Thread: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy? Reply to Thread

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29th June 2011 12:39 AM
pabolu pradeep
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

Originally Posted by keerthi atluri View Post
If gate2010 for pharmacy is removed then what is the alternative entrance to get eligibility for niperjee?keerthi-bpharmacyIIIyr
now GATE is replaced with GRADUATE PHARMACY APTITUDE TEST(GPAT), so, once you get qualified in GPAT , you are eligible to write NIPER..
24th June 2011 02:08 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

14th February 2011 07:26 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

According to me -
this time different institutes will be having their own entrance exams and interview......
so you will have to apply for different exams separately .
All the best.
19th January 2011 06:59 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

You have to give for Common Entrance Test which will be conducted by NIPMER itself.
30th December 2010 10:20 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

sir,actually i am a b.pharm student.I want to persue chemical engineering through GATE.Will it be possible for me?
10th June 2010 03:15 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

Am not qulified in GPAT, Am i eligible to write NIPER JEE 2010?
5th June 2010 09:16 AM
rahul k
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

dear friend

If you have scored minimum 60% marks in graduation, then you are eligible
to appear in NIPER-JEE exams. Yes, it is true that from this year, there is
no GATE exams, but you have to give CET exams, which is conducted by
4th June 2010 08:17 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

30th March 2010 11:29 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

dear friend
the other alternative is CET.
70% weightage is given to the entrance and rest is for the % score in b.pharma .
so go for it.
all the besst.
30th March 2010 11:28 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

dear friend
the other alternative is CET.
70% weightage is given to the entrance and rest is for the % score in b.pharma .
so go for it.
all the besst.
21st March 2010 02:01 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

there is new entrance to get admission in m.pharma GPAT exam
and cet exam
AND ELigibility for the exam is same as that for gate tat is B PHARMA WITH ATLEAT 60%
and and 70% weightage is given to the entrance and rest is for the % score in b.pharma
16th March 2010 05:20 PM
vijay the winner
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

if you got the 60% marks in your graduation , then you are eligible for this exams.
16th March 2010 02:00 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

dear friend,
after removal of gate for pharmacy you can give the CET (common entrance test)
or nipper,
and for this you have to keep minimum 60% in the b.pharma.
then you can apply.
o k
all the best.
16th March 2010 12:40 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

Originally Posted by keerthi atluri View Post
If gate2010 for pharmacy is removed then what is the alternative entrance to get eligibility for niperjee?keerthi-bpharmacyIIIyr
I think you have to appear for common entrance test
16th March 2010 12:04 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

alternative exam to get admission in NIPER is CET (Common Entrance Exam) conducted by NIPER
16th March 2010 12:00 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

eligibility to write NIPER is:
A candidate should have done B.Pharm/M.Sc(in relevant disciplines)/B.Tech(Chemical Engineering) /B.V.Sc./ MBBS/BAMS or equivalent with atleast 60% aggregate or equivalent. Also the candidate should have valid NET scores for several disciplines. The eligibility criteria for different programmes varies in terms of the qualifying degree therefore refer to the admission notification for details. Those in their final year can also apply.
7th March 2010 08:46 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

To get seat in niper what books we need to refer n from when we should start our preparation
3rd February 2010 02:16 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

when applicatoin forms are isshued for niper examination
3rd February 2010 10:46 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

Don't worry you can give CET exam which is conducted by niperjee......
You must have 60% in graduation....
3rd February 2010 01:41 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

for bpharma students they must have scored 60%marks in their graduation makes them eligible for the exam. wish you good luck and success.
3rd February 2010 12:20 AM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

from this year gate doesnot allow for pharmacy,but its alternative option is CET.
31st January 2010 10:35 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

Eligibility for (A) M.S. (Pharm.); M.Pharm. ; M.Tech. (Pharm.)

Eligibility for Application

Medicinal Chemistry
M.S. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry)

Natural Products
M.S. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry)

Traditional Medicines
M.S. (Pharm.)

Pharmaceutical Analysis
M.S. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Organic/ Analytical Chemistry)

Pharmacology & Toxicology
M.S. (Pharm.)

Regulatory Toxicology
M.S. (Pharm.)
Toxicology/Life Sciences/Biochemistry/
Medical Biotechnology/ Zoology)/M.B.B.S.

B. Pharm.

B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Biological Sciences)

Pharmaceutical Technology (Formulations)

Pharmaceutical Technology
(Bulk Drugs)
M.Tech. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry)
/B.Tech. (Chemical Engg. or equivalent)

Pharmaceutical Technology (Biotechnology)
M.Tech. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Life Sciences)

Pharmacy Practice
B. Pharm.

M.S. (Pharm.)
B.Pharm./M.Sc.(Organic Chemistry
/Pharmaceutical Chemistry)/
M.Sc./B.Tech. (Bioinformatics)/M.Sc. (Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Microbiology)
20th January 2010 10:03 PM
[email protected]
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

there is a exam GPAT ...which is conducted this year to get admission to m.pharma and other pg after b.pharma ....forms are out
18th December 2009 01:18 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

this time different institutes will be having their own entrance exams and interview......
so you will have to apply for different exams separately ......
17th December 2009 08:46 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

The questions will be from the syllabus of B. Pharma and MSc.(Relevant Field). There will be negative marking of 25% for every incorrect answer.
17th December 2009 12:04 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

what is the syllabus for niper jee 2010
15th December 2009 08:13 PM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

you should be an graduate with 60%
9th December 2009 10:55 AM
Re: What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

you have to appear for common entrance test <CET> which will be conducted by NIPMER itself.
30th November 2009 09:53 PM
keerthi atluri
What is eligibility for niper-jee if gate is removed for pharmacy?

If gate2010 for pharmacy is removed then what is the alternative entrance to get eligibility for niperjee?keerthi-bpharmacyIIIyr

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