Thread: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc? Reply to Thread

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20th September 2018 02:59 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Which is the better after doing computer science, msc in maths ya msc in computer science ?
24th June 2017 03:18 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I have completed intermediate science group with 94 percent.....i want to get a job in govt sector.... And I'm just love doing a course in computers... So is there any scope for computer science in n future to get a good public sector job.......
22nd June 2017 12:14 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I have completed my 12 with 62% marks and i want to go in bsc(owners) in cs so after this graduation what master degree should be better for me if i have interested in softwares and gaming?
21st June 2017 12:52 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Now I studied [cs] in private college and how I will benifited to this course... the post graduate will study or MCA .please reply your tips.
6th June 2017 10:41 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I am selected meenskshi college in mdu and I select the course b. SC com science it is best of my future pls reply
24th May 2017 10:46 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Am studying computer science in a normal college whether I will get good job and salary am so confused with the studies I should do some other in computer science to devolp the skills to get good job
24th January 2017 10:35 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

While doing second year bsc cs, can i start mca in a same year in private class..... ???
21st August 2016 01:44 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Now I am going to do BCA .is it best than B.Sc in computer science? Tell me about this.
20th June 2016 07:02 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I am a second year student in bsc I want to study a different thinks for collecting money. For eg.. Doing small designing works in computer into my home. Eg. Architecture designing,graphical designing.. Ect .... Pls suggest a good and better way for a side work
1st June 2016 06:09 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

What is scope in bsc computer science? Which is better biotechnology or bsc computer science?
21st May 2016 04:30 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

There are any advantages of doing bsc computer science instead of bsc maths
18th May 2016 11:34 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Best college or girls college for MCA which give better placement or salary package
25th November 2015 12:56 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have jst completed my 12th with 60% ....and i m confused that which option i chose cs engg. or bsc comp. pls help me ,,and tell me which opt.i select
If you are interested in technical part you are better to take engineering and it will ensure you better job after completing and degree Cs is theriotical papers and lab .
26th October 2015 05:23 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Sir I have complete my 12 th after diploma but in my hand no graduation please suggest me I chose a way of Bsc in computer is right and please help me for chose correct side of my educational careear
30th August 2015 08:23 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

After bsc computer science doing mca is a bettre scope?? Beczz people say after bca doing mca is better then doing bsc
29th July 2015 02:04 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I completed my bsc computer science. Is it better to do networking ?? Am scard
18th July 2015 09:31 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

If any possibility to go Teaching line,with completed after MBA with B.Sc (c.S)
12th July 2015 02:57 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

What is salary for completing bcs why this field are better or not because I have emergency ani job because my parents has not studied mi and Iam lover boy then emergency take job ardently.. But nothing job then my lover has been go on other hand please help me in 2 year ardently take job
5th July 2015 06:01 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Can those students who had studied computer science till class 10th are eligible to apply for computer science (h) through du. Will these students face any problem in upcoming future regarding jobs. What are job oppourtunities in this field. Which companies participate in du for placement. Plese specify career options as well.
3rd July 2015 07:11 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I am 12th passed with medical BT I am very confuse what I can choose computer science or b. Sc medical pls help me pls give me advice what can I choose pls give me answer fast I need very urgent your advice
29th June 2015 01:47 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Sir I am in a big confusion that what to choose between bsc with cs or engineering. which is much better? please help me.
26th June 2015 04:41 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

which one is better bsc non medical or bsc computer science .. i don't want to go for teaching lines so please tell which one is better now ??/
12th June 2015 09:19 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I have got 73% with science stream ,,I want to do bsc in computer sci. from Du .is it possible that I get admission .....can you suggest me college near to Delhi or in Delhi it should be public.......
9th June 2015 12:43 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Iam a biology student and can I take bsc compute science as degree program
5th June 2015 02:00 PM
Akshata Mhatre
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I have 54 % in std 12then I can get easily get admission in computer 6
4th June 2015 08:27 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

what is the scope in game programming after BSc computer science field?
23rd May 2015 05:34 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Hai sir may i know which course is most preffer in foreign( usa)? After completion of bsc computer science course in india
19th April 2015 01:46 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

