Thread: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges? Reply to Thread

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30th March 2017 01:29 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I'm secured 17.98/100 and my gate score 257 and AIR rank 30997... can I get seat in any IITs or nits..
Please suggest
27th June 2014 10:51 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I got admission mnit jaipur ,i belongs to st category please tell me about tuition fee and hostel fee my i admitted through.
1st April 2014 08:11 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

hi sir ,i got AIR of 3474 in GATE 2014 and im an SC candidate.can I get into IIT or NIT in 2015.and may I know validity of GATE score and is there any difference in getting seat 2015 rather than 2014?????????? plzzz reply soon sir..............
27th June 2013 07:35 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

hi, my name is prashanth, and i am studying my b-tech in yvu KDP. & i am an SC student. How much should i get gate marks/score in order to admissionin IIT's/NIT's. 2 my e-mail. Plz.....rply me.
15th May 2013 11:24 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir i want to take admission in iit .
so plz tell me sir how to prepare myself for gate
15th March 2013 06:04 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i have 24/100 in instrumentation
my score is 303
any chances of iit or nit
13th March 2013 11:40 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

can i get admission in nit?????
i scored 26.66 marks, AIR is 19508, gate score is 280
i'm from open category
24th February 2013 11:25 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir i got 18.66 marks in gate iam from sc there any chances to get into iits and psu...???
20th February 2013 07:24 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Originally Posted by doshi hemlata View Post
plz reply wether i can get admissin in nit for 85 percentile sc caste
Definitely u will get nit.....

all the best
12th September 2012 08:36 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

can i get a mtech seat in ou with gate rank of 5315 in 2011.i dont have from eee branch...please reply....
15th April 2012 06:57 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

hello dear

the GATE eligibility criteria for GATE 2012 is given below

1.minimum degree in engineering candidate.

final year & prefinal year students are allowed to attain in the gate exam.

2.M.SC students are also eligible to attain in the gate exam.

there have not any age limit to attain in the gate exam.

BEST OF LUCK............
14th April 2012 08:41 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i got AIR-32743, gate score-221. marks-18.67. in electrical under s.c. can i get admission in nit. plz suggest
14th April 2012 11:26 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate score 70% percentile can i gate iit or nit????
10th April 2012 01:38 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

hello this is milind here... I m qualified in gate exam for year 2012 in sc category and my score in 23.33 out of 100 and my gate score is 184 can i get nitk suratkal or any good coll.
plz reply me... my mail id is:
19th March 2012 07:48 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir, i am a student of in gate rank is 858, in 2012. i am also in sc category. is there any chance to get phd program in iits ? plz send me to the mail
19th March 2012 09:25 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I am sc student i got gate in 18 marks in eee branch in which nit i placed
18th March 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

hello sir,
i am from IT-btech what are the braches available in mtech course sir,so that
i can get good job after my mtech.plz reply sir.
18th March 2012 05:46 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I got 18.67 out of 100 in ECE discipline in gate 2011.. I'm a sc candidate.. Can i get admission in andhra university(AU)
9th October 2011 02:09 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?


Here I am attaching, last years IIT-DELHI cut-off list of GATE exam for your refrence in this post..

I hope you will get idea from this list.

all the best!!!!
5th October 2011 09:07 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

the exam cutoff changes every year but i think if you get more than 90% you can get admission in iits and nit easily
1st October 2011 07:54 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir i m student of obc category....gate.marks to take admission in iit or nits......eee branch........
13th August 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Hi sir, I am ravikumar from tamilnadu .Now i am studying 3rd year BE.EEE(2011) .I'm sc category .so how will prepare for gate exam and i need more information in gate exam.please help me.......
10th August 2011 12:51 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

26th July 2011 02:57 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

respected sir,
i am rohan from west i am 4th yr stud of civil.this year(2011) i qualified for gate sore is 242,cut off marks is 18.33,rank is 7378.for this year cut off is question is that what is the actual procedure to take admission for m.tect next year means after passed graduate in plz help me..

