Thread: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream Reply to Thread

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25th July 2019 12:31 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

I have got 376 rank in TS PGECET 2019 and i am from ECE background in which college i may expect seat for pursuing my M.Tech
16th June 2015 01:29 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

sir i got 712 rank in pgecet 2015 eee.can i got eee seat in jntuk pls rply to [email protected]
17th June 2014 10:04 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

sir i got 77 rank in pgecet2014 and i belong to st category is their any chance to get seat in ou hyderabad or jntuh please reply to my mailid [email protected]
16th June 2014 08:28 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 256 rank in pgecet in eee. i belongs to bc-b category. can i get seat in osmania university.please reply me sir
16th June 2014 08:19 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 256 rank in pgecet in eee. i belongs to bc-b category. can i get seat in osmania university.please reply me sir
22nd January 2013 07:24 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

10th November 2012 04:27 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Hi Sir,
I got 68th rank in Civil Engineering in PGECET 2012.
Councelling is done but since I did my in Anantapur my local area became SVU.
Do I have a chance of getting a seat in structures in either OU or JNTUH?
waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance.

Thank you,
8th September 2012 01:14 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Sir I have got 408 PGCET Rank and I from CSE discipline. Which colleges can I expect? What are my chances for R.V College of Engineering?
17th July 2012 08:22 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

sir, i got 104 rank in pgecet in civil engineering stream. plz send me the details where i can get admission and fee structure.
28th February 2012 11:09 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Since you have a good rank in PGECET-2010 of Osmania University & you also belong to BC-B category you have a fair chance of getting admission in MTech in civil engineering.

You can also try for some other institutes like NIT, Wrangal.

Kindly visit the website or contact the concerned authority of respective university/institute
3rd November 2011 11:13 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hai sir i got 662 rank in civil group,ou pgecet exam.i belongs to oc categeory.can i get seat in jntu please kindly replay to me................
3rd November 2011 11:01 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

what are the colleges for rank 666 in pgecet.
6th September 2011 05:26 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hai sir i got 777 rank in civil group,ou pgecet exam.i belongs to oc please kindly reply to me in which college i got rank in any specialisation.
25th August 2011 01:44 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello sir i got 191 rank in pegecet it & software enng strem in 2011 year so which colleges i can get ..?
2nd August 2011 01:54 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i am v.sivasankar. i got 146 rank in pgecet2011 in computer science. i dont have any reservation. i am belongs to jntu k. can i get aseat in jntu h in CS. if so is it manditory to submit migration certificate? plz give reply to my mail.
[email protected]
29th July 2011 06:53 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hi sir Iam Mahendra
Sir, I got a pgcet rank in 3084 result in 2011.I belong to BC-A catageory and icome ou region i got seat in hyderabad colleges?
26th July 2011 09:54 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Sir, I got a 186 in IT and 1163 rank in CSE in the PGECET results 2011...Which College I will get.. I belong to BC-B and i come under AU region..will I get seat in hyderabad colleges??
26th July 2011 07:31 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

this is chakravarthi. i got pgecet 1799 CSE rank in 2011-12 academic and i belong to andhra university/acharya nagarjuna university/jntu k.
in which university i will get the seat.
25th July 2011 05:21 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i'm anand
i got 4500 rank in gate 2011 in electrical stream,is there any chance can i get seet in RV college
23rd July 2011 12:22 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

sir i got 1560 rank in pgecet 2011 in ece stream.
will please tyell me the details about the colleges which offer part time mtech.
otherwise plz tell me where i can get the information.
22nd July 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

plz tell me ou pgeget 2011 mtech counselling dates
13th July 2011 02:58 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 850 rank in ou pgecet can i get seat in univercities
7th July 2011 04:47 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

I got 470 rank in pgecet2011 in civil.Are there any chances of getting admission in any university
6th July 2011 07:21 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

I got 186 rank in pgcet 2011 civil stream.Are there any chances of getting admission in nit warangal? and so when the counsilling will be started.kindly inform me to my mail [email protected] as early as possible. Thankyou
5th July 2011 06:14 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 77th rank in pgecet 2011.what colleges can i get for in vlsi?
4th July 2011 06:47 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

my rank is 3744 can i get seat in mtech? I belong to AU region OC category
3rd July 2011 07:53 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

what are the colleges for the rank 2111 plz reply me sir...
23rd June 2011 06:14 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Friends can any 1 tell me , that what is the last rank(PGECET) entered into M.TECH computer science and engineering in OSMANIA UNIVERSITY.
27th November 2010 12:58 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream


