Thread: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students? Reply to Thread

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18th January 2020 10:50 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir .i have complectd my iti in hair and skin care with 76% of marks . can u please suggest some approved Government diploma colleges where i can complete my diploma in two years .
15th December 2017 10:32 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

I have completed one year ITI Sheet metal worker trade and tow year apprenticeship (NAC-ATS) ,now am i eligible to join two years diploma through lateral entry skim
Please tell
my email id; [email protected]
24th October 2015 12:55 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

3rd July 2015 02:50 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir I have done 10th then I completed iti wireman in 66.42% and also nctvt 71.93% . sir I want to get admission in direct second year on any diploma engineering ...sir plz tell me what I do ... [email protected]
17th June 2015 08:03 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

I am completed ITI Electrican 2years 75% .i am joing Dimplama ECE course plz connect you plzzz
[email protected]
23rd May 2015 10:23 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Dear sir ,
I passed ITI in Electrical trade nctvt with 82% marks,I want to do Diploma in Electrical Engineering directly lateral entry in 2nd year . Can you tell me some AICTE recognized colleges in MUMBAI?
My email id is [email protected] and mob. no. 7498439095
Thanks.. Dhiraj k
16th April 2015 01:09 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir I am Naga Bhushanam raju complete in the iti electrition 78 persentange can u please suggest aprroved by diploma direct second year eee course please helping sir
14th February 2015 11:40 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

i have complate iti in fitter trade ,kindly provide diploma college name in gujarat after ITI.

my [email protected]
12th December 2014 09:03 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

hlw sir myslf Darhan frm chikmaglur i hv cmpltd my iti wid 76% In fitter in karnataka iti clg chikmaglur nd nw plz suggest me which is best clg in chikmaglure or else in banglure to study machanical or auto monile in diploma..==
28th November 2014 09:35 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir my name is pavan and I have completed my iti fitter in 2013 July and I want to join 2nd year diploma in mechanical or any. I stay in hyderabad andhra Pradesh and I don't have much knowledge of college s . Can u please contact me if you know any college in hyderabad. Mobile:8121385256 email:[email protected].
Pls inform me sir
30th September 2014 06:25 PM
[email protected]
shrikrishna pvt elecatrician i.t.i. ncvt student

shrikrishna pvt electrician i.t.i. ncvt student bhupendrameena s/o rameshwarmeena village khadila post khuri th. atru distt.kota-baran pin cod number 325218 pone number 8239548658 email iD [email protected]
30th September 2014 06:20 PM
[email protected]
shrikrishna pvt elecatrician i.t.i. ncvt student

shrikrishna pvt electrician i.t.i. ncvt student bhupendrameena s/o rameshwarmeena village khadila post khuri th. atru distt.kota-baran pin cod number 325218 pone number 8239548658 email iD [email protected]
30th September 2014 06:10 PM
shrikrishna pvt elecatrician i.t.i. ncvt student

shrikrishna pvt electrician i.t.i. ncvt student bhupendrameena s/o rameshwarmeena village khadila post khuri th. atru distt.kota-baran pin cod number 325218 pone number 8239548658 email iD [email protected]
10th September 2014 12:11 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir I completed iti infitter trade.have I want to join in diploma.I am choose in visakha patanm plz tellme sir
3rd August 2014 08:51 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

which subject of give direct second year in mechanical diploma of through the iti md?
11th June 2014 08:33 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Iti complete next join to diploma college please regvest any another college
29th April 2014 12:21 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Which colleges offered in ap. direct polytechnics 2nd year. after compleateing iti electrician july-2013.
16th April 2014 03:36 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

i complete iti in diesel mech with 75% i interest to do diploma sir plz tel wr the collage in Hyderabad plz sms to 8790373716
12th March 2014 08:38 PM
[email protected]
Diretct admission in Diploma course

Respected sir!

I complete my iti course in Draughtsman mechanical at uttarsanda in july-2013.sir,can i admission in diploma courses.but how i get meachanical engineering seat in government Diploma college?Give me a guidence my

16th September 2013 01:35 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir iam completed iti diesel mechanic can i join diploma 2year direct
8th August 2013 11:59 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir, i'm 35 years old...
i did ITI 1996-1998....
Now i interested to join diploma course In evening college in chennai

Is it possible sir?

