Thread: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam? Reply to Thread

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21st June 2013 03:58 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

hey friend...yes a computer science/Information technology student is eligible for upsc exam....
but in case of IES exam he/she is not eligible....
the IES is been held only for these branches.....>>>
1. mechanical.
2. electrical.
3. electronics and communication.
4. civil.
but in other upsc exams he/she is eligible if he/she is graduate....
thank you,,,, all the best.
20th June 2013 09:26 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Hi.. I'm a graduate in computer science and engineering.. I want to appear for the upsc exam.. But what optional subject do I take.. Totally confused.. Please do help me with your views and why to choose the subject.. Thank you..!
29th April 2013 11:17 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

i have completed IT naand working in IT major.wanted to get some inputs on the optional paper to choose
since i am appearig for the first attempt.
16th April 2013 09:48 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

I have completed my B.E computer science in 2011. Am i eligible for the Engineering services examination 2013?
17th July 2012 11:40 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

yes definitely
16th July 2012 09:32 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

What are the better subjects comp.scinc. Student can opt for upsc exam?and in which field we are eligible?like in ies we are not eligible.
17th May 2012 01:33 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

I finished my M.Sc.,Software Engineering (5 yrs integrated course) in an Engineering College, Am I eligible to write IES exam??? Plz. Reply...
17th May 2012 01:28 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

I finished my M.Sc.,Software Engineering (5 yrs integrated course) in an Engineering College, Am I eligible to write IES exam??? Plz. Reply...
29th April 2012 11:26 AM
mithu ashi
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Yes as you are an Engineering graduate you can apply for I.E.S examination.
Eligibility criteria for I.E.S. exam:-

I.E.S. means Indian Engineering Service.

-- The candidates who have completed their graduation from engineering can apply for the exam.
-- This exam is conducted to recruit candidates in streams like

* Civil Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
* Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

As you are from C.S.E stream you have to choose any one stream from the four above streams to apply in I.E.S. exam.

-- Final year candidates are also eligible to apply.
-- Candidate must not have any pending backlogs.
-- Candidate must be Indian citizen.
-- Candidates of Nepal , Bhutan or Tibetan who have come to India prior to January 1st 1962 & staying in India permanently can also apply.
-- The age of the candidate should not be less than 21 years & not more than 30 years.
-- Upper age relaxation is given to lower caste candidates.
-- For SC/ST age limit:- 21-35 years, For O.B.C.:- 21-33 years
13th March 2012 08:31 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?


MCA stands for the Master's in Computer Application and it is a Master's/Post Graduate course. It can be done by minimum graduate only.

MCA is a post graduation related to computer Applications stream. Its usually the advanced course of the BCA i.e Bachelor in Computer Application.

Similarly the B.E Computer Science is Bachelor in Engineering Computer Science. Its a graduation course which can be done right after passing class 12th.

Its also a computer related course and after completion of this, M.Tech in CS can be done as an advanced form of this program.

So the only difference is the Graduation and Post Graduation courses. Rest both are related to the studies of the Computers, Programming, DBMS, Networking, etc....

The MCA is equivalent to a B.Tech CS student. So the BCA + MCA = B.Tech in CS. M.Tech is more advanced.

Hope this helps

All the best
12th March 2012 02:28 PM
santhi palla
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Esha Sharma View Post
Yes of course you are eligible for writing upsc exams.
sir wat abt upsc engineering services-2012 there any chance for computer science background student...plz rly to me asap
20th September 2011 06:14 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

my friend, except IES exam, you can apply for most of UPSC exams . in IES ,a student having B.TECH |B.E. degree in any one of these streams (electrical,mechanical,civil,& electrical & communication engineering ).
there are no choice for computer science.
20th September 2011 06:08 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

my friend, except IES exam, you can apply for most of UPSC exams . in IES ,a student having B.TECH |B.E. degree in any one of these streams (electrical,mechanical,civil,& electrical & communication engineering ).
there are no choice for computer science.
26th August 2011 09:35 PM
amaan khan ak
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?
Yes you can give entrance paper upsc after graduation.The only requirment for

upsc paper is graduation.After engineering you can give entrance paper.A

computer science engineer also get job.there is also requirment for adminstrator.

Yo can eligible for upsc exam after completion of your engineering degree.

All the best
12th June 2011 08:28 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Would would be the best Optional Subject that a BE CSE candidate can choose , Since they don't have their primary subject in the list of optional papers, which would be the best one to go for ?
11th June 2011 10:26 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

i have completed my mca i have to know which exam can i prefer in upsc exams
14th March 2011 04:16 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?


yes you are eligible for it,it is enough if you are a graduate in any trade.

you can see all the details on the websites

7th February 2011 08:59 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?
Dear friend,

Surely you are eligible for applying in IES examination.
But there is no option subject as Computer Science, so you
can not take CS as an optional subject while applying for IES
So, you have to select any other subject of choice.
I would suggest you to select the subject related to CS ,ie,
Electronics and telecommunication which will be best for you
for the examination.

