Thread: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges? Reply to Thread

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5th November 2020 06:13 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Cutoff list of civil engineering direct admission to 2nd year in Maharashtra government colleges?
23rd July 2019 02:28 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

I have got 89% in diploma in civil engineering. Can I get admission into coep caste is obc.
11th June 2017 01:22 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Please tell me the last year cutt off list for direct 2nd year colleges in Mumbai for civil engineering course..I got 80.79 % In 3rd year diploma of civil engineering
14th January 2017 05:58 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Can we change branch from electronics to civil engineers in Second Year for Mumbai university
30th July 2016 11:24 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Sir , I have got 86.56 % in diploma in civil engineering.Can I get admission in sinhgad college of engineering in first shift.
22nd June 2016 10:47 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Please show me the 2016 cut off list of autonomous collages in nagpur
28th May 2016 08:12 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Which are the top 10 colleges in India for Civil Engineering in India after Diploma?pls ans quickly
29th July 2015 01:30 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

If I got 81% aggregate marks in civil eng.diploma then in which college i can get admmiosion in gov.colleges & shivaji univercity
pl'tell me cutt of list
my email [email protected]
26th July 2014 10:13 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Sir I got 76.73% marks in diploma in civil & rural engg. Am I got govrment college in maharastra? Pls send me answer on my email ld - [email protected]
27th June 2014 10:13 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

I want take admission n kk wagh engg clg of nashik. I have comple my diploma so please tell me cut of list
13th June 2014 07:24 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Sir what is cut off of Coep and pccoe for direct second year admission in civil branch.
1st June 2013 12:14 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz kindly send me cutoff list of civil engg for direct 2nd year in maharashtra colleges
cutoff list of civil engineering direct 2nd year admission in pune university colleges?
22nd May 2013 07:20 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

if i got 68% aggregate in diploma then in which collage in nagpur i can get admission
16th February 2013 02:35 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?
25th January 2013 11:28 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Plz send cutoff of pune and mumbai collage for direct second yr admission for obc caste
8th December 2012 04:25 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Sir.i got in hsc 65% and i m doing civil engineering from the institute of civil engillege neering(india) i.e ( ice. ).sir i change college from ice to mumbai univesty .and can i get admission in 2nd yeat degree college.i passesp ssc &hsc from mumbai.sir
10th August 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

can i get direct 2nd year in s p college in andheri i got 75.28% in 5&6 sems
22nd June 2012 02:00 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

i want the percentage of student who got admission last year in open catagry to direct second year to civil b.e.......i.e. cutoff.....
21st June 2012 05:14 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

18th June 2012 08:20 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

how much percentage is required to get direct admission in the second year of degree college in maharashtra?
15th May 2012 01:15 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

plz send me list of coleges immedetly
13th May 2012 08:07 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

plzz cn u tel me..cut off f engeneering college coap..pune
12th May 2012 08:40 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

cutoff list of civil engineering direct 2ndyear admission in maharashtra government colleges
7th December 2011 11:36 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Hello ,

Do specify some college if you have a specific choice?
7th December 2011 11:35 AM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Please find the cut off for maharashtra colleges for all engineering streams.
15th September 2011 04:36 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

plz teel me the mirt list
22nd August 2011 05:45 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

Cutoff list of direct second year diploma
10th August 2011 10:12 PM
Re: Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

2nd August 2011 09:02 AM
Cutoff list of Civil Engineering direct 2nd year admission in Maharashtra colleges?

plz kindly send me cutoff list of civil engg for direct 2nd year in maharashtra colleges

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