Thread: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related Reply to Thread

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15th December 2018 12:31 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

I am a final year student doing BBA for finance project which type of companies can I opt and tell some topics to do a project
19th February 2015 08:23 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

I am final year student doing BBM for finance project which type of companies i can opt for
29th January 2015 05:31 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Please send me company offering for internship and give me the easy topics for finance project...
21st January 2015 11:22 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi sir, am pursuing final yr mvom, my specialization is accounting and taxation, plz tel me project topic related to my specialization
10th January 2015 03:44 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi am rashmi,
I am final year bbm student of bangalore university , please can u suggest me some topics on finance that can be done on dairy farms
10th June 2014 01:09 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi am noor doing final year bbm specialisation is international business.... suggest me any company
16th May 2014 12:38 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi sir this lokesh i pursing bbm final year i starating project on marketing suggest me to wat topic to choose and give some questionries to my mail [email protected]
16th May 2014 12:35 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi sir this lokesh i pursing bbm final year i starating project on marketing suggest me to wat topic to choose and give some questionries to my mail [email protected]
24th December 2013 04:36 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

I've searched for an consultancy company on which I'm.starting my project.......can yo let me know abt wat topic should I do based on this company??? Totally confused
21st December 2013 04:55 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i am a final year bbm bangalore university finance specialization student. i want to do a project in a manufacturing company(garments) so please suggest me some topics .................
please reply fast.......... this is pooja
1st December 2013 01:46 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi im in my fina l year bbm im interested in finance so plz suggest me some topics
25th October 2013 04:14 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i am doing bbm and my specilasation is finance. i have opted cost and financial analysis as my project topic. can u please tell me some companies
17th October 2013 05:06 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i want to do my 6th sem bbm project on HR can. so plz inform me some topic.
19th February 2013 07:10 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

HI, I want to do BBM project on finanace,,Pl guide me the company near to Malleswaram
or Rajajinagar......
17th January 2013 12:22 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi, I am Rajeev wants to do BBM project on HR can . Pl guide me the company near to Malleswaram
18th December 2012 02:57 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i want to do my 6th sem bbm project on finance, so plz inform me some companies , and topic.
12th December 2012 06:02 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hiiiii m doing bbm final year , plz can u guide me sum topics wich z new n have scope , in finance related to do project m thinking to do crisis economics a crash course on future finance............
29th February 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

need finance project in IT/non IT COMPANIES
26th February 2012 03:53 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

need finance project in IT/non IT COMPANIES
24th February 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi, i am doing 6th sem BBM, I need some project topics in HRM, to do in LIC office please help me
12th February 2012 11:52 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

suggest some companies plssss which offers finance internship ts urgent
13th January 2012 05:13 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

can u plz help me for the project my topic is"recruitment and selection" bbm final year...i want to know companies name to do project.......
22nd December 2011 10:46 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Originally Posted by garg.satish0 View Post
dear friend ,

in the fields of finance you can opt for projects on international finance , cost and financial analysis , etc.
and in the field of hrm , you can opt for projects in industrial relation , labour welfare labour law , etc.

feel free to post as many doubts as you can , we are here to solve your problems .

hiiiiiiii sir pls refer me some good company to do project n give me some guied lines about the project
20th December 2011 11:29 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i like to make a project on insurance co. related to finance so pleas suggest me some topic on insurance co.
8th December 2011 02:13 PM
[email protected]
regards project help

[QUOTE=garg.satish0;94240]dear friend ,


can u plz help me for the project my topic is "effectiveness in recuiretment" i need some questionnaires can u send me through my mail [email protected]

thanking you,
16th November 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi i am Triveni doing my final year bbm.v need 2 do a project in any co,plz help me in selecting the co,
2nd November 2011 11:55 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi m nikhil doing my 5th sem bbm..this sem i m supposed to do a project regarding either HR or Finance so plz let me knw ne easy nd simple topic related to th above mentioned specialisation nd help me out plz..
2nd November 2011 11:02 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi i'm pramod persuing bbm final yr @rjs ims colleg i took HRM as a specialisation plz could you help me in taking topic n would you suggest me any company for my completion of project yours pramod
1st November 2011 07:23 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi i'm bindu i'm pursuing final year bbm :-) pls suggest which topic is better to take in hr field
29th October 2011 04:55 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

