Thread: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications? Reply to Thread

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5th September 2017 04:26 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir, I am Tejasri from vizianagaram.l am completed intermediate (MPC) with 74.5% . Now I am studing in degree 3 year as private. l am interested to do railway & bank please kindly inform me if there are any job for ladies with inter qualification send me details this is my mail id Hoping for good respond
3rd July 2017 11:40 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir, I am lavanya from done.l am completed intermediate (MPC) with 96% .l am interested to do railway & bank please kindly inform me if there are any job for ladies with inter qualification send me details this is my mail id hoping for good response
25th September 2015 04:41 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir i Am k.vara lakshmi from secunderabad i have complete my degree 1st year bcom generals i want to do railway job so please kindly inform me if there any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualification send me details this is my mail id 9177746361 hoping for giving good job
23rd April 2015 03:21 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Myself MINHAJ FATHIMA i have recently completed my mpc inter 2 year and i am belong to telangana state and i am interested to do government
jobs like railway field or in banks and i hope that i will get job very faster in telangana
Hoping for best result
My contact number 9618374962 i don't have any email account
5th April 2015 03:07 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

my self Aisha siddiqui and i have recently passed my intermediate from u.p board and i like todo goverment jobs in any field please inform me if any job is available for me ..!
Its my contact no coz i dont have an email accounts 9120846442
Thank you
31st March 2015 11:48 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

hi I belong to s.c category I have completed my intermediate I'm in b.s.c second year now can I get any job in railway?
14th February 2015 07:22 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir ;This is Maipathi Akshitha I secured 97.3% in intermediate with my eamcet rank 35332 in academic year 2012-2014. i am interested in doing government job ( such as SBI clerk) I hope you would inform me through my mail if there any jobs or any entrance exam related to my qualification thanking you yours sincerely Akshitha.
4th February 2015 01:53 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am veena from Hyderabad. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my facebook id [] Hoping for good response.
8th July 2014 07:11 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Hi, Iam Padmini i have completed my intermediate and due to my financial problems in my family i have stopped my studies but Iam SC Region I realy wanted to do have an Opportunity in Govt. Department in Railways as any Post I have 4 years Experience in Job Field Can u see my Resume in
3rd February 2014 04:27 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Any jobs for ladies with intermediate qualification ?
Requested sir ,
I completed my intermediate with stream of BI.P.C. I was interested to do job in south indian please sir inform me any jobs notification in railway department.please....
please provide details to my email
3rd February 2014 04:23 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Any jobs for ladies with intermediate qualification ?
Requested sir ,
I completed my intermediate with stream of BI.P.C. I was interested to do job in south indian please sir inform me any jobs notification in railway department.please....
please provide details to my email
26th November 2013 01:42 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

i am sravanthi. i am completed my intermediate(C.E.C) 2008, with 70%. at present i am pursuing CA(IPCC) in Hyderabad. at the same time i interested to do bank job. so please inform me any jobs in banks Or related to my mail
20th November 2013 09:55 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

please let me know about any govt jobs with inter 48% marks my email id is
11th November 2013 09:58 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Any jobs for ladies in south Indian railway department with intermediate qualification ?
Requested sir ,
I am completed intermediate(biology) with 61% marks. I interested to do south indian railway department .so please inform me any jobs notification in south Indian railway department .please contact 8897594823.
11th November 2013 09:21 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Any jobs for ladies with intermediate qualification ?
Requested sir ,
I am completed intermediate(biology) with 61% marks.i intrasted to do job in south indian please sir inform me any jobs notification in railway 8897594823.
8th September 2013 02:25 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

i have completed my intermediate.i had interest to do job in railways is there any job vacancy?
15th August 2013 11:02 PM
Tai 1
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Girls with the intermediate qualification jobs are ;

If you belongs to PCM in your 12th then you can apply for SCRA posts in INDIAN RAILWA
And you can apply for SSC posts also.

And youcan apply for TC posts in thr railway also.

And you can choose APSRTC posts also.
14th August 2013 09:23 PM
kasipati arun
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

You said that you were completed intermediate so,you can join any coaching center for vro,vra and bank clerks.You have to work hard 2-3 months before notification released for these jobs.choose the coaching 2-3 months.after coaching ends 2-3 days gap exams should there likewise you should schedule your timetable for coaching.So,there is no scope for forget in exam what you learn at coaching centers.
9th August 2013 09:27 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

sir i have passed 10 2 with PCM with 67% which govn.job can i get for the lady i am vinita singh
17th July 2013 04:50 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Hi sir i have completed my intermediate by securing 91% i want to do any govt job in hyderabad please tell jobs for ladies
11th July 2013 08:45 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?


this is reshma from yzag. i cmpleted my inter by securing 90% and qualified in eamcet. i want to start working in any govt. sectors. please inform me if anyone knows. i'm in need. please help me.
my id---
10th April 2013 05:48 PM
AA 12345
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Hello friends…… ..

Girls with the intermediate qualification jobs are ;

If you belongs to PCM in your 12th then you can apply for SCRA posts in INDIAN RAILWA
And you can apply for SSC posts also.

