Thread: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India? Reply to Thread

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17th April 2016 03:22 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

Previous year cutt off mark for sidha medical college in tamil nadu
10th June 2015 09:04 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

I have 114marks in mscit 2015 I got or not government medical college in India
20th November 2013 12:27 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

Is there any reserve seats for ex serviceman children in govt medical college for MBBS
6th May 2013 01:50 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

28th March 2013 01:56 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

Sir, I have scored 191 as cut off. I belongs to MBC category. Will I get a seat in Govt. quota for M.B.B.S.,(Cardio) anywhere in Tamilnadu medical colleges?
27th March 2013 06:56 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

cutt off list in medical colleges in eamcet in andhrapradesh for mbbs
4th November 2012 12:17 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

i want to know cut off list for mbbs seat in upcpmt
16th August 2012 08:37 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

When will be the first selection list of amupmdc anounced
17th July 2012 01:50 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

sir, can i get a medical seat for my cutoff 159 in SCA quotta?
20th June 2012 01:46 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

can i get a seat in govmnt collge in m.p for mbbs i got 151 in mppmt
16th June 2012 10:02 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

plz sir. can i get admission for mbbs in 151(maharashtra) marks in asso cet?
15th June 2012 08:25 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

I HAVE GOT 340 IN AIPMT, 155 IN WARDHA, 97 IN MH CET, 156 IN UP PMT , Can i get any government college for MBBS course
3rd June 2012 12:44 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

hello sir
i got 1021 rank in AIPMT MAINS 2012

plz let me know what colleges i can get?
5th April 2012 08:58 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

How much mark is required to get seat in tamilnadu medical college for Oc?
30th March 2012 11:31 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

i want to know the cut off marks for government medical colleges in tamilnadu
15th March 2012 02:16 AM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

i want to know about cutoff marks for government medical college in tamilnadu
8th October 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

mp pmt cutt off marks in ff quata
1st October 2011 02:08 PM
Cutoff list of all government medical colleges of India?

please sir i want to take admission to government medical college i have got 127 marks in mhtcet i belong to open categoery please send cutoff of alll gmc on 918805912321

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