i have wrote a puc board exam now and i choosed pcmcs in puc now im intersted to take bsc in computer science give information about that in detail
15th April 2015 06:55 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I hd recently appeard 12th exminations im confusd which field should I choose whthr engg or Bsc comp sc aftr my compltion of 12th. please suggst me w hich of them is better. im mainly interestd in bankng field . so kindly give information about the courses nd the subjects nd the jobs which l wuld get.
5th February 2015 03:47 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

i am completed Diploma in Computer science.
after than what i course preffered..Bsc Or BE. in cse..
plz clear also carrier of this courses...
[email protected]
10th January 2015 08:10 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

i am doing the job in mnc company now, is this good to complete mcs while working
19th December 2014 03:03 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can we do computer engg after bcs..?
Yes you can by lateral entry for diploma and bsc graduates. You need to appear for LEET for country level or state level exams which is ECET in AP . BY clearing the exam, you will be able to join colleges for btech 2nd year. Based on your rank you may even go to JNTU hyderabad which is ranked 20 in india .
29th October 2014 03:10 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I have done my mca .when I was in 2nd sem of mca I haf 2 backlog can I give Net exam after clearing backlog ?
25th October 2014 10:24 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

hii what is i do after bsc computer science field ? what is better afer bsc computer MCA or MBA
5th August 2014 07:11 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Is there any course of engineering after bsc which has less year for completing the course ?
17th July 2014 11:15 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

sir/madam, i am interested in software development. what should i choose after bsc comp science, MCA or MSc. I have done BSc, so will i face problems while doing MCA.
27th June 2014 01:04 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

hii. i have completed my 12 nd now i m very much confused what should i do now.. which field is better for me in which i can get good slary package. mba,mca or msc in agriculture
16th June 2014 06:19 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

what is the scope in bsc computer science filed ? can i attempt PSE ? which subject is most suitable to crack PSE ?
11th June 2014 01:46 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

iam going to study my ug and pg in computer science...., after my pg .... cource completion.. plz say wat kind of studies may i continue or else any kind of jobs in diff line.
3rd June 2014 07:34 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

iam completed my computers with 71% iam eligible for IT sector ..i dont want to study higher studies than this ...i completed that with 71% ..kindly please suggest me and where can i get jobs? and is iam eligible for work in MNC companies ...please give me supportive suggestions sir/mam.,,bro/sis ....,,,thank you
16th May 2014 10:22 AM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

hi friends
im sai krishna .. i want help for you all guys. im not good at java and c but good at DBMS and HTML. can i do MCA.
plz help me.
im interested in networking,internet and hardware. these specilization need java and c.
14th May 2014 11:26 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc? doing computer science..i don't wat should i have to do after finishing this degree course.pls help me in taking good degree course wich should depending upon good salary in my future..thanking u..replly me to [email protected]
7th May 2014 08:21 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

if I do bsc computer science it will we useful for future ? n will I get job opportunities after completing mba or msc
13th January 2014 09:17 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

hi,I am 19 years old girl,currently studying in Second year BSc in computer science.I dont wish to make my career in computer related field.I am more interested in doing MBA in HR.
please suggest me other courses than CS.
29th December 2013 06:57 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

Can I do b.ed from du after my bsc hons computer science from du?
10th November 2013 11:18 PM
subra gadekar
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?
Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have selected bsc computer science for doing graduation..
I want to know about the scope in this field and salary packages offer.
What is better after doing bsc computer science - MCA or MSc.
Can I also do MBA..then what is the scope after this.???
Please give me all the information in detail???
2nd September 2013 06:23 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

sir plz mjhe is bare me guide kar dyn ke bscs aur bcs ke scope me kitna farq hai aur kya two year bcs ka koi future hai?
1st September 2013 10:02 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

I m doin (cs)..way will b my package after doing MCA..or MTECH
25th July 2013 09:53 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

plz give the list of bst colleges for mca, mba, and computer science?
25th July 2013 09:47 PM
Re: What is the scope in BSc computer science field? Which is better after doing BSc computer Science, MCA or MSc?

plz name the bst colleges for mca, mba, and computer science? plz give a list.
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