixed
some questions also repeat some times
so get last years papers

good luck
23rd March 2010 04:32 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

in 09 60 questions comes , 20 on each section ...
but this is vary year to year ....
negative marking is present here .,..
good luck
7th March 2010 04:49 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

number of questions differ each year.
in 2009 CAT exam 60 questions were asked.
there is no cut off. they give score in the form of percentile. so you have to keep it high in order to get admission in good college
7th March 2010 02:33 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

dear friend
here are the details:-
there will be 60 questions
there will be three groups each consisting of 20 questions
the questions will be generally on general english,logical reasoning,comprehension,etc
the cutoff cannot be predicted as it varies from year to year
6th March 2010 06:39 PM
rahul k
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

the cat pattern have changed year by year, in 2009 there are 60 question are asked.
22nd February 2010 04:10 PM
rahul k
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

Total Questions are asked in cat exams are approx- 60 questions
total Time of complete the exams- 120 minutes.

and question are asked from - data interperation, general english, reasonings and reading comprehensions peragraphs.
31st January 2010 01:57 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

there are all total 3 sections.....each contain 20 questions and all total you will be given 60 questions
28th January 2010 02:25 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

there will be 20 question in every section it means there will total 60 question.
27th January 2010 01:06 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?


the CAT-2009 was having:

60 questions in total---
1)section 1:english:20 questions
2)section 2I :20 questions
3)section 3:quant:20 questions

there are sectional cut-offs as well as over all cut-off.
you have to clear both the cut-offs,to get a call for GD-PI from IIM's.

best of luck
23rd January 2010 12:56 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

It is known by now that there are 60 Qs in CAT2009
20 Qs per section
11th January 2010 10:14 PM
rohit kumar singh
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

now the exam is over
question paper was divided into four sections
each section consist of 15 question
8th January 2010 08:03 PM
Abhilash Bachulinge
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

last year it was 60 questions
its not fixed
some questions also repeat some times
so get last years papers

good luck
9th December 2009 04:26 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

this year the new online cat exam had 60 questions.....from various subjects......
8th December 2009 08:04 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

well there is no fixed number of questions,but this year it was 60
also there were many repeat questions ,so if your exam are not over just look to previous years question papers
4th December 2009 08:43 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

In 2009 cat 6o question were asked,20 in each section,and if you want to clear all section attempt atleasr 38-40 question,13 in each section ,so you will able to clear all section cut offs
4th December 2009 08:29 PM
Pradeep kumar.H.P
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

in question paper you may get around 60-70 question
4th December 2009 05:42 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

hi ankita you need not to worry because now in cat 2009 there is no sectional cut off list and might be in your term 60to 90 questions only.
4th December 2009 02:50 PM
[email protected]
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

There will be 90 questions in all. The maximum marks for these 90 questions is 360.Each carrying 4 marks.There is also the negative marking system, for each wrong answer you will be getting a negative marking of 1 mark, that is you will lose 1 mark for every negative answer.
4th December 2009 09:17 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

the number of questions keeps change on changing from year to year
4th December 2009 01:01 AM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

Originally Posted by ankita33127s View Post
hello sir,please let me know thathow many no. of question will be going to ask in cat-2009 and what will be the the minimum cut-off in each of the different section?
Hello ankita
It is known by now that there are 60 Qs in CAT2009
20 Qs per section.
No information is known about cut-offs.
IIMs have not disclosed about the marking scheme so cut-offs can't be predicted.........

So did u give ur exam?
How was it?
3rd December 2009 07:04 PM
Re: How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

There will be 60 to 70 questions in the test. There are four different ssections namely Ability, Reading Comprehension, Problem Solving and Data Interpretation. there will be negative marking for each wrong answers.
27th November 2009 11:27 AM
How many questions will get asked in cat-2009?

hello sir,please let me know thathow many no. of question will be going to ask in cat-2009 and what will be the the minimum cut-off in each of the different section?

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