Thread: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category? Reply to Thread

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30th November 2012 07:48 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

hi buddy,

Being a SC there is some chance that you may get into IIT,delhi or any other IIT. But generally for general category 32 is not a big score for getting into IIT.

So dont worry lets wait for the result and hope that it comes out with flying colors!!

Good luck!!
15th March 2012 09:02 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i have got 32(ec ) marks in gate . can i get nit allahabad?
15th March 2012 08:57 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i have 32 marks in ec (obc) .can i get admission in nit allahabad ?
if i take admission in electrical deptt.(control),then there is any difficulty in future for getting teaching job in electronics field?
16th February 2012 06:22 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

Being a SC there is some chance that you may get into IIT,delhi or any other IIT. But generally for general category 32 is not a big score for getting into IIT.

So dont worry.
16th February 2012 05:28 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

I am getting 56.77 marks in ME gate 2012... I belong to SC category... Is there any cahnce of getting IIT???
16th February 2012 12:24 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

hi,i am subhajit,
i probably will get 39-41.33 marks in gate 12
i am frm mech engg
with SC reservation ,where can i get chance for mtech,i am not able to get any idea as because this yr the candidates no is huge(about 3.5 lakh)than prevs yr(it was 82000)?
14th February 2012 09:26 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i will get 7 or 8 marks in gate 2012
obc category
EC branch
what should i do now ??
which college can i get for m tech?
help me
can i get iit?
14th February 2012 09:25 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i will get 7 or 8 marks in gate 2012
obc category
EC branch
what should i do now ??
which college can i get for m tech?
help me
can i get iit?
14th February 2012 09:12 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i will get 7 marks in gate 2012
ec branch
what can i do..plz help me
14th February 2012 09:07 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i will get 7 marks in gate 2012 ec branch obc category what can i do plz help me....
13th February 2012 11:24 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

what will be the cutoff for ECE gate 2012?
19th June 2011 12:03 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir i am a general candidate n will b appearing for gate 2012. will amarks of above(40) b sufficient for admissions in iits?
16th June 2011 07:56 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir i will be appearing in gate 2012. i am a general candidate. what should be my target score to get into iits? Is above 40 out of 100 a sufficient score?
18th March 2011 10:30 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir i have got 49 marks in ECE and 2460 rank and my percentile is 98.3 . i have got obc reservation can i get iit for mtech or ms?
16th March 2011 12:32 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir ,if have score 37 in gate and belonging to obc category ? sir can i take the iit
15th March 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i got 22 marks in sc category in ec sream where can i ge seat?
15th March 2011 03:51 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i got 22 marks in sc category in ec sream where can i ge seat?
15th March 2011 03:47 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i got 22 marks in sc category in ec sream where can i ge seat?
8th March 2011 11:41 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

if you belong to sc category and your score in gate is 32 then there is very good chance of yours to get admission in iits colleges. if not in iits then nits is for sure.

good luck
7th March 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

for general with 55 marks in gate ec 2011 expected rank? is any of nit or bhu or bits or dec better than any one of iits?
plz suggest me any good college for and any other courses in iits.......
regards.........M S
7th March 2011 07:31 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir hav secured 33/100 in gate 2011 in ece & i belong to general category. I want to do in telecommunications. can u suggest best institutes that i can get with this score like iits,nits, other universities like delhi univ, madras univ, anna univ, jntu etc or any other top private universities. can i expect better score this time compare to last year.
27th February 2011 09:27 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

Sir, I'm doing my and of general category.What must be the range of score I should get to do my at IIT Delhi. and my branch is Electronics & Communication. Please give me the info. sir.
20th February 2011 01:27 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

hi buddy,

Being a SC there is some chance that you may get into IIT,delhi or any other IIT. But generally for general category 32 is not a big score for getting into IIT.

So dont worry lets wait for the result and hope that it comes out with flying colors!!

Good luck!!!
20th February 2011 01:25 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

I think you have a good chance to make it.
20th February 2011 01:22 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

IIT Delhi is not confirm but you will get IIT Chennai..but this year competition is more easier than last year
20th February 2011 01:11 AM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

IIT Delhi is not confirm but you will get IIT Chennai..but this year competition is more easier than last year
19th February 2011 08:25 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

not 100% sure that u will get admission in iit delhi but u will check what is last cutoff for sc ece student in iit delhi in a given branch so this year also the same cutoff will be for ece in gate.
19th February 2011 05:00 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

dear friend
this can't be predicted as of now whether you can get IIT Delhi or not. but if we go by previous standards you might get it with a bit of luck
19th February 2011 01:19 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

sir, i will get 22 marks in GATE2011 in EC branch and belongs to SC category....will i qualify for the exam?
19th February 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

This time cut-off of ece gate paper should be less than that of previous year. but still very less chances of getting any branches in iit delhi, however you can the iit guwahati and other newly formed iits.
19th February 2011 11:46 AM
smruti prasad das
Re: Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

hiiiiiiiiiiii friend

32 marks in gate isn't sufficient to choose good paper in iit.

it completely depends on the highest marks.

if the highest mark is less then u will be take admission in some cases u also not eligible for iits.
19th February 2011 02:43 AM
Any branch in IIT, Delhi after 32 marks in GATE (EC branch) and belonging to SC category?

i belong to SC category. i am expecting 32 mark in GATE2011 .my branch is EC. Can i get any branch in IIT DELHI, also what can i get.

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