Thread: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam? Reply to Thread

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13th January 2013 05:29 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

Date of forms for army dental corps 2013?????????????
15th January 2012 07:38 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

when will the notification for Indian army dental corps 2012 exam be published?
23rd October 2011 09:21 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

when will the list of selected interviewees be published regarding the selection of dental officers scc 2011 . plz reply soon
3rd September 2011 05:49 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

can you inform me when the application form will be out
2nd September 2011 08:24 PM
[email protected]
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

Originally Posted by SATYA SUNDAR SAHOO View Post
whn is the notifictaion of indian army dental corps being relesed for the yr 2011? is there any RECOMMENDED BOOKS TAHT WE NEED TO FOLLOW TO CARCK THE INTERVIEW Please help me at the earliest.
also confirm the exact date for sending the application form and selection procedure


suresh gupta
31st August 2011 11:45 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

when the forms ill be out ??
28th August 2011 05:11 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

has the application forms for army dental corps examination been declared? whr can i get the details?
20th March 2011 05:15 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

i need to know the selection criteria for the ex-serviceman belonging
1st March 2011 11:19 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?


the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published
the notification for the Indian Army Dental Corps exam has not been declareid yet
you should look in the employment newspaper or on the official website to get the exam date and further notification
for the interview you should rely on your basics and the knowledge

good luck
16th February 2011 08:22 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

when army dentak corps is getting so many applicants. Y dont thy plan on conducting sme sort of common entrance n thn intrview,rathr thn jst cnsidring final year percentage. Onez 5 yrs hardwork cant b judgd js on basis of final yrz percntage.
16th February 2011 08:17 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

when army dentak corps is getting so many applicants. Y dont thy plan on conducting sme sort of common entrance n thn intrview,rathr thn jst cnsidring final year percentage. Onez 5 yrs hardwork cant b judgd js on basis of final yrz percntage.
27th January 2011 12:25 AM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

the notification for the Indian Army Dental Corps exam has not been declareid yet
you should look in the employment newspaper or on the official website to get the exam date and further notification

for the interview you should rely on your basics and the knowledge .........
26th January 2011 06:20 PM
Re: When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

You can join indian army through NDA.Its exam are held twice in a year in april and in december.Now the forms for april exam are available from feburary.You can apply for this.
26th January 2011 04:37 PM
When will the notification for Indian Army Dental Corps exam be published? Name of the books for recommended the exam?

whn is the notifictaion of indian army dental corps being relesed for the yr 2011? is there any RECOMMENDED BOOKS TAHT WE NEED TO FOLLOW TO CARCK THE INTERVIEW Please help me at the earliest.

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