Thread: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S Reply to Thread

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3rd February 2020 03:17 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Sir,what is the eligibility criteria rquired to get the job of a unani medical officer which exame do i have to write??
18th February 2014 12:10 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

I am unani graduate practicing at my own clinic kindly give me guidence for govt job in up
16th October 2013 12:46 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

What can we do after bums?test of medical officer in delhi 2013
15th August 2013 02:45 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

sir mujhe bums me admision lena he per smajh nhi aa rha h ke ye cource kesa hota h mujhe admision lena chahiye ya nhi mujha gov job melegi ya nhi plese tell me
5th May 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i had compltd in 2011 n seeking for govt plz help me
4th May 2012 11:00 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Respected sir
myself Mohd.Ali Ahmad passed BUMS from AMU in1999:I'm very hopeless; not getting govt job to this degree.
i w'd advise to the people' no entry' to this stream&please tell me vacancy.
i think ds iznt so evry time...dnt say no entry fr anybdy else.. m also a bums student..n i feel ds izz d bst crs fr education n research both...m doing work hard n m gettng suprb rzlts...dnt b so mch hopeless"" do belive...n itz ma wsh dat ALLAH may grant u d peak lvl of success..dr.araf
22nd April 2012 03:59 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i m dr. md.islam ansari,bums from delhi university 2011 ,i m searching medical officer job.plz give me information,o9868448486,o9716791164
22nd April 2012 03:52 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i m ansari,bums completed from delhi university 2o11 ,plz giv information meical officer in delhi
20th April 2012 01:10 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

I have completed BUMS in 2010 i want govt. job as medical officer kindly know the place where i get the job for female candidate 9918524513
10th March 2012 05:13 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

can bums doctors eligible for dgo and dch
29th February 2012 10:12 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Yes,you can apply for the post of medical officer in Utharakhand Public Service Commision which is recognized by the Government of India. Candidates who are within 21-35 age limits can apply for this. For this, you need to score first class from recognized university. The last date of application would be 23rd September 2010. please visit for more details. Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is putting forward it’s criteria as the candidates should have a graduation in science or engineering and should be under 33 years (age relaxation for OBC and ST/SC/NT candidates)
20th February 2012 11:02 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i have done BUMS in 2012 & right now i want a govt. job,so kindly know the place where i get a govt. job in U.
19th December 2011 05:15 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Dear sir
i am Dr Rizwan ahmad i had compleated bums 2010
reg up want job as medical oficer
25th November 2011 01:09 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Dear sir i am Dr.Rizwana had completed BUMS in 2006. up .call for any gov.job 9368144201
10th November 2011 01:12 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

hi,i am dr.ajay .i completed bums 2010 ragister up board.i want a job of medical officer.
2nd October 2011 05:03 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

is there job in jj hospital for bums
22nd September 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

dear sir,i had completed b.u.m.s in 2010 and i am doing md there any job this field
14th September 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

defnitely you are eligible for that, whenevr there will be vaccancy in any state as recently rajsthan psc had held its unani Medical officers test, you should continously monitor for the same, if you are intrested you can pursue your PG in unani in different departments, including medicne, gynae & obs,Kulliyat, pharmacology, even can do MS in surgery at AKTC AMU aligarh, NIUM bangalore, jamia hamdrd and at Karol bagh..infact they are providing different ranges os scholarships during pursuing PG...
Originally Posted by uummmmahh View Post
Dear sir,
i had completed B.U.M.S in 2009 and i want to job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer also wants to know is mpsc exams held also for b.u.m.s candidate when dated plz if yes then te£l me the procedure i will thankfull to you diehardly
11th September 2011 05:58 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

pay scale for government unani dispensary as a pharmasist
5th September 2011 10:20 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

I m md.imram i complited bums in 2011 plz tell me govt job in haryana& punjab..plz
my cont:09758059960
16th August 2011 08:38 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Respected sir
myself Mohd.Ali Ahmad passed BUMS from AMU in1999:I'm very hopeless; not getting govt job to this degree.
i w'd advise to the people' no entry' to this stream&please tell me vacancy.
4th August 2011 05:47 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Yes,you can apply for the post of medical officer in Utharakhand Public Service Commision which is recognized by the Government of India. Candidates who are within 21-35 age limits can apply for this. For this, you need to score first class from recognized university. The last date of application would be 23rd September 2010. please visit for more details. Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is putting forward it’s criteria as the candidates should have a graduation in science or engineering and should be under 33 years (age relaxation for OBC and ST/SC/NT candidates)
4th August 2011 10:38 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i hav completed BDS,now i want to giv mpsc exam ,how can i apply for that,and when will the next entrance exam for that.for which post i can apply???plzz reply

13th July 2011 03:40 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

sir i am dr waqar i hv completed bums in 2005 hv 5yr clinical as well as 6months teachng exp. Plz help me 2 find right job 09622696775
31st May 2011 12:36 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Tamil nadu public service commission invites application for the direct recruitment in the medical services. So keep in touch with thier website time to time.similarly tripura,hyderabad ,uttarakhand all offers the job opportunities after B.U.M.S.well about M.P.S.C exam ,it will be held in the month of May next year.The paper is of 200 marks & it is divided into 4 sections.Each section contains 50 marks.
12th May 2011 04:16 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

kindly provide me details of job exsist as unani medical officer at govt sector in andhra pradesh..please contact me on this number 9492857770
30th April 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Iam Dr.jabeen taj iam completed BUMS IN 2008 Iam searching unani job
23rd February 2011 01:35 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

sir I am dr afzal and I am also bums complet 2011 any bums want in up or not
23rd February 2011 01:33 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

sir I am dr afzal and I am also bums complet 2011 any bums want in up or not
5th February 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

kindly provide me details if any job for unani medical officer exsist in govt hospital my qualification is MD UNANI female candidate plz contact:9492857770
3rd February 2011 10:43 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Sir I am dr muheet and I am also bums camplet 2002 any bums want in up or not
24th January 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

i completed my unani medicine last year(2010) plz tell me abt availability of JOB as Medical officer in unani dispensary in andhra pradesh or any where else where also
23rd October 2010 10:14 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

u are eligible to apply in uttarakhand for this post. for this your should be between 21 to 27
30th September 2010 11:57 AM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Tamil nadu public service commission invites application for the direct recruitment in the medical services. So keep in touch with thier website time to time.similarly tripura,hyderabad ,uttarakhand all offers the job opportunities after B.U.M.S.well about M.P.S.C exam ,it will be held in the month of May next year.The paper is of 200 marks & it is divided into 4 sections.Each section contains 50 marks.
20th September 2010 10:58 PM
Re: Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

You can apply for the post of medical officer in Utharakhand Public Service Commision which is recognized by the Government of India. Candidates who are within 21-35 age limits can apply for this. For this, you need to score first class from recognized university. The last date of application would be 23rd September 2010. please visit for more details. Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is putting forward it’s criteria as the candidates should have a graduation in science or engineering and should be under 33 years (age relaxation for OBC and ST/SC/NT candidates)
20th September 2010 03:46 AM
Job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer after B.U.M.S

Dear sir,
i had completed B.U.M.S in 2009 and i want to job in government unani dispensary as a unani medical officer also wants to know is mpsc exams held also for b.u.m.s candidate when dated plz if yes then te£l me the procedure i will thankfull to you diehardly

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