Thread: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination? Reply to Thread

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5th October 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

hello sir/mam could you please let me know the exact date of csat exam
10th August 2011 07:04 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

gudeve ..
i just want to know
when will be
the next schedule
for csat exam?
thanks !
28th May 2011 11:51 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

i missed this of csat exam
can u tell me the next date of csat exam?
22nd April 2011 11:36 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

i missed csat exam notification
can u tell me when next time csat exam will be conducted in 2011
5th March 2011 10:41 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

how to fill up the csat form? Need instruction.
27th February 2011 12:41 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Originally Posted by Debananda Nayak View Post
I am graduate and want to apply for csat i want to know when is last date of application for the same and also from where i can get the forms of csat 2011.
Dear friend,

CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) is now the revised name for

Civil Services Preliminary Examination and will be conducted by

the UPSC.

The important dates for CSAT 2011 examination are given below:

Notification date: 19th February, 2011
Last date to submit application form: 21st March, 2011
Examination Date: 12th June, 2011

Regarding application forms, you can either fill the form offline or you
can apply online for the examination.

To apply offline: Get the application form from the post office and after
filling the form and giving the required examination fee in form of stamp,
send it to the required destination.

To apply online: Visit the website "" and fill
the application form and submit the required examination fee in form
of Chalan.

For more details you can visit the official website of UPSC(

Best wishes..
25th February 2011 07:52 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

The application process for CSAT prelims for 2011 has started as of
19th February 2011 the notification for the same was published in leading news papers
The exam will be conducted on 12th/June/2011.
you can apply till the 21/March/2011. which is the last date of application.
visit following link for application process and further details.
I am giving you sample papers for CSAT
25th February 2011 06:40 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

*** Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination***
CSAT( Civil Service Aptitude Test ) is an Exam conducted by upsc Board,for this some information are given below:-

upsc Board conduct two paper one is main and other Preliminary
post which one is apply the candidates:- IPS Officer , IAS officer etc.

************** NOTE************
IMORTANT date are given here you have must know
1. civil services(pre): date of rccipt application form:-21-jan-2011
date of exam:-12-june-2011

2. civil services(main): date of exam:-29-oct-2011
25th February 2011 03:20 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?




25th February 2011 01:55 PM
omprakash sharma
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?


CSAT Means Civil Services Aptitude Test Exams, Which Is Conducted by UPSC.

The Notification Of This Exams Was Published In the Official Websites And Employment Newspaper In 19/Feb/2011.

And If You are Intrested to Apply for This Exams, then The Last Date of Application Was 21/March/2011.

The Exams Was Held On 12th/June/2011.

So, If You Really Interested To Apply For CSAT 2011 Exams, Then Please Apply Soon.

their are two sets of exam

if you clear in prelimenary test then you can sit in the mains otherwise not.

this is the necessary condition for it.
25th February 2011 01:49 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

The Civil Service Aptitude Test or the CSAT is conducted the UPSC every year for recruitment of IAS, IPS officers etc..

Graduates in any field can apply.

The exam is held in 2 sessions.

First is the Preliminary Session which is scheduled for 12th June 2011.

If a candidate qualifies in the Prelims, he becomes eligible for the Mains to be held on 29th October 2011.

Notification was released on 19th Feb 2011 and can be found in the employment newspapers dates 19th Feb 2011-25th Feb 2011.

Last Date of Submission of Application form is 21st march 2011.

Interested candidates may apply online at:

If you want to apply offline, you may obtain the Application form from the designated Head Post Offices and General Post Offices throughout the country. The form can be obtained against a payment of Rs.30/- throughout the country.

I have attached the notification and syllabus for your reference.
25th February 2011 01:23 PM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Important Dates For CSAT Exam to be Taken Care with -->

CSAT i.e Civil Service Aptitude Test is an Exam conducted by upsc Board every year.

It is having Two Exam one is Preliminary And 2nd One is Mains. If you clear Preliminary then only you are allowed to sit for Mains.

Its an Exam for IPS Officer , IAS officer etc....

Here's the Important Dates..

Good Luck.For the Exam...
25th February 2011 11:59 AM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

For your information:

CSAT 2011 examination:

The date of notification will be on: 19.02.2011

The last date for receipt of CSAT CSE (P) applications is on: 21.03.2011 (MONDAY
The date of commencement of CSAT exam is: 12.06.2011 (SUNDAY)

For application form & furhter details please visit the website:


25th February 2011 11:02 AM
rahul k
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

CSAT Means Civil Services Aptitude Test Exams, Which Is Conducted by UPSC.

The Notification Of This Exams Was Published In the Official Websites And Employment Newspaper In 19/Feb/2011.