I have got 927 and belongs to BC-B category. I came to know that one of friend got seat in the First councelling. I am surprised to hear the news that he got the seat as his rank was 1100 and belongs to OC. Is there any way can i know what happend to my seat allotment or request.
31st October 2010 07:50 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello dear

see, according to your rank you will not get good college.

actually it is not a qualifing gate score.

so it is not valid gate score.

you may try for te next time.

all the best...........
25th October 2010 12:10 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Hi Sir,
I've got 600 rank in PGECET 2010 in Software & Information Tech,Could u give info. am I gng 2 get in hyd colleges
9th October 2010 12:00 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

when will be counsilling for gate qualified students will be conducted . please sir could u give information on what date , so we can plan in other areas or else is counsilling will be conducted or not
2nd October 2010 06:25 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

can any one answer about councelling? Is there any possibility of getting seat in Mpharm for the rank 687 ? plz answer.
28th September 2010 11:35 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

when will be the counselling for pgecet (none gate )students ple give me answer
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26th September 2010 08:53 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello sir,
i've got 553 rank and i belonging to andra university.can u pls give details about can i get any university campus pls pls reply to my [email protected]
22nd September 2010 04:43 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello sir,
when will be the counselling for pgecet (none gate )students ple give me answer
20th September 2010 07:49 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 459 rank in pgecet2010 cse stream where can iget seat. when will be the counselling. as like gate is there any procedure to register to attend pgecet counselling plzzzzzzzz inform.
19th September 2010 05:39 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 2114 rank in PGECET ECE WHEN I HAVE TO REGISTER FOR COUNCELLING I HAVE TO JOIN IN JNTUH OR JNTUA INTIME ME [email protected] and [email protected]
17th September 2010 03:56 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

when would be the councelling for pgecet qualified candidates and i have got 3143 rank in pgecet for electronics and communications can i expect seat
14th September 2010 01:22 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello, i got 1716 rank in ou pgecet in the stream of EEE .i belongs to BC-A category
can any body tell me whther i'll get a seat, in which colleges plz send details to [email protected]
11th September 2010 12:17 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i am not applying for osmania university to join .mtech admission if i have chance to apply jntu.give me reply
9th September 2010 06:19 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

I've got 77 rank in Biotechnology stream PGECET 2010, can any one tell me the probable counseling dates and
Is OU going to conduct Counseling or Universities their selves gonna conduct it like last year??
9th September 2010 01:29 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hey princearyan cunselling has not yet started k!!! stop spamming
9th September 2010 12:56 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Hi sir,
this is mahitha & i got 558 rank in pgecet 2010 in civil engg and i belongs to oc category and i have 33% reservation under ladies kota am in JNTUK region,can i get admission in any of the universities JNTUH/JNTUK( in soil mechanics or water resource engg or any other specialisation).and inform the pgecet councelling dates also...reply pls this is my email id: [email protected],pls sir... immediately plz try to inform
8th September 2010 12:31 AM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello friend i have got 3016 rank in pgecet ece and when is the counseling starts my .no 9030765145
7th September 2010 12:11 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

i got 9000 rank in pgecet 2010 stream cse
can any body tell me whther i'll get a seat
category BC-A
7th September 2010 01:26 AM
mini rani
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream


Since you have a good rank in PGECET-2010 of Osmania University & you also belong to BC-B category you have a fair chance of getting admission in MTech in civil engineering.

You can also try for some other institutes like NIT, Wrangal.

Kindly visit the website or contact the concerned authority of respective university/institute for more etails.
6th September 2010 09:30 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Hello sir,i got 2nd rank in pgecet and examination test is RELIABILITY ENGINEERING i want information for m tech colegs cen i get ou campus ,this counselling when will be there
3rd September 2010 03:34 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

Hello Sir,
I am B.Madhavi, I got 50th rank in OU PGECET.I belong to oc.I would like to know in which college i can get admission into?
My email id is ([email protected])
1st September 2010 02:39 PM
Re: Mtech admission details about PGECET with 180 Rank in civil engineering stream

hello sir,
this is Nithin kumar and i got 42 marks for which i got 4183 rank in oupgecet and i belong to scheduled cast-c can u give me an idea in which college can i get admission into ? i would be very pleased if u give me a reply on [email protected]
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