Thread: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams? Reply to Thread

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2nd July 2013 08:06 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Originally Posted by Rowdyfelicity View Post
hello sir. i would like to know about cat and mat test..... when these test are conducted and what are the minimum percentage required in cat and mat test.....

Thank U Sir...............
CAT stands for Common Admission Test (CAT) and this exam is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). By cracking this exam not only can you study in the IIM's but also in various other top institutes in India which accepts CAT Scores. It is conducted in multiple cities during a window of 3-4 weeks.

If you wish to give this exam then you have to be a graduate first. You need to score at least 50% of marks in aggregate if you are a general category candidate. For the SC/ST/PWD Candidates the percentage to secure is 45% of marks in aggregate.

If you are a final year student then also you can give this exam. In that case you will be given provisional admission and you have to show the mark sheets to prove that you have passed successfully at graduation level.

Total time limit for the exam is 140 mins. There will be two sections and you will get 70 mins for each section and you will have to answer 30 questions from each section. The two sections are:- Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation and Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning.

CAT Exam Important Dates 2013:-
  • Sale of vouchers:- Jul 29 - Sep 24, 2013
  • Registrations:- Jul 29 - Sep 26, 2013
  • Exam dates:- Oct 16 - Nov 11, 2013
  • Results:- To be announced

Full form of MAT is Management Aptitude Test (MAT) and this exam is conducted by the All India Management Aptitude Testing Service (AIMATS). This exam is conducted for four times in a year in the months of February, May, September and December. There are a list of institutes which accepts MAT Scores.

To sit for the MAT Exam as well you need to be a graduate from a recognized university or a deemed university. Even final year students are also eligible. You just need to secure 40% of marks at grad level.

A total of 200 questions will be asked and you will get 150 mins to answer every question. There is both paper based test and computer based test to choose from. Following are the sections which needs to be looked at:- Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning and Indian and Global Environment.

MAT September Exam Dates 2013:-
  • Last Date For sale of Forms: 17 August 2013 (Saturday)
  • Last Date for submission of filled in Registration Forms: 19 August 2013 (Monday)
  • Last Date For Online Registration: 17 August 2013 (Saturday)
  • Last Date for submission of filled in Online Registration Forms: 19 August 2013 (Monday)

MAT Exam Dates:-
  • Paper Based Test:- 01 September 2013 (Sunday)
  • Computer Based Test:- 07 September 2013
Hope this helps :-> :->
4th June 2013 03:32 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i have got 604.5 marks in mat 2013..tell me can i clear this exam....
8th May 2013 07:09 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Hello sir,
I want to know the next up coming date for MAT. Please let me know the latest date as soon as possible.
26th March 2013 08:59 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i want to know about cat n mat entance exam which is upcoming plz reply me as soon as possible thank u................@[email protected]
CAT exams are conducted by IIM just once each year
Next CAT exams would be held in october and november 2013
Forms will come out in July 2013

Minimum Eligibilty to appear in the CAT exams is Graduation pass with minimum 50% marks for general and obc candidates and minimum 45% marks for the sc/st candidates

MAT exams are held 4 times in a year by AIMA
Next MAT exams would be held on 5th May 2013
last date to apply is 16th april 2013

Questions will be asked from below sections in the MAT exams:
Language Comprehension
Mathematical Skills
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Indian & Global Environment
26th March 2013 05:31 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

sir i want to know about cat n mat entance exam which is upcoming plz reply me as soon as possible thank u................@[email protected]
13th March 2013 06:05 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Hello sir....

STUDY Material for CAT and MAT exam
12th February 2013 01:59 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?


CAT and MAT are the most common and famous entrance exam for the admission in 2 year master degree program in the field of Management. If you want to give the entrance exam then you have to wait for some time as recently IIM's and AIMA has finished the process of taking up the exam.

CAT exam is generally held in the month of November to December. This exam is held by Indian Institute of managements together. The exam is taken online. For year 2012 the CAT exam is over and the date for the next CAT exam is not out yet so you have to wait till the next CAT exam which is possible gonna happen in the month of October, November or december

MAT is a quarterly exam which is conducted by AIMA. It is a exam which has a score valid for one year. The next exam is going to be held in the month of May. Till then you can prepare for the exam.

Hope it will help

1st December 2012 07:56 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

hello sir ,
when are the CAT and MAT exams are conducted in the year 2012
27th May 2012 08:31 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

how many marks are required to pass in M.A.T entrance?
24th November 2011 08:19 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

24th November 2011 07:27 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Sir i got 47% in kya mai mat ka exam de skti hu
11th November 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

sir does NIT'S accepting the MAT score ,i heard that recently from 2011 they are accepting only CAT score ......if they accept MAT score then what percentile should i get to grab seat in NIT WARANGLE
6th November 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

how we get admission in nit tiruchirappali pls tell urgently at my email- [email protected]....
5th November 2011 08:38 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

when CAT roll no.,we get??
18th September 2011 12:18 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yes......... ,
29th July 2011 08:46 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

when the cat mat exam jioningon
22nd July 2011 05:26 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

hello sir,
Recently i give my 2nd year examination n nw i want to prepare for mat.Can u please suggest me some good authors as i am not getting coaching from any institution.
18th July 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

How many % r required for admission in fms coleg
11th July 2011 08:45 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i have completed b tech with 56%marks.can i apply for cat and mat
25th May 2011 09:33 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