am pursing my m.b.a in hr i want some topics for project. Pls help me
25th October 2011 10:04 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hi....myself Raza...i'm in final year bbm...i've to project on finance....could do suggest me any new,unique and innovative finance related topic... thanx
19th October 2011 02:53 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi, am Junaid am pursuing MBA at RVS IMS Coimbatore. My specialisation are Finance & Marketing. I wish to do project related Finance topic in Banglore. I need help for searching companies as well as selecting proper topic.I eagerly waiting for your help.
14th October 2011 12:38 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

For HRM you can go for projects on human resourses development,industrial relation,labour welfare and social security,labour law etc.

For finance you can go for projects on portfolio management,international finance,cost and financial analysis etc.
In marketing yu can pick " personnel selling of a particular company"
In finance " working capital structure of a particular company"
For HRM,,you can go for projects on human resourses development,industrial relation,labour welfare,social security,reccession and how it affected the hr etc.

For finance,,you can go for projects on portfolio management,international finance,cost and financial analysis etc.
11th October 2011 12:54 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

Hey nandu!
In marketing yu can pick " personnel selling of a particular company"
In finance " working capital structure of a particular company"

wish yu luck :)
18th September 2011 03:55 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi this is nandu, i m doing my 5th sem bbm , can u pls suggest me which is d best topic for project , i dont hav any idea , i dont know which company to opt, pls help me in this ............thanking nandu
10th September 2011 09:21 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hi am pursing my bbm final year i need a topic to do project report on finance can u pls suggest me a good one except above topics..........
3rd September 2011 12:19 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

hey i m doin my final yr bbm.n i want a project topic regarding finance plz help me..dis is nidhi here
10th July 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i m dng my bbm final ya...n i want to do projects relating to finance n which l help me in futre in dng my hoet i want it to be related to finance...coz i cant take hotel management as a can u plz suggest me...n which i ve to do vit d help of companys....
7th July 2011 06:54 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i`m in final year bbm, i want the topic could you suggest or give me idea ???
29th May 2011 03:53 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

which is the better option to get into is it finance,marketing or hr.....which of the above have more scope in today's world?plz could you suggest me...
6th February 2011 01:09 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

what are all the projects can be done regarding co-operative banks?
27th January 2011 11:59 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i am final year bbm student and this year we have to do a project. plz help in selecting topic in finance....
19th January 2011 01:54 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

please give me a idea about project topics in finance
17th January 2011 11:15 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

please give me the information about international finance for project
24th December 2010 02:32 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related


For HRM,,you can go for projects on human resourses development,industrial relation,labour welfare,social security,reccession and how it affected the hr etc.

For finance,,you can go for projects on portfolio management,international finance,cost and financial analysis etc.

Good Luck
19th December 2010 11:44 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

i m in final year bbm . and i want d topic . could you suggest me any topic???
13th July 2010 01:08 AM
Shagun Makin
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

you can go for projects HRD,labour law,Mother dairy,financial and chargesheet preparation for differnt companies etc.

In finance you can go for financial analysis of differnt firms as well as helping the companises in preparing budget for them.
11th June 2010 01:32 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

dear friend ,

in the fields of finance you can opt for projects on international finance , cost and financial analysis , etc.
and in the field of hrm , you can opt for projects in industrial relation , labour welfare labour law , etc.

feel free to post as many doubts as you can , we are here to solve your problems .

30th January 2010 05:15 PM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

oh good
u can do project on reccession
how it affected the hr etc
many companies r opting to know tat
19th December 2009 07:55 AM
Re: Project ideas and companies in banglaore for final sem project of BBM course? HRM or finance related

For HRM you can go for projects on human resourses development,industrial relation,labour welfare and social security,labour law etc.

For finance you can go for projects on portfolio management,international finance,cost and financial analysis etc.
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