2nd April 2018 08:00 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle Hi I am sai aparna. B. Tech cse 3rd year student I wanted to do internship in company(like TCS, IBM, wipro, infosys).. Plzz help me by informing the registration. Procedure on my email. I'd :-saiaparna730@gmail.com |
22nd April 2015 10:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle Hii....i m sapna,b.tech 3rd yr student nd i want the summer training in any it company(like tcs,wipro,ibm).plz help me by informing the registration procedureon my email id:-sapnadutta735@gmail.com |
29th October 2014 02:19 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi, I am a computer engg student and average student in which company can I get an internship for a month |
25th June 2014 09:25 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi, myself humera salma.Im doing my B.com final year and i wanted to do internship in my summer vacations. can u please help me out. my email id is humerasalma94@gmail.com |
17th May 2014 05:07 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle I have to do summer training from infosys.i am a student of B.E c.s branch.plz tell me the procedure to do training from infosys? |
9th May 2014 04:12 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle im in btech 3 rd sem very good academic qualification nd skills i want to do summer intern from any it company delhi,ncr please suggest me how to do it renuantil84@gmail.com |
5th April 2014 01:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle i also have same question but i want free internship for 45 days if you can help them email-pratikdaveshine@gmail.com |
21st February 2014 02:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle i am doing a b.tech III ece branch student i want do in intern ship in hcl,ibm and tcsplease give the process to apply those companies and my email id is:kesavareddygit@gmail.com |
1st February 2014 01:35 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi,i am doing b.tech III cs branch student .I want to do internship in SYNTEL,TCS, and HCL companies but I want to know how can i apply for internship in following companies................ my email Id is: avinashpateljnu@gmail.com |
5th January 2014 10:47 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi..im manisha doing 3rd year B.Tech.I want to do internship in companies like infosys,ibm,tcs...so please tell me the procedure for applying. my email id:manshusg@gmail.com |
5th December 2013 05:12 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi This is sindhu. I am doing III B.tech CSE. I want to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like infosys, tcs, ibm, oracle etc... I may have some references, but I don't know how to apply.... please help me... My mail id is m.v.n.sindhuri@gmail.com |
30th November 2013 03:31 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle Good afternoon, sir/ma'am, im Sreyashi doing B.Tech in IT (3rd year, 5th sem). I would like to know the procedure for applying in companies like TCS,CTS,IBM,Infosys for summer training program. |
19th November 2013 10:52 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle I am a B.Tech computer science student (second year student ) planning to do summer internship program in software companies like IBM, INFOSYS, TCS, ACCENTURE,WIPRO ETC. Please advise me regarding this. My email id is abhinavsv3@gmail.com |
16th October 2013 05:13 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle Hi..i am doing b.tech 3year..i want to do interenship in software companies like infosys,hcl,microsoft....I dont know how to apply???pls tell me at:shubhamtuli.tuli@gmail.com |
30th June 2013 06:24 PM | |
mith92 |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hello I am doing BCA 5th sem. n I want to do Winter Internship and final major project of 6th sem among this mentioned MNC.So please allow me to know all the procedures for applying in following companies! |
30th June 2013 05:32 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hello! i am doing BCA 5th sem. .and I want to do internship and major project among this MNC in final 6th sem (winter training). so please suggest me the procedure of applying for intrnship! mail id : pramithdey@rediffmail.com |
18th March 2013 10:45 AM | |
pratiyadav |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi,i am doing b.tech III cs branch student .I want to do internship in SYNTEL,TCS, and HCL companies but I want to know how can i apply for internship in following companies................ my email Id is: pratibhayadav2012@gmail.com |
17th March 2013 05:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle Respeted sir/madam, I'm Anusha.R studying in 6th sem TCE. I'm planning to do internship in graded company, being an average student which can I opt? and what al the procedures involved basically. As I've planned to do in sem holidays I may get maximum of 45dys. please do suggest me. my mail I.D is reddyanusha370@gmail.com |
13th February 2013 06:19 PM | |
Unregistered |
How to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like Infosys, TCS, IBM, Oracle hi This is Ujjval Shrimali. I am doing III B.tech CS. I want to apply for 45 days internship/summer training in companies like infosys, tcs, ibm, oracle etc... I may have some references, but I don't know how to apply.... please help me... My mail id is ujjvalshrimali@yahoo.com |