And If You are Intrested to Apply for This Exams, then The Last Date of Application Was 21/March/2011.

The Exams Was Held On 12th/June/2011.

So, If You Really Interested To Apply For CSAT 2011 Exams, Then Please Apply Soon.

And For More detail Please Visit the Official Websites OR Read the Given Notification -
25th February 2011 10:48 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?


The Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) notification is published on the
employment news papers on February 19, 2011. The CSAT exam will
be held on June 12, 2011.

You can get the notification on the employment news paper. You can
apply online for the CSAT exam. To apply online for the CSAT exam you
have to go to the official web site of UPSC which is

There you will get the option of online application form. Read the instructions
carefully while filling the form online and according to procedures mentioned
fill the application form for the CSAT exam.

For more information related to CSAT exam which is conducted by the UPSC
visit the official web site of UPSC given above.

25th February 2011 10:28 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Originally Posted by Debananda Nayak View Post
I am graduate and want to apply for csat i want to know when is last date of application for the same and also from where i can get the forms of csat 2011.
Date of Notification 19.02.2011

Candidates are required to apply Online only by using the website http://
However candidates residing in certain
remote areas, may also apply through offline mode,

This form can be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/
Post Offices throughout the country against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only).
25th February 2011 09:52 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Hello Friend,

Important dates (Tentative) for CSAT-2011 examination are as follows: -

1. Last date for submission of CSAT-2011 application form = April 30, 2011

2. Date of CSAT 2011 Exam = May 29, 2011

CSAT (Civil Service Aptitude Test) exam conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission). For more details & updated information visit official website i.e.

Good Luck
25th February 2011 09:29 AM
sanjay kumar saini
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?


The CSAT is the new examination scheme, which is yet to be established, as a replacement for the existing preliminary examination.

Candidates will have to appear in two objective-type papers having special emphasis on testing their “aptitude for civil services” as well as on “ethical and moral dimension of decision-making” under a Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT).

Both these papers — having equal weightage — will be common to all candidates in place of the one common paper (general awareness) and one optional paper (any particular subject of choice) under the existing system which lays greater emphasis on subject knowledge.

The last date to apply for the exam is 21st March.

The examination will be conducted on 12th June.
25th February 2011 09:22 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

UPSC CSAT is generally held in May/June of every year. UPSC CSAT 2011 will be held on June 12, 2011. The Notificaion for the UPSC CSAT will be carried my all major newspapers of India on February 19, 2011. About 3,00,000 people are expected to take the test and about 12,000 people may be qualified for the Civil Services (Mains) Exam 2011. (Source: IAS Exams site)
25th February 2011 09:06 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

CSAT 2011 exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21at March...

please refer for further detail and to apply..

i am giving you a small description of syllabus here..

It consits of two paper and each paper of Two hrs..

(Paper 1) (200 marks) consists of
Current events.
Indian Polity and governance
Economic and social development
and General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks)
Logical reasoning and analytical ability
Decision making and problem solving
General mental ability
Basic numeracy(Class X level)
English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
25th February 2011 08:41 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Civil service exam dates (preliminary):

Date of notification : 19.2.11

Last date of receipt of application : 21.3.11

Date of examination : 12.6.11

The notification is already released.The Application forms are available in

various designated post offices across throughout the country.

visit the website :
25th February 2011 07:38 AM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

Dear Friend,

The important dates of CSAT are as follows.

The last date to receipt online application is 21st March till 11.59 pm.

The examination will be conducted on 12th June.

for more details you may visit the website.

The last date to receipt ofline application is 21st March till 5 pm.

Best wishes!!!!!!!!
25th February 2011 06:54 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

The forms are currently available. You can either purchase the form from any main Post Office near you or you can apply for the same online. Incase you purchase it from a post office then you need to ensure that a Central Recruitment Stamp is placed on form when you pay Rs 100 to purchase the same. For online mode the fees is Rs 50/-. Make sure that the filled form reaches the authorities by 21st March. Also do remember to keep a copy for future reference.
25th February 2011 04:56 AM
Re: Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

The application process for civil services preliminary examination or
civil services aptitude test(CSAT) has been started after the notification
for the same published on 19th February.

The last date to apply for the exam is 21st March.

The examination will be conducted on 12th June.

For any further detail about the exam can be obtained from UPSC official website.

The pattern of the exam is new this year.

The syllabus for the exam is attached with this message.
24th February 2011 10:50 AM
Debananda Nayak
Important dates for CSAT-2011 examination?

I am graduate and want to apply for csat i want to know when is last date of application for the same and also from where i can get the forms of csat 2011.

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