20th May 2021 05:24 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hae,,am Jack line from kisii.can I get an opportunity at kmtc,I got a mean grade of a C,English c-,Kisw B ,mathsC ,creB-,chem n bioD. |
9th June 2020 01:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am veronica did kcse 2011,got mean grade of C :C eng,C kisw, C-maths ,C bio, D chem Can I pursue diploma in nursing |
20th August 2019 02:35 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am marion,i did kcse 2017,,i got a mean grade of C plain : C eng,C kisw,B- maths,D bio,C- chem, can i persue diploma in phamacy KMTC,,,kindly please let me know. |
2nd May 2019 02:34 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? AM JEDIDAH DID FORM 4 IN 2011 MEAN GRADE C MATHS C,BIO C- , CHEM C- , ENG B .CAN I GET A CHANCE TO STUDY DIPLOMA IN PHAMACY AND IN WHICH CAMPUS? |
1st March 2017 04:23 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I Am Claire,I applied for march intake 2017 and have not yet received a letter of admission from you. When can I know that you are through in shortlisting? please update. |
30th January 2017 04:17 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hi I am euphrazia. I sat for my KCSE in the year 2016 and i got a mean grade of c- would like to do diploma course in nursing.can i get a chance at any KMTC with this performance(histo A,CRE B,bio D ,chem D,kis D,engD and maths E |
18th January 2017 09:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I got C plain in my kcse exam can be allowed to join your school and pursue course of Health Records and information |
23rd December 2016 01:21 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hi, my name is Daisy, i am joining form four next year and afterwards would like to do medicine in university.Would you kindly tell me the basic Kenyan grades i am to attain? |
7th August 2016 04:01 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am john and I had applied for medical laboratory and yet I have not received any confirmation about joining the college and I had a B- (MINUS) of 55 point and this my result slip. Eng c-,kiswa c (plain),maths B (plain),biology c ,chemistry B-,History B ,C.R.E c , agriculture B and I have not received any txt showing whether am selected to join or not and I request you to help me so that I may join to the college and please help me and l will say thanks. |
10th May 2016 02:19 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I got C plus n biology, B- in English and c plain in chemitry and D plain in math can I do nursing |
10th April 2016 01:11 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? i got a mean grade of c in K.C.S.E 2015 with D in maths,C in both Eglish and Kiswahili,C- in both biology and chemistry,can i get a chance to study nursing? |
7th April 2016 06:39 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am mugambi Paul mutua ,I got C in kcse 2016 having scored english C ,kishw c, maths B- ,Biology C, chemistryD History B, cre B, Business c ....%u2026%u2026can I qulify to persue Bachelor in clinical officer, nurseing or phamacy |
4th April 2016 10:14 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hi am Esther a student in Nairobi county,I did my exam 2015 and scored c- and am interested in joning kmtc to pursue the training.Please can I get your acquitance to direct me on applying for a chance as one of your student.If possible so as to join you this year. |
31st March 2016 07:13 PM | |
fancy chepchirchir |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am fancy I got a C- I want to pursue nursing at kmtc I got D in maths chemistry and biology respectively will I be able to secure a place if I bridge the subjects??? Please helpp |
21st March 2016 10:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am moses kedî i woul like to join KMTC to persue Clinical medicine or pharmacy i got a mean grade B- of 59 Eng C . Kis B-,Maths C- Chm B Bio B can anybody call me thru this phn no.0706881836 i want to join your institution |
9th March 2016 10:13 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? My name is Zephaniah Angolo Lang'i. I got a mean grade of C in KCSE. Can I get a chance to join your college? |
8th March 2016 02:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Can one bridge subject that does not allow him or her to do nursing |
8th March 2016 12:43 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? what subjects and grade in each is required to pursue nursing at kmtc thika |
1st February 2016 01:20 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I got mean grade of c-,in kcse with D in English and biology should i qualify for certificate in nurse in kmtc? Please help |
30th January 2016 02:44 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am mbuku michael,i got c- and want to do certificate in orthopaedic plastic technology,all other subject i'm above pass mark but i scored chem and biology with D.can't i do it.my email is [email protected] sent a message to my number to answer please.cause deadline is on 31/01/2016 |
15th January 2016 07:39 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Can i bridge for the subjects have not reached the grade then do the nursing course? |
16th December 2015 01:21 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? i am MOREEN NDEGI,did my kcse in 2013 and attained a mean grade of C+ with C+ in maths,C+ in chem,C+in bio and C+ in kisw.want to persue a dip in community health nursing in KMTC,so i ask on how to do inorder to be admitted,plz plz help |
27th October 2015 08:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I'm faiht,can i do diploma in clinical medicine having the D in maths,Bio-B-,chem-C-,Eng-C,Kiswahili-B,please need the information. |
18th September 2015 12:26 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am 25 yrs old and attained a mean grade of C plain with C in biology B in english D in chem. I'm i elegible for a diploma in nursing? |
21st August 2015 03:09 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I applied to kmtc and i have recieved the regular calling letter of the course i needed but i have been situated to mombasa portrieze campus is there a chance for my allocation to nairobi kmtc please? |
