Thread: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)? Reply to Thread

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17th September 2021 01:58 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

I got 980 msrks in inter can i get any top college in engineering hyderabad
29th May 2014 09:04 AM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

Originally Posted by syed farida View Post
sir, my daughter got 94% marks in inter Mpc 92 marks emcet if it is possible to getting seat in to ten engineering colleges affiliated jntu. iam waiting for your answer
hi sir,it completely depends on ranks but not marks...because some times question paper may be easy and sometimes is the relative performance that counts..with 92 total in eamcet your daughter can get in some good colleges like vasavi engg college ,gayatri engg college,cbit(few branches),also in many of good colleges affiliated to jntu.. hope this information is helpful....than you and all the best for your daughter.
28th May 2014 07:45 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

i have got 98% in inter and got 86 marks in eamcet .In which college can i get engineering seat and in which course?
28th May 2014 07:35 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

i have got 98% in inter and got 86 marks in eamcet .In which college can i get engineering seat and in which course?
1st August 2012 12:12 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?


Some top engineering college in Hyderabad:-

International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H) Hyderabad

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU) Hyderabad

University College of Engineering (UCE)-Osmania University Hyderabad

JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT) Hyderabad

Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) Hyderabad

Deccan College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad
31st July 2012 10:41 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

Some top engineering college in Hyderabad:-

International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H) Hyderabad

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU) Hyderabad

University College of Engineering (UCE)-Osmania University Hyderabad

JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT) Hyderabad

Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) Hyderabad

Deccan College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad
22nd June 2012 08:03 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

it is possible to join in tamil nadu with the mark in intermediate above 950
20th June 2012 12:25 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

i have 95%in ipe and 90 marks in eamcet which college i will get seat?
12th May 2012 11:47 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

is it possible to get a seat in top 5 engeneering colleges if score 95% in ip?
28th January 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

i have got 90% marks in i.p.e and 78 marks in eamcet in which college can i get engineering seat and in which course?
28th January 2012 11:52 AM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

i have got 90% marks in i.p.e and 78 marks in eamcet in which college can i get engineering seat and in which course?
30th November 2011 05:25 PM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
ranking of top 10 engineering colleges in hyderabad
Some top engineering college in Hyderabad:-

International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H) Hyderabad

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU) Hyderabad

University College of Engineering (UCE)-Osmania University Hyderabad

JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad

Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT) Hyderabad

Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT) Hyderabad

Deccan College of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad
4th July 2011 10:01 AM
Re: Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

ranking of top 10 engineering colleges in hyderabad
3rd June 2011 01:23 PM
syed farida
Is it possible to get a seat in top 10 engineering colleges affiliated under JNTU after scoring 94% marks in inter MPC(92 marks)?

sir, my daughter got 94% marks in inter Mpc 92 marks emcet if it is possible to getting seat in to ten engineering colleges affiliated jntu. iam waiting for your answer

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