Thread: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria? Reply to Thread

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16th April 2016 11:04 AM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

How to apply for IPS officer's post after bachelor of tourism studies(bts)?Eligibility criteria?
26th August 2011 09:14 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

Dear friend,
To be an IPS officer you have to sit for CSE which comes under UPSC.The criterion is:
1>You must be a Graduate
2>Your age should be between 21-30
3>You must be an Indian
Physically challenged citizens are not allowed for IPS.
23rd August 2011 09:28 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

i am at the age of 35 yrs ,i am civil engineer can i get a govt job or where should i try
3rd March 2011 04:30 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

Eligibility Criteria for IPS Officer is as mentioned below:-

1) You must be at least 21 years of age at the time of filling the Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam form and not more than 30 years of age .

2) You must possess a graduate degree in any discipline .

3) Candidates who are in the final semester or have taken their final degree exam but are awaiting the results can also appear for IPS.

Relaxation in age for candidate belonging to reservation category:-
  • SC/ST--- 5 years.
  • OBC--- 3 years.
  • Handicaped-- 10 years.

Number of attempts for IPS exam:-
  • General candidates: four attempts.
  • Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates: No restriction.
  • Other Backward Classes: seven attempts.

Candidates may apply Online by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.inDetailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the abovementioned website.

Both online & Offline forms must reach by 21st March, 2011.So in case you are interested in appearing this time then be quick.

Exam will be on 12th June 2011.

For more details visit the official website:
2nd March 2011 09:11 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

Since you have completed your post graduation course hence your definitely eligible for the CSAT examination conducted by the UPSC Board.Your age must be between 21-30 years.

Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Services and Posts will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 12th June, 2011.The upper age limit is relaxable for the following categories:-
(i)up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a
Scheduled Tribe.
(ii)up to a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates.
(iii)up to a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the
State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st January, 1980 to the 31st
day of December, 1989.
(iv)up to a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled
in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area
and released as a consequence thereof.
(v)up to a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen.

The Online Applications can be filled up to 21st March 2011 after
which the link will be disabled.
All Offline Applications must reach the
"Controller of Examinations,
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi-110069"

either by hand or by Post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the 21st March, 2011.The applications will be available in the Central post Office of your city.
2nd March 2011 08:41 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?







I 4 times for UR , 7 for OBC/ SC/ST



2nd March 2011 04:24 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

Hello friend,
For IPS exam, you will have to appear for civil service exam conducted by UPSC.
To give the test, you must be a graduate and between the age limit of 21-30 years. If you belong to SC/ST category, you will be eligible up to the age of 35 years and if you belong to OBC, your maximum eligible age is 33 years.
The civil service exam has three stages
Civil Service Aptitude Test
Main exam
The aptitude test is designed to check the candidates intelligence, reasoning sense, argumentative capacity, aesthetic sense, analytical ability and command over a language. The Aptitude Test will comprise of two papers.
The main exam for the IAS comprises of compulsory and optional subjects.
The compulsory subjects for the Main exam are one Indian language, English, Essay and General studies.
Following are the optional subject for the IAS main exam:
Agriculture Mathematics, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Mechanical Engineering Botany, Medical Science, Chemistry, Philosophy, Civil Engineering, Physics, Commerce,Political Science ,Economics ,Psychology Electrical Engineering Public Administration, Geography, Sociology, Geology, Statistics, Indian,History, Zoology,Law.
Depending upon your interest and expertise, you may choose optional subjects.

You have to clear all the three stages along with a physical test to make it to the IPS.

You may apply online as well as offline. The offline application form is available in the designated post offices and head post offices.
To apply online, visit

For further information, you may refer to the official website of UPSC.
2nd March 2011 04:23 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

For becoming an IPS ofiicer you must appear for the All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages:

Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination.

Main Examination: CAndidates who qualify in the prelim exam, become eligible for the main exam.It consists of written examination and interview.


Educational Qualification:

Graduate in any field from a recognized university.

Age Limit:

Minimum: 21 years on 1st august, 2011.
Maximum:30 years(for genral),33 years(obc),35(SC/ST).

No.Of Attempts:

Max. 4 for general, 7 attempts for OBC and no limit for SC/ST(provided other criteria are fulfilled).

Important Dates:

*Date of Notification: 19.02.2011
*Last Date of submission of complete application form: 21.03.2011
*Date of Prelim Examination: 12.06.2011
*Date of Main Exam: 29.10.2011

Attached you may find the notification which consists of the complete details as you require.

Also, visit the following link for more details:

Jai Hind!
2nd March 2011 02:34 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?


IPS (Indian Police Service) exam conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission).

Eligibility for IPS UPSC Exam: -

1. Nationality - Indian

2. Age - 21 Years to 30 Years for General Candidates, 21 Years to 33 Years for OBC Candidates and 21 Years to 35 Years for SC / ST Candidates.

3. Education - Passed graduation in any subject from a regonised institute / university.

4. Marrital Status - Unmarried

Good Luck
2nd March 2011 12:53 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hai ,
I want to know the details about ips officer.. my aim is to become an ips officier. i want to know the eligibility criteria and the basic criteria for the ips exam ... how to apply for the exam..i completed my botany course ...

How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

The Indian Police Service भारतीय पुलिस सेवा, simply known as Indian Police or IPS, is one of the All India Services of the Government of India.To Became a IPS officer you have to crack the Civil service Aptitude test conducted by Union Public service commission and their minimum eligibility criteria is you should have a graduate degree and you must fulfill the age requirement ie your age should be between 21-30 years and your nationality should be Indian.
If you full fill the above requirement then you can appear for commission exam.
I have attached the CSAT notification,Pay scale of IPS officers and revised syllabus for commission exam from 2011 onwards.please read it carefully and accordingly prepare yourself.