20th May 2011 11:16 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i got 94 percentile in mat may 2011. which colleges are best for me ..for mba hr. thanks ... plz tell me on my mail id .. [email protected]
18th May 2011 03:18 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i had got 49% in class 12th n now m in bba final year would m eligible for cat n mat exam?
8th May 2011 11:48 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

which is better among GATE,CAT.GMAT,GRE for a cse student who has 75% in
19th April 2011 04:01 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have not completed yet....have just given 2nd year xams...shoud i go for mat coaching these vacations....or shoul i wait??????????????
join any classes ASAP.
and study hard to crack CAT and other exams.
its better to start preparing early for these exams
4th April 2011 06:03 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i have not completed yet....have just given 2nd year xams...shoud i go for mat coaching these vacations....or shoul i wait??????????????
26th March 2011 07:33 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

hello sir my name is vikram singh. i have completed my graduation in year 2008 with 40%. would i b elligible for cat or mat exam
21st March 2011 06:26 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

15th March 2011 11:37 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

date of mat 2011 exam--May 7, 2011
date of cat 2011 exam-- not published yet.

Minimum percentile required to crack these exams is 90.
13th March 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

best cat coching in indor
12th March 2011 03:55 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

i had scored 44% in graduation did i am eligible for mba
11th March 2011 02:49 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

The next mat exam will be held on may 2011. availability of bulletin is 1st march 2011 and last date of sale is 6 april 2011. last date of submission is 9 april 2011. and the date of result is 21 may 2011. ok.
15th February 2011 10:02 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

hi may i know the next mat exam b held in 2011 after feb nd minimum percentile for mat exam??
10th February 2011 02:36 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Minimum 10 and 12 percentage for cat exam
23rd January 2011 01:06 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

may i know when will the next cat and mat xam b held in 2011 after january????
30th December 2010 04:22 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

dear sir/madam,
i have got 46% in T.Y.B com. i am from general category and wants to give G-cet exam. can i do double graduation? is it valid for appearing in G-cet exam? Is there any other option?
2nd December 2010 08:31 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?


The CAT and MAT exams, both are held in december 2010. The CAT exams held one time in a year. But MAT exams are held 4 times in a year.

The MAT 2010 entrance exams are held in 5 and 11 december. The pencil test was held on 5th dec and online test was held on 11th dec.

- The CAT 2010 entrance exams are held in last of november Or in december 2010. If you have scored 50% marks in your graduation, then you are eligible for CAT 2010 entrance exams.
1st December 2010 09:16 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

for cat and mat the eligibilty is that candidate must have bachelor's degree with 50% marks or equivalent cgpa from any approved university.
the same for sc candidates would be 45%.

as far as cat is considered
The duration of the test is 2 hours and 30 minutes including initial 15 minute tutorial. No breaks will be given during the test. The test consists of questions that evaluate a candidate’s quantitative, verbal, and logical & data interpretation abilities. Therefore, there are a total of three sections in the test. There will be about 60 questions in the test.
this year cta took place from 27 oct to 24 nov.

for mat 2010
Candidate can choose any one of the two options
Paper-Pencil Test or Computer Based Test (Online Test)
- Paper-Pencil Test will be held on 05 December 2010 (Sunday). The paper-pencil test timing is 1000 – 1230 hrs. Reporting time at test centre is 0900 hrs
-Computer Based Test (Online Test) will be held from From 11 December 2010 (Saturday) onwards in different time slots at specified test venues; subject to number of candidates registering for Computer Based Test.
1st December 2010 08:43 PM
Pranjal Srivastav
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?


CAT & MAT we know that both are the exams to enter in the best B-schools of India. CAT organise this exam once a year & MAT organise this four times in a year. CAT exam was in NOV.2010.& MAT exam is on 5th Dec 2010.& again in Feb 2011.So if missed the oppurtunity then no matter you can enroll in Feb.2011 for MAT & Nov.2011 for CAT. ok
1st December 2010 06:30 PM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

CAT exam is now held in a duration of December-January as it is now done online in different centers. MAT exam is now conducted couple of times in a year. Please watch out for advertorials coming in all the leading newspapers. CAT and MAT exam minumum cut offs changes every year depending on the difficulty level and top scores.
1st December 2010 06:03 PM
rahul k
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

Dear friend

The CAT and MAT exams, both are held in december 2010. The CAT exams held one time in a year. But MAT exams are held 4 times in a year.

The MAT 2010 entrance exams are held in 5 and 11 december. The pencil test was held on 5th dec and online test was held on 11th dec.

- The CAT 2010 entrance exams are held in last of november Or in december 2010. If you have scored 50% marks in your graduation, then you are eligible for CAT 2010 entrance exams.

- If you want to get more detail regarding CAT 2010 exams, then please visit the official site of CAT exams -
1st December 2010 05:13 AM
Re: Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

CAT takes place in the time window of third week of november generally.It is an online test and the institutes taking the score into consideration have different cut offs. There are profile based calls as well along with the percentile being one of the criteria.
28th November 2010 02:40 PM
Date of CAT and MAT entrance exam? Minimum percentile required to crack these exams?

hello sir. i would like to know about cat and mat test..... when these test are conducted and what are the minimum percentage required in cat and mat test.....

Thank U Sir...............

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