Pls tell me tha ans sir...
I want to join diploma course....
please help me sir ....
Pls tell same procedute to do this
27th July 2013 07:35 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir mai ITI pass out hu Draughtman Mecnicl se kya mujhe Lucknow me Privt Collage mil skta h
My my number - 9336854156, 8726396021
plz ans sir
26th June 2013 03:32 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students
South Delhi Polytechnic for Women (AICTE Approved) Daurala, Distt. - Meerut

Govt. Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Faizabad (U.P)

Governement Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Allahabad (U.P)

Government Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Gorakhpur (U.P),

Government Girl's Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Amethi - (Sultanpur) (U.P)

Government Government Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Bareilly (U.P)

Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Lucknow (U.P)
21st June 2013 01:06 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

[QUOTE=shibin jose;249874]sir .i have complectd my iti in electranics mech with 84% of marks . can u please suggest some approved diploma colleges where i can complete my diplom
2nd May 2013 03:39 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

I am completed the ITI, IT&ESM trade in bangalore. If there is any related course in deploma evening collage....
21st April 2013 07:55 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

what are the groups in polytechnic?which is the best?
10th April 2013 01:06 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Hello sir, My name is Pawar Sanket i am 10th pass and complet ITI in Information Technology line. I thinkin a politechnic admissio in goverment college from Gujarat So plz help me.. Mo. No:9638082273
23rd February 2013 02:42 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


List of Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students:-

#.Rural Polytechnic for women - Ahmednagar
#.Nirma Universitu of Science and Technology - Ahmedabad
#.Nirma Universitu of Science and Technology - Ahmedabad
#.Institute of Rail Transport - New Delhi
#.Government Polytechnic College - Ahmedabad
#.Ghousia Polytechnic for Women- Bangalore
#.Bharati Vidyapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institutes of Technology - Pune
23rd February 2013 12:33 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir,I have completed iti in machanical with 78% marks. Can you please suggest some approved diploma colleges where I can complete my diploma in two years.
10th October 2012 10:40 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Originally Posted by shibin jose View Post
sir .i have complectd my iti in electricial with 76% of marks . can u please suggest some approved diploma colleges where i can complete my diploma in two years .

List of top.colleges:::::::::

Government Polytechnic College, Durg

Goverment Womens Polytechnic College, Raipur

Government Polytechnic College, Dhamtari

Goverment Polytechnic College, Raigarh

Goverment Polytechnic College, Bilaspur

With regards.......
10th October 2012 08:28 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students : -

Government Girl's Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Amethi - (Sultanpur) (U.P)

Government Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Bareilly (U.P)

Government Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Daurala, Distt. - Meerut

Govt. Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Faizabad (U.P)

Government Girls Polytechnic,(AICTE Approved) Gorakhpur (U.P),
9th October 2012 03:12 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students are as follows: -

1. Govt. Polytechnic College, Durg
2. Govt. Womens Polytechnic College, Raipur
3. Govt. Polytechnic College, Dhamtari
4. Govt. Polytechnic College, Raigarh
5. Govt. Polytechnic College, Bilaspur

ALL THE BEST..............
8th October 2012 09:25 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students are as follows: -

1. Govt. Polytechnic College, Durg
2. Govt. Womens Polytechnic College, Raipur
3. Govt. Polytechnic College, Dhamtari
4. Govt. Polytechnic College, Raigarh
5. Govt. Polytechnic College, Bilaspur

ALL THE BEST............

7th October 2012 02:50 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Hai sir am Mahen from Ahd. I went to JOB in pvt comny. I Am completed ITI M.M.V in 2004(64 %).Due to which my education is stopped but i want to continue my education in part time & distansh lrnig.Am little bit confused can i do any Degree course or diploma(1y/ 2 year) .Please Kindly request you to suggest me as what should be don I need diract admishon for politecnic diploma in mechnical ,Elce civil(direct in 2 year) Which collage and any entrence exams required plz msg ya call me my nnm.
Details -
Name : mahen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 919714033901
city: Ahemdabad

mahen g.
3rd June 2012 12:12 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir i have passed itc radio & television mechanic and i wand to study diploma course in mechanical engineering in 2 years .please introduce authorized institute in trivandrum
31st May 2012 04:48 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?


Diploma course:


This is 3 years duration full time college. The 10th class students are admission in 1ST YEAR, and ITI students are admission in direct 2nd year.

Documents Required For the Admission in Polytechnic:

  • ITI Mark Sheet.
  • Transfer certificate/Leaving Certificate.(Original)
  • Original or Provisional ITI Certificate.

Top colleges in India:

  • Bhadrak Institutes of Engineering and Technology - Balasore
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institutes of Technology - Pune
  • Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore
  • Ghousia Polytechnic for Women- Bangalore
  • Government Polytechnic Amravati
  • Government Polytechnic College - Ahmedabad
  • Hindustan Academy - Bangalore
  • Institute of Rail Transport - New Delhi
  • Kalpana Chwala Government Polytechnic for Women - Ambala
  • Meera Bai Polytechnic for Women - Delhi
  • MEI Polytechnic Bangalore
  • Nirma Universitu of Science and Technology - Ahmedabad
  • Polytechnic for Women South Ext - Delhi
  • Rural Polytechnic for women - Ahmednagar

Thank You!
30th May 2012 04:45 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Dear sir,
I im saurabh I have completed my ITI in ELECTRONICS MACHINICS with 72% in goverment ITI now 2012 MARCH,now i i have no idea of admission about deploma in elcectornics and telecommecation in direct second help me about second year addmision in deploma pune.
Plz call me or msg.
Thank you sir.