3rd August 2015 11:12 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am shillah and i had applied for a vacancy to study nursing but have not yet gotten any feed back....i got B in my last year's kcse exam...did i qualify to join? |
29th July 2015 04:29 PM | |
regestered |
Re:Transfer of campus from kmtc kisumu to Nairobi I am Isaac Shibia kadane registration number ![]() |
17th July 2015 05:01 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? am Mains Dickson Ndiritu I got a C of 43 point am requesting to persue a course in clinical medicine having B- in Eng C+ in kiswa D in Mao C- in Bio D in chem B- in history B in CRE and C in Agriculture |
5th July 2015 10:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I have a mean grade of c-in last year exam 2014 please Is there eny course that i can qualify for i am intrested so mach |
7th June 2015 04:34 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Iam AGUNDA JUDITH MBOHA from Gilgil.I have a grade of B- ( of 59points) {ENG C , KISW A, MATH C, BIO B-, CHEM C,HIST B ,CRE B ,and BUS B-} and I would like to join and undertake clinical medicine. I look foward for your reply, thanks inadvance. |
4th June 2015 12:16 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am Said frm north eastern having min grade of c havin got c- in both languages,D in math,B- in biology and c in chem so wil i stand achance 2 be admited at kmtc 4 september inteke 2015? Thnks. |
15th May 2015 09:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Are applications for the 2015 / 2016 academic year on? I am interested in a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science or Community Health Nursing. |
12th May 2015 08:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Im Priscilah Jelimo did my KCSE the year 2005 and got C-,can I join KMTC and pursu acertificate in community health nursing? |
10th May 2015 01:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am O'KENGERE EVANS ,I attained B- in my k c.s e ,I would like to join k.m t.c how will I get your forms to fill for sept,intake,kindly inform me. |
5th May 2015 04:03 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am Ann mbithe kasyoki i got a C 51 in 2014 k.c.s.e am intresting to do Clinical officer in your instution in may 2016 do i qualify?...C 51 Eng B- kisw B Math B Bio C Agrc c- his C C.R.E B thank you and God blss every one.... |
5th May 2015 01:43 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Which are the requirement needed to join kenya medical training college for nurse |
3rd May 2015 10:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hi, I sat for my KCSE last year and missed out on getting a KUCCPS admission to study medicine by 0.5 points.. I got straight A's in all subjects except Kiswahili in which I got a B . Is there a degree/diploma course I can pursue that will lead me to gain admission to do medicine eventually? If there is,how long would it take? |
3rd May 2015 12:00 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Are there scholarship forms now? Do I stand achance to study Diploma in clinical officer I obtained the following grades in kcse mean grade C with B-english,B kiswahili,C-maths,B,biology,C-chemistry? |
1st May 2015 07:43 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? l am Isaac wesonga sakwa sat for kcpe 2014 .passed with grades mean grade B-(English-B Kiswahili B- maths-Plus Biology-B Physics D Plus ChemistryC plus GeographyB- business Bplus.do I stand a chance to do nursing course at kmtc? |
1st May 2015 01:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Hae,I got a c_ and I would like to pursue nursing .am I qualified please ? If yes when can I apply |
29th April 2015 08:20 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I HAD A C- IN BIOLOGY COULD I STILL BRIDGE AND DO NURSING AS A REGULAR STUDENT |
29th April 2015 01:30 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? hi am collins mutai,i got c in my kcse exams last year,i would like to know whether i can secure a chance in your school to undertake nursing |
28th April 2015 03:59 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? am a kenyan citizen,i did my kcse 2014 and got a mean grade of c-minus with c plain in eng and kisw and d plus in bio and chem can i get a chance to pursue diploma in medical engineering |
28th April 2015 01:48 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I'm Mohamed having mean c(minus) in kcse cplain Chen cplus in biology c- in math D in Eglh and Dplain in kisw can I get chance for nurse certificate |
28th April 2015 12:01 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? I am Mwange Eric,a former student of Handow Sec.School,Lugari consistituency and Kakamega county.I did kcse 2013 and managed to attain a mean grade of B-(math c ,kisw c ,Eng D ,Chem B,Bio B,B/st B ,Geo B,CRE B).can I do pharmacy at Kmtc?please help! |
24th April 2015 02:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am judith Gesare and i would like to apply for my sister veronicah kemunto to study diploma in phamancy she attained a mean grade of c plan with Eng c-, mat D ,chem D Kiswc-,Bio C- CRE B,and Agric C is she legible? if yes please inform me to make arrangement for this may intake. Thanks. |
23rd April 2015 09:58 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? which the best mode of application email or letters?how can i access your contacts ? |
22nd April 2015 02:46 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? kindly reguesting applicatication forms. will the application for diploma choces be done online or manualy.thomas, did kcse 2013 and i got B- 57 points. i`m eligible to joint nursing? |
21st April 2015 02:29 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? Am vivian muthama,i sat for my kcse in 2010 and scored c .b- in biology,english b-,kiswahili b,maths d,chemistry c and physics d.do i qualify for community health nursing with d in maths.please answer me on how to apply and application form. |
20th April 2015 09:20 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Basic requirements to get admission in Kenya Medical Training College for Nurse? i have a friend martha mutia who did her kcse last 2015. she got a C plus and want to take nursing in mtc. help me please. when is the intake and when is the application done please. |
This thread has more than 50 replies. Click here to review the whole thread. |