26.07.2011 rohan
23rd June 2011 05:29 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my gate score is 371.AIR -13353 in CS branch. .SC category can i get admission in any of nit??
yes u can get even iit
15th June 2011 10:37 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate score is 286 and marks is 21.67 in CS....I belong to SC category.can i get any chance in any of government college?
plz inform me.myemail id
17th May 2011 11:56 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir iam jayanth i scored 26.33 marks with percentile of 86.00
and gate score of 4m sc caste
can i get any NITs..
16th May 2011 11:49 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate rank & gate score are 37 & 445 from EC branch...
can i get into any iit ???
i belong to SC category...
please reply....
11th May 2011 11:27 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sir im anil.
i scored 27.67 marks with percentile of 87.23
and gate score of 4m sc caste
can i get any NITs..
21st April 2011 12:13 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i am aditya
sir , i scored 26 marks in electrical gate 2011 and my gate score is 316 can i get admission in iit delhi or other iit"s?
5th April 2011 01:07 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i got 395 marks in gate2011 exam percentile is 92.6...i am from oc from eee rank is doing btch 3yr....can i get a seat in any 1 of nits???????plzzzzzzzzzzz tel me
30th March 2011 03:43 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

sc and st have reservation in any institute in
30th March 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I hv scored 25 mrks in gate, sc candidate
Is der any chance to get admission in NIT
30th March 2011 12:19 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges is fully varied year to year.

but as a general if you can get rank with in 2000, then you can get iits and nits easily.

that means you have to get 90% in the gate exam.
All the best.
29th March 2011 11:41 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

My GATE score is 286 and Mark is 21.67 there any chance to get M-tech admission in any NIT this year ..sir !! please reply me ..
24th March 2011 12:49 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I m SC candidate & i m secured 24.33 marks out of
100 ln GATE 2011 with branch mechanical,my GATE score is 248 and my all india rank is 19789 out of 81175. will i get bit mesra or any nit
22nd March 2011 02:07 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate score is 4001 mechanical will i get ism dhanbad or iit bhu or nit warangal .trichy ' allahabad.,.
20th March 2011 01:32 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i had secured a rank of 308 with gate score 273 & mark 16.67 out of 100 in AG discipline in GATE 2010,whether i can for any iits or nits
19th March 2011 04:21 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

I had secured a rank of 842 in gate 2011 in ECE discipline.
My gate score is 687.
here can i get admission for my rank.
(Im from open category, no resrv.)
Please help me.
mail to
Thank you
18th March 2011 08:54 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate score is 371.AIR -13353 in CS branch. .SC category can i get admission in any of nit??
18th March 2011 08:50 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

my gate score is 371.AIR -13353 in CS branch. .SC category can i get admission in any of nit??
16th March 2011 06:08 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

minimam gate score for m tech for sc candidate in chemistry
16th March 2011 01:30 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

If an sc candidate score 17 out off 100, if there is any chance for him?
15th March 2011 10:49 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

i got 20 marks...m 4rm sc there ny chance 4 me in iit/nit or coep?
16th February 2011 10:55 PM
doshi hemlata
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

plz reply wether i can get admissin in nit for 85 percentile sc caste
16th February 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

if i get 85 percentine yhen which college i shuld try n i hav sc caste .plz reply as soon as possible
15th February 2011 03:23 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Cut off mark for nit allahabad in 2010
14th February 2011 12:06 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

if a sc candidate score 17 marks out of 100 then is there any chance for him?
31st December 2010 10:51 AM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

Can GATE help me to studt in U.S???
Wat score required???
1st October 2010 10:04 PM
Re: Minimum GATE score required for SC candidates to get M.Tech Admission in IIT and NIT Colleges?

GATE qualifying mark depends on the number of students appeared for exam and marks obtained by all of them.......
and you cant say the number of sc students appearing for exam..........
so just give your best in the exam and wait thats what anyone can do............
and the qualifying mark for sc candidates is 2/3 of the general qualifying mark
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