For subject informations and further details you can visit the
official website of UPSC:

Best wishes..
5th February 2011 03:35 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Can a computer science engineer take electronic subject ib ies exam?
1st February 2011 01:01 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?
Their are only four branches students are eligible for
IES entrance exam these are:

* Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers *

* Electronics and Radio Engineers *
* Mechanical *
31st January 2011 06:34 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Yes, you can. only criteria is that you should have finished your degree.
27th January 2011 07:55 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

I will b completing BE in computers soon..As there are no options for ies/upsc exam...which of the 2 fields r better or manageable for a fresh start..Civil or Electronics and telecommunications?? Need some guidance..!!
5th January 2011 01:05 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?
Dear friend,
i think absolutely eligible,because you arte graduate studentso,why not...
27th December 2010 05:49 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

I have done MCA.can i write upsc engineering service exam.
20th December 2010 05:31 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

4 what course in engineering a student finished 12th can do???
21st September 2010 12:23 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

28th August 2010 01:36 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?


yes acomputer science student can apply for UPSC exam.

only you have to compromise with some different papers...

for more information you can visit the site..
25th August 2010 10:41 PM
good idea

Dear friend1.) its good idea for upse because it is having most respectable jobs.
2.)As u r a B.Tech.(CSE) student u have no subjects in upsc related to ur Degree
3.)so as u have optional subjects choose sujects u r interested in ,there r 22 subjects
4.)Due to Changing Scenario and CSAT implementation subjects like Public Administration and geography will be better
5.)U can also choose Sociology,a core short syllabus subject.The suggested books for this are Social Movement-M.S.Rao
6.)study current affairs and newspapers like India Today,Yojna.U must also have Public Disscussions.
7.)After Prelims u have to go for Mains and Interview
8.)For more information
9.)there r institutions like Chankya Acadamy
6th August 2010 09:26 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

can a instrumentation student apply for ugc net exam?
31st July 2010 08:21 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

For the ies exam only for the following engineering branch,mechanical/electrical/electronics/civil,MCA is not eligible for the Engineering service examination. Though, MCA is considered somewhat equivalant to BE Computer Science in IT industry,
12th July 2010 01:32 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can computer science B tech stdent is elligible for upsc service exam?

There is nothing wrong in being a computer science student. Obviously you are Eligible. As you are a graduate, you are eligible for the UPSC CSE examination. And also since you are a BTech student, you are also eligible for IES Examination to my knowledge. So no worries.
All the Best.
12th July 2010 01:26 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir....1)is MCA degree is eligible for appearing IES exam...or not.and
2)ME with MCA is eligible or not
please kindly i request you to answer me in this regard
my email id is [email protected]

Sorry. No, MCA is not eligible for the Engineering service examination. Though, MCA is considered somewhat equivalant to BE Computer Science in IT industry, It is not so, with UPSC. So you are not eligible.

I dont understand what is ME with MCA. Is That, you pursued ME- Masters in Engineering?. If so, Then yes, you are obviously eligible.

All the best.
12th July 2010 01:18 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have M.C.A.,ME(C.S) can i be eligible for appearing UPSC engineering service examination....I expect answer very soon

You say, You pursued ME(C.S)- Masters in computer Engineering, I believe. If so, Yes you are double Eligible for Engineering service examination. No Worries.
All the best.
12th July 2010 01:09 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam? and which exam not apply computer science student ??

You have specified that you are a computer science student. But CS student in what stream? Engineering or arts? If Engineering, Then you are eligible for the IES exam.

Good luck.
12th July 2010 01:05 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
am a cse student.can i apply for engineering services

Yes. You are Eligible. IES exam is for engineering graduates entry. If CSE means Computer Science Engineering, Then Sure, You are.

Good Luck.
1st July 2010 09:16 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

can computer science B tech stdent is elligible for upsc service exam?
29th May 2010 07:40 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

sir....1)is MCA degree is eligible for appearing IES exam...or not.and
2)ME with MCA is eligible or not
please kindly i request you to answer me in this regard
my email id is [email protected]
29th May 2010 07:19 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

i have M.C.A.,ME(C.S) can i be eligible for appearing UPSC engineering service examination....I expect answer very soon
13th May 2010 11:57 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

yes you can appear for the upsc exam becouse its minimum qualifiction is graduation in any stream but sorry to say u that none of the subject of computer science are included as optional or compulsory paper
good luck
9th May 2010 11:45 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

mpsc exam in english or hindi
the exam is either in marathi , hindi or english, you will get the option for choosing your language while filling the application form
9th May 2010 02:55 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?

hey! rajesh
Ofcourse!! u r eligible to appear for the exam.
All the best!!
9th May 2010 01:00 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Yes dear you are equally allowed to give UPSC exam like other eligibile students.
For more details check the link
8th May 2010 09:25 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam? and which exam not apply computer science student ??
8th May 2010 05:37 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

Originally Posted by rajeshmaddinapudi View Post
i'm a computer science student. can i write this upsc engg service exam? Am i eligible to this exam?
As of now, for the IES (Indian Engineering Services) it is mandatory to have a valid Engineering degree (B.E or B.Tech) from a recognized university also the PG in the same is desirable for the UPSC but not mandatory. Whether you may a computer science stream candidate in the engineering field is not a constraint. If you have the above said, you can apply for the same. Check out the Employment News regularly for the vacancies and also for the eligibility.

All the Best !!!!!!
7th May 2010 08:47 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

mpsc exam in english or hindi
5th May 2010 08:20 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

am a cse student.can i apply for engineering services
24th March 2010 04:30 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

dear friend
yes you can apply for this exam.
minimum eligibility criteria is under graduate.
and since you are undergraduate you are eligible.
for more details you can visit the link below:
all the best.
17th March 2010 12:34 PM
rahul k
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

you are eligible to appear in IES conducted by UPSC. you can see this website for all information regarding UPSC examinations
12th March 2010 12:33 PM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

hey friend,
there is no any problem
you can write in upsc exam.
and you can see all the details on the websites

o k
all the best
12th March 2010 11:47 AM
Re: can a computer science student apply to upsc engineering service exam?

yeah ofcourse u r eligible for applying to upsc engeneering service xam
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