Thread: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture? Reply to Thread

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24th June 2017 06:34 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Sir/madam my daughter she scored 101 in nata and 2nd class in pic 2nd year..she will get the chance for architecture in B E pl convey us
10th June 2017 11:20 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I have scored 102 in NATA and 79.7% in 2 and 201 in JEE main with AI rank 19540. In which colleges of NCR I'll be able to get admission in B.arch.
29th May 2017 05:03 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

List of Top 10 Architectures Colleges in India :

Sir J J College of Architecture , Mumbai

IIT Roorkee (Department of Architecture)

Chandigarh College of Architecture

NIT Tiruchirapalli (Department of Architecture)

Faculty of Architecture (Manipal University)

R V School of Architecture , Bangalore

BIT Mesra (Department of Architecture)

Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics , Delhi

Sushant School of Arts & Architecture, Gurgaon

NIT Calicut (Department of Architecture)

Job Career :

Landscape Architect

Urban Planner

Restoration Architect

Research Architect

Lighting Architect

Political Architect

Extreme Architect


Industrial Designer

Furniture Designer
28th May 2017 02:29 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I have got 203 marks in AIEEE paper 2. I belong to obc category. My overall rank is 18495 and obc rank is 5249 can i get admission in NITS OR SPA...
27th May 2017 04:00 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I have got 210 marks in jee mains paper 2. Will I be able to take admission in good architect college.
3rd September 2016 01:32 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

sir how many marks we need to get admission in cca for general category...i know the rank must be less than 1500 but need to know abt the marks in jee exam
16th May 2015 09:36 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I got 240 marks in b.arch jee mains paper 2 can I get admission in any government college of architecture
9th July 2014 09:32 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

sr i've got 6ooo rank in b.arch can i get the admission in gud college of archtect
28th June 2014 05:49 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

if i was not attended the nata exam. shall i get admssion in arechitecture college
21st May 2014 03:34 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Sir I am expecting 165 marks in B.Arch. Cain i get admission in chandigarh college of arch. ?
I am from SC category.
Please Reply !
21st May 2014 03:13 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Sir my expected score is 165. Cain i get admission in Chandigarh College Of Arch. ??
Please reply !
17th April 2014 04:20 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

My expected score in jee main B.Arch 2014 is 170 .Whether i can get admission in sir
4th July 2013 02:31 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

what is the rank required for taking admission in best arcgitechture college
28th June 2013 11:37 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Dear All, I have secured 68% in 12th CBSE and 105/200 in NATA. Which good college I shall get in B.Arch. Kindly guide me suitably at the earliest.
Sumit chauhan
[email protected]
31st May 2013 08:16 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I have predicted 156 marks in jee main excluding the marks of drawing aptitude there any chance to seek admission in niit hamirpur through state quota.
22nd July 2012 02:08 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I got 2200 all india rank in aieee 2012 can i get seat in architecture in spa vijayawada in general category
16th June 2012 04:58 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

sir/mam i have secured 107 marks in AIEEE B.Arch AIR 43,888 CATEGORY 10,600 STATE RANK 8134 category 2497 tell me in which architecture college i can get seat
15th June 2012 10:30 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I hav got 133 marks in aieee n my overall all india rank is 30,040 n state rank is998 is dere any scope of getting admited in a gud architect college
12th June 2012 12:45 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have got 147 marks in AIEEE Architecture exam......where in north india can i get admission?

Top B.Architecture Colleges in India

  • IIT Kharagpur-Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
  • IIT Bombay - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai
  • IIT Kanpur-Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
  • IIT Delhi-Indian Institute of Technology Delhi/NCR
  • IIT Madras-Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
  • IIT Roorkee-Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
  • NIT - Trichy National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
  • National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (NIT-R), Rourkela
  • NIT Calicut - National Institute of Technology, Calicut
  • SRM University, Chennai
  • National Institute of Technology Patna (NIT-P), Patna
  • Birla Institute of Technology, BIT- Mesra, Ranchi
  • BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore
  • Chandigarh College of Architecture - CCA, Chandigarh
  • K. R. Mangalam School of Architecture and Planning, Delhi/NCR
  • Guwahati College of Architecture, Guwahati
  • IDEA, Institute of Design Environment and Architecture, Nashik
  • Faculty of Architecture - M. S. University of Baroda,Vadodara
  • School of Architecture - CSI Institute of Technology,Secunderabad
  • Faculty of Physical Planning & Architecture - Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar
  • Pravara Rural College of Architecture, Loni, Ahmednagar
12th June 2012 12:42 AM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have got 147 marks in AIEEE Architecture exam......where in north india can i get admission?
dear friend ,

if u are councelling in architechture than definitely you have to be selected on the basis of this rank but many colleges even though taking part in ccb councelling allows students to join without the rank to fill up their seats.

more info you can got on its official website as well ....


feel free to post as many doubts as you can, we are here to solve your problems.

11th June 2012 10:30 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

i have got 147 marks in AIEEE Architecture exam......where in north india can i get admission?
6th March 2012 02:57 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

minimum rank for AIEEE should i have to got for archietecture?
30th December 2011 04:10 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

dear friend ,

to get in the top architecture colleges under the aieee exam you must have to secure the all india rank below than 2500.
there are several nit's like Visveswaraya National Institute of Technology , nagpur offers architecture course.

to secure good rank coaching will be always useful.
the different test which are carried out in the coaching centers are very useful.

to see the last year cutoff's of the colleges under aieee exam kindly visit the website

30th December 2011 03:27 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

can it possiable i get addmission under wbut collage from aieee B.arch entrance
26th November 2011 11:10 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

what was rank needed for admission in nitt-architechture
26th November 2011 04:01 PM
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

I am studying 12th can I know below what rank should I get to join in top most colleges?
3rd September 2011 10:49 PM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

dear friend ,

to get in the top architecture colleges under the aieee exam you must have to secure the all india rank below than 2500.
there are several nit's like Visveswaraya National Institute of Technology , nagpur offers architecture course.

to secure good rank coaching will be always useful.
the different test which are carried out in the coaching centers are very useful.

to see the last year cutoff's of the colleges under aieee exam kindly visit the website

10th May 2011 08:39 PM
Rank required for admission in top 10 colleges of Architecture?

actually m in 12 nd preparing for aieee next year wat rank shud i get to get admission in top 10 colleges of architectures......nd m little bit confused dat shud i join ne classes for it like we have nata academy here like teaching for architecture xams shud i go der......

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