On the basis of educational qualification you are eligible for
2nd March 2011 12:02 PM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

to become IPS officer first you have to appear in Civil service preliminary examination conducted by UPSC.
then if you can crack the preliminary examination then you have to appear in civil service main examination. after cracking this examination through interview you will be selected for IPS and you will be sent for training.

for this year Civil service preliminary examination will be held on 12th June,2011
civil service main examination will be held on 29th October, 2011

the eligibility criterion to appear in Civil service examination is-
you should have minimum of graduation degree from any recognized university.
as you have completed M.Sc so you have graduation degree so you are eligible for the examination in view of education qualification.

your age must be in between 21 to 30 if you belongs to general category. there are relaxation for reserved category candidate.

here i am attaching the notification for civil service examination. go through the attachment for details about eligibility criterion and other details.

for more information about the civil service examination visit the website

the form fill up for the civil service examination is going on now. for online form fill up visit the website the last date for form fill up 21st March, 2011.

best wishes.
2nd March 2011 11:15 AM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

IPS is one of the cadres alloted after a aspirant dave cleared civil service exam.
Civil service exam is conducted by UPSc and it has three stages:
CSAT i.e civil service aptitude test
Mains :after clearing CSAT(also called screening test)
Interview : No of students called for interview are actually more than the vacant post so your selection is still unsure even after Mains.

Applicaton form:
Last date to send form is 21st March, 2011.

You can download application form from :
Please visit the following sites which will be useful in your preparation:
These contains sample papers and some useful tips
2nd March 2011 10:45 AM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

IPS Eligibility (In Brief....)
I want to know the details about ips officer.. my aim is to become an ips officier. i want to know the eligibility criteria and the basic criteria for the ips exam ... how to apply for the exam..i completed my botany course ...
  • Introduction
    • IPS i.e Indian Polic Service is One of the well defined reputed post conducted by upsc under CSAT Exam. i.e Civil Service Exam.
    • Means To Become IPS Officer you need to crack CSAT exam .
  • Eligibility:-

    • Educational qualification:-

    • You need to be graduate Or degree in your hand at the time of your Joining.

    • or P.G degree will also work because you have or any degree in your Hand.

    • Age limits:-And yes you should be in prescribed age limits i.e 21 to 30 years of age.

    • you are Eligible But the thing is if you come in between 21 years of age to 30 years of Age. Then only you are Eligible

    • Attempts:-Yes there are Limitations for attempting CSAT exam. It is 4 times for General Category , 7 for OBC and any times for SC/ST within 21 to 30 years of Age.
    • For SC /ST there is relaxation on age limits i.e it has extended to 35 years of age for SC/ST.
  • How to apply For CSAT Exam ??

    • Application for CSAT exam is Going on .

    • First read all the neccessary instruction @

    • 2ndly Go to to fill up the Application Form.

    • Last date for filling up CSAT form is 21st of March so hurry up !
2nd March 2011 10:06 AM
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

for IPS exam as any Graduate from a recognised university or a college in India is the minimum eligibility criteria for IPS.

He/She should be 21years to 30 yrs of age at the time of appearing in the UPSC held Civil Services Examination.

UPSC conduct CIVILSERVICE exam for top service like IAS,IPS,IFS and for other government jobs.Even this onwards the pattern of exam also changed as it doesnot have any special subject and the paper will be same for all the candidates.

Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you.

In case you have not not got a good rank and got into IFS, IAS or IPS, you may still become a Group A or B officer in the Central Govt.
1st March 2011 09:29 PM
udit yadav
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

for IPS post you should have graduate with any percentage.every year exam are conducted by u.p.s.c. you will have to qualify that exam.
1st March 2011 06:34 PM
kapila Chaudhary
Re: How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

  • Apply online by using the website
  • Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country.
For complete details go to
Civil Services (Prel) Exam, 2011

Date of Notification: 19.02.2011
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 21.03.2011
Date of Exam: 12.06.2011

Eligibility Criteria for IPS :

1.Age limit

21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs . Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University, which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate.

2. Educational Qualifications :

Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification.

3. Number of Attempts
Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs. If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even one paper is counted as an attempt.

4. Restrictions on applying for the examination:
A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.

For IPS-
Height – Male 165 cm Pahari Male (general also) & ST (not the SC/ OBC) – 160 cm
Female 150 cm Pahari Female (general also) & ST (not SC/ OBC)- 145 cm
Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.
(Those can’t expand the chest go to next service. If expansion is less during 1st Medical, i.e. just after interview; during second Medical, i.e. after the result, or appeal, expansion can be shown.)
Many people fail in this test of chest expansion.
(I know some people who have cleared this exam during the second Medical Test, i.e. after the Medical Exam conducted after the declaration of Final result)
Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye. 6/12 or 6/9 for worst eye. Near vision J 1 for good eye. J2 for worst eye. High standard for the Colour-blind test. No inherent night blindness. Vision should stereoscopic.
Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127.
Ladies should not be pregnant at the time of Medical Test.
Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.
Nasal- candidate should not stammer while speaking.
1st March 2011 05:27 PM
How to apply for IPS officer's post after M.Sc (botany)? Eligibility criteria?

hai ,
I want to know the details about ips officer.. my aim is to become an ips officier. i want to know the eligibility criteria and the basic criteria for the ips exam ... how to apply for the exam..i completed my botany course ...

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