Details -
Name : Saurabh N Sahu
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 9545775465

Saurabh sahu.
19th May 2012 07:00 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

1st April 2012 09:08 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

how can i get direct admission in diploma after passing iti in architect.asstt.
3rd March 2012 05:28 PM
[email protected]
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

dear sir&madem parnam mera naam tarique hai maine matric bihar board se kiya hai mera marks 245 hai mai ITI delhi se karna chahta hun delhi ITI ka form kab nikal raha hai plz sir baten men tenson me hon aap ko hamari madd karni hogi con:-09199769874 email id :[email protected]
7th February 2012 12:55 PM
Polytechnic college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

I have complectd my ITI in Draftsman Civil with 75% of marks. Can u please suggest some approved Polytechnic colleges where I can complete my diploma in two years .
2nd February 2012 12:50 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Hai sir am IMRAN from bihar. Am completed ITI in 2007. I need diract admishon for politecnic diploma in CIVIL. Which delhi collage and any entrence exams required plz msg me my email adress is [email protected] and mobile no 9717420108
1st February 2012 09:28 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir i have complete my iti with 86 percentage i want diploma entrance
11th January 2012 01:23 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir i have completed 10th and then distance degree (B.A).SO I am working in p.e.b erection company as a computer draftsmen in 3 years experience so i want to request to you witch course (in distance mode) join due to increasing my job position
28th November 2011 07:40 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Originally Posted by shibin jose View Post
sir .i have complectd my iti in electricial with 76% of marks . can u please suggest some approved diploma colleges where i can complete my diploma in two years .

Now you are completing the ITI and seeing for the admission in the Diploma in Electrical trade. You don’t worry I am providing the full details of the qualifications and admission processor see below information carefully

=> First of all you should write the entrance exam for admission in the DIPLOMA colleges ,the entrance exams are like; Lateral Entry Test or LEET.

=> The qualification of this entrance exam is in your ITI ,you should have 60%.After completing the written exam ,you get qualifying marks in the entrance exam ,you can join in the DIPLOMA colleges

Diploma course:


This is 3 years duration full time college. The 10th class students are admission in 1ST YEAR, and ITI students are admission in direct 2nd year.

Documents Required For the Admission in Polytechnic:
ITI Mark Sheet.
Transfer certificate/Leaving Certificate.(Original)
Original or Provisional ITI Certificate.

Fee Structures of Polytechnic:

The govt. is announced the fee structure is 26500 Per Year in that 15000 Per semester and 10000 for Registration + uniform + Books for 1st year + Library

Top colleges in India:

Bhadrak Institutes of Engineering and Technology - Balasore
Bharati Vidyapeeth's Jawaharlal Nehru Institutes of Technology - Pune
Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering Bangalore
Ghousia Polytechnic for Women- Bangalore
Government Polytechnic Amravati
Government Polytechnic College - Ahmedabad
Hindustan Academy - Bangalore
Institute of Rail Transport - New Delhi
Kalpana Chwala Government Polytechnic for Women - Ambala
Meera Bai Polytechnic for Women - Delhi
MEI Polytechnic Bangalore
Nirma Universitu of Science and Technology - Ahmedabad
Polytechnic for Women South Ext - Delhi
Rural Polytechnic for women - Ahmednagar
Thank You!
whenever somebody has any ambition or aim to do something, he or she should be confident to do that thing, means never lose HOPE

Good Luck!!!
28th November 2011 01:21 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

I am SK JAHIRUDDIN, finished my (N.C.V.T) Draughtsman Civil in 2010. Can u please suggest some approved diploma collage in evening in Kolkata or nerer, e-mail [email protected]
27th November 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

how to get chance for diploma after completed i.t.i in machinist
20th August 2011 09:49 AM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

Sir, I have completed my ITI - COE (Centre of Excellence) in 2007, and due to some personal issues I went to JOB in a BPO now its almost 3 years in BPO field working as a MIS (Management Information System). Due to which my education is stopped but i want to continue my education in part time. Am little bit confused can i do any Degree course or should i do only diploma first and then the degree course.Please Kindly request you to suggest me as what should be done.

Details -
Name : Yogenderan S
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 91 90361 30361.

Yogenderan S
14th August 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir i have comleted iti wireman with 85% of maark.can u please suggest some approved diploma dairect 2nd years where i can compleate my diploma in tow years in thamilnadu.
contact: [email protected], [email protected], cell 919566969699
30th July 2011 01:45 PM
Re: Diploma college which offer direct entry for ITI students?

sir .i have complectd my iti in electricial with 76% of marks . can u please suggest some approved diploma colleges where i can complete my diploma in two years .
in banglore
could pls send me if u have any [email protected]:898514466 9,,,,,,SATHISH
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