And youcan apply for TC posts in thr railway also.

And you can choose APSRTC posts also.

And choose various jobs like clerical, typists, Bpo, Data entry, Receptionist and get jobs in media fields also.

All the best
9th April 2013 11:01 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir, i m varsha can i get any goverment job after completing my intermediate? Plz tell me job for women after intermediate?
2nd April 2013 04:58 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am prashanthi from hyderabad. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my mail Hoping for good response.
19th March 2013 01:41 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

On the basis of 10+2 there are not many jobs but still there are some for which one can apply.

You can apply for following exams if you want to do a Government job after 10+2.

-You can apply for SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination for Data Entry Operators and Lower Division Clerks.The selection is based on the written exam and skill test.

-There is SCRA Exam for those who want to join Indian Railway. But you must have physics,Chemistry and maths in 10+2 to apply for this exam. SCRA is Special Class Railway Apprentice Exam.

-SBI Clerical Examination is there for 10+2 students who have got 60% marks. You must have computer knowledge of you want to apply for this exam.The selection will be based on the written and interview.

-Railway TTE job is also available for 10+2 passed students.

-Postal Assistant for India Post also requires 10+2 passed candidates.

So the above jobs are all government jobs and you have to be very well prepared for the examination if you want to get these jobs.

There are many private jobs also available for 10+2 but you must have some skills with 10+2 if you want to do private jobs.
18th March 2013 06:20 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

sir this is pavan i have completed my intermedite with 87% iam interested to do any job in railways.could you plss help me what type jobs available with intermediate qualification and when they released notifications for applying them.plss give me reply in detail my email hope you help for my best future.thank you sir.
13th March 2013 12:01 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir, I am completed intermediate in2010.iam interst to do a railway announcer job plz tell how to apply that job my contact no is 7382303738
5th November 2012 03:32 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am Geeta from Noida. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do Company job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications.Please call me on 9650706246.I am looking Hindi company. Hoping for good response.
23rd October 2012 09:38 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?


I suggest you to be graduate before applying railway jobs

Railway Exam ---
* Clerk
* Assistant clerk
* Typist
* Ticket collector
* Grade D jobs
* Sweeper

23rd October 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am Pavani from Vijayawada. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my mail id- Hoping for good response.
11th October 2012 12:39 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

sir i am completed inter with 88% now i am styding deegre if there are any jobs please send send to this email id nagasri
11th October 2012 12:37 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

i am s. naga sri had completed inter with 88% now i am styding deegre if there are any jobs please send to this e mail id nagasri sunkara
11th October 2012 11:50 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I AM S. Naga Sri i have completed my intermediate with 88%. I am interested to do railway job and i am studing deegre1st year( tax). So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for inter qualification send details. This is my email id nagasri
20th June 2012 01:19 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am santhosha i have complited my intermideat with 6o% .I am intrested to do the job and i am doing degree 1st please kindly inform me if there any jobs for inter send details this is my Email ID
20th May 2012 10:29 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am Chandraveer singh katoria from gwalior i have completed my intermediate. i am interested to do railway job. pleasse kindly inform me if there are any jobs for indies with tha intermidiate qualifications send details this is my mail
18th May 2012 10:38 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

hai i am suri
7th May 2012 10:58 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Sir,recently i had completed my intermediate from M.P.C english medium,now i am studying 1st year C.S.E in kmm.I got 71% in intermediate,if there any jobs to girls then plz send details to my email
27th April 2012 11:23 AM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Any job for ladies with intermediate Qualification in bank or any office in kadapa?

I have 84% in intermediate. my id is plz me the details.
26th December 2011 10:18 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

how to apply for announcement person,receptionist.i have complete my graduation in computers.pls me the details.........
my email id is
14th December 2011 08:14 PM
nikeetaa muthiyan
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Originally Posted by P.DURGA DEVI View Post
I am Durga from Vijayawada. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my mail id- Hoping for good response.
Dear Madam,
You can apply for railway jobs.
There are some post like announcement person,receptionist where you get a job but these jobs are of less salary.

Best Of Luck !!!
14th December 2011 06:00 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am Sravsnthi from Hyderabad. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my mail id- Hoping for good response.
28th September 2011 09:02 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am santosh i completed intermediate with 75% marks tell any jobs in railways and banks
13th September 2011 01:45 PM
satya surya narayana
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

yes there are some jobs in railways with intermediate qualification but of low salary like announcement person,receptionist
12th September 2011 10:24 PM
Re: Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

Hai i am A.HARIKRISHNA from kadapa iam completed in inter 74percent inbi.p.c i have any job in companeys pls inform.Thank u. Satyagrahi.Krishna55@gmail.Com
1st September 2011 07:59 PM
Any jobs for Ladies with Intermediate Qualifications?

I am Durga from Vijayawada. I have completed my intermediate. I am interested to do railway job. So please kindly inform me if there are any jobs for ladies with the intermediate qualifications send me details this is my mail id- Hoping for good response.

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