Thread: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer? Reply to Thread

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13th June 2013 07:27 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

helo i completed ece 2013 pasd out,i hve 81 percntage.i want which type of company select for job and what are they?if i do any additional course means wt i mail id:[email protected]
25th April 2013 12:32 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i have completed my with 69.5% in the year 2012.are there any vacancies or openings for us o apply i n railway .If any plz reply to my mail and my mail is [email protected]
31st May 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i m done from lovely profession university ,can i apply for railway service from ? may email id is [email protected]
1st May 2012 09:46 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hai sir,I am 2012 passed out student.I am completed BE(ECE).Any job vacancies for percentage is mail id is [email protected].
16th April 2012 10:04 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hi sir,i'm doing ece completed at 2012.any job vacanies for percentage is 80%
2nd March 2012 11:16 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i have completed my graduation in 2008 7 is pursuingmy m.b.a from tamilnadu university and im about to complete my second year also & i want to know which are the exams i have to go through for getting governement jobs in hyderabad in central government & what all will be the procedure to apply for it.
2nd February 2012 02:10 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

yes ,there is many vacancies for the engineering freshers in railways, the mostly advertisement will come through the employment news. and you can also go for .
4th January 2012 03:28 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hi, this is Shwetha

I am 2005 output batch of BE ECE but i have passed and completed on 2009, with 55% aggregate, shall i get any administrative or any other engineering related jobs in railways
7th November 2011 04:33 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Indian Railway publish the vacancies in Employment News, Rozgar Samachar & opens in internet website also i.e.

Indian Railway opens vacancies for every qualification.

For example: - For Engineers

Post - JE, SE
2nd October 2011 09:40 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

please, update me about the all government vacancies for B.E (ECE) at email:[email protected], also sms on 919940356119
21st September 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

i am doing final year BE.ECE.i want to get job in railways,could u tell me whether there is job vacancy for freshers .What kind of exams do you conduct?.

my contact is [email protected]
17th September 2011 08:52 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Sir I completed I.T.I and doing E.C.E, I joining railway Job. pls send me reply as early as possible to my emai
[email protected]
16th September 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i have completed my BE with 72% in ece 0n 2010.i want to got a job.pls send me reply as early as possible
4th September 2011 08:54 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i completed my with 56.7 agg in e.c.e i have basic command in electeonics subjects any job in railways?
3rd August 2011 05:29 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir,i am doing BE 3rd ECE.i want to got a job.pls tell some information?
1st August 2011 11:28 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Ya engineers are most wanted persons of railways
for that
**you write railway recuritment board(rrb)
**it has many procedures like written test,interviews and more
**you regularly watch the "employment news"
all the best
1st August 2011 01:54 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Sir, I have passed my b. tech degree in ECE FROM LPU with 70%. Is myself will get job in any field ? ....Ashutosh Rana
30th July 2011 01:42 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir i am cureently pursuing b.e(i.t) and next year plan to go into railways via v.r.s of my father as assistant loco pilot.but is there any chance to have any department transfer according to my classification degree is almost 70%
25th July 2011 08:51 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hi all..i have just completed my B.E(ECE) with aggregate 64%..i am desperate to work for railways..could you tell me the procedures that i have to follow in order secure a job in railways ?.besides i have checked shows our ENGINEERING SERVICES exams had already got over in may 2011..please help us mail id is [email protected]
17th July 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hi friends .I have completed the written exam for je post which was conducted railway rrb(secbad).but i have still a small doubt) whether Iam eligible for the post or else we have to apply for section engineer only.because in the notification he has given the minimum qualification for the post is diploma in engineering.the notification number is diploma cen 05/2010.can any one of senior railway members or the persons who know the information plz give their valuable mail id is [email protected]
8th July 2011 10:12 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

how to apply for je and se post... when is the last date? i am a B.e(ece)fresher.
2nd June 2011 04:02 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

can i know what kind pf entrance exam have to be written for railway jobs for those who cmpleted b.e ece ?pls send me reply as early as possible to my email [email protected]
31st May 2011 11:33 PM
Sumit Ahujaa
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

yes ofcourse. you can try all the government jobs like
25th May 2011 05:22 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

I'm vijayabharathi completed my final year ECE. My percentage is 8O% bt have two standing arrears. Am I eligible to railway exams or jobs? Can u suggest me pls?
My mail id is [email protected]
15th May 2011 07:41 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

I have completed 10th.can i join in railway job
30th April 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

iam Christina Daniel..... B.E final yr completed my exam. til now i have aggregate of 76.57% im looking out for a job.......... can u suggest me foe which iam eligible .......... i have registered in all job site but all suggestions mostly come for experienced .......... my id - [email protected]
21st April 2011 06:36 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

syllabus for railways paper for electronics and communication engineering student
12th April 2011 04:47 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

hii, you need to RRB exam from that you can get respective departments post.
3rd April 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

you say that there are post in railway for fresher engineer and they published notification in job newspaper and we have to apply how will know for these exams.where they publish this?is there any vacation in 2011 year.
21st March 2011 05:25 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

what kind of preparations i do
2nd March 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir my i am is to get se in railway wht to nd when notification released fo 2012 out comes
28th February 2011 11:33 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

yes ofcourse. you can try all the government jobs like
26th February 2011 09:00 AM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

sir, ihave,but electronics side ,idon't have basics ,so give me a suggestion to me
31st January 2011 06:58 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

Hello dear,
I would like to suggest you to appear for IES conducted by UPSC.... it meets your aspirations.
29th January 2011 05:13 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

yes there are post in railway for fresher engineer.
but there are no entrance examination which will be held every year. they published notification in job newspaper and you have to apply directly.
after that you have to appear in exam and if you can clear it you will go for further procedure like interview, medical test etc. after clearing all stage you may join railway.
14th January 2011 12:15 PM
Re: Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?


Passed B.E. or B.Tech in any branch candidates and final year students with 65 % aggr. marks are eligible for Indian Railway jobs.

Indian Railway publish the vacancies in Employment News, Rozgar Samachar & opens in internet website also i.e.

Indian Railway opens vacancies for every qualification.

For example: - For Engineers

Post - JE, SE etc.

Good Luck
5th January 2011 03:41 PM
Any job vacancy for freshers of B.E ECE in Railways? Which entrance exams to answer?

i am doing final year BE.ECE.i want to get job in railways,could u tell me whether there is job vacancy for freshers .What kind of exams do you conduct?.

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