Thread: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course? Reply to Thread

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4th July 2019 09:04 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

I am urgently in need of a answer! Can I do BBA along with cs(corporate secretary) and then do my MBA(HR)?
4th April 2014 09:33 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Hi sir i done 12 in commerce filed n i want to become cs what i want to do ...n cs is right or any other
N which degrees are important with cs
4th April 2014 09:27 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Sir i done 12 in commerce ..n now i want to become cs ....
So what i want to do for it. cs is right or any other
16th December 2013 11:24 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

hi dears,
I am BBA (finance) degree holder but i have 6 years experience in Telecom Engineering in managerial position. (NOC Manager and Configuration Manager) which course is good for me. MCS or MBA. mostly i face difficulty in interviews, that why i dont have technical degree.. any one any opinion plz ????
6th October 2013 11:07 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

I am an software engineer with B.Tech computer science. Can I eligible for CS?
Is it required additional courses before taking CS program?
28th July 2013 12:17 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

i have passed b.b.a & i am doing m.s.c (cs) after b.b.a. so please tell me it's possible and value for my future
20th June 2013 10:41 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

i have completed and 1.6 year exp in accounts, can i do cs is there any age limit Plz guide me.
1st June 2013 06:25 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Is Ca is good option after bba? give me quick rly..plzzz..
12th October 2012 12:10 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

what is the duration of CS after B.B.A
24th July 2012 10:46 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

i m doing my bba and right now i am in 5th sem, and will complete my bba by june 2013. so cn i appear for this december's executive programme????
and for this i need to fil up my form within 28th feb..... plz suggest me..

i really want 2 go 4r cs but i m confused wth the dates that whn 2 join...plz help!!!!!!
21st April 2012 09:21 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Hello Admin,
My question is, I have completed BBA course and now iam working in a internation BPO process, but now iam looking to do a course after BBA, so my humble request to you is please advise me which all course can i opt for which may be benefitial for me.......
Thanks and Regards,
Rahul Kulkarni
14th April 2012 08:34 PM
Oracle 9
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?


Company Secretary can actively participate and can guide the company in almost all the matter of the company

whether it is financial,legal or management matter of the company.

CS can also guide on the corporate governance,ethics etc

CS is also known as legal advisor of the company.

It is distance education course and can be done from anywhere in INDIA.

NOW in INDIA institute of Company Secretary is thinking of changing the pattern of foundation level from descriptive to objective.

Company Secretary


10+2 passed any stream (art, science, commerce) or equivalent qualification from recognized board.
if you are graduate from recognized university you need not to clear the first stage of the company secretary course.

There is no requirement for age and of marks in company secretary course.


Admission is open though out the year.examination are held twice a year in june and december.

For further information visit website -
14th April 2012 04:16 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

can i do bba with cs ormass com is better option for me i just have given the exams of class12
9th March 2012 08:55 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

i complete b.b.a in 1 month.n i want to do can i do cs after b.b.a
30th January 2012 04:31 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

But here one thing I would like to tell you doing Bsc in Agriculture will not give you more growth So better complete your Msc in the same field then apply for jobs ,you will find more jobs and good salary also.At this stage if you geta job also they will pay you not more than 15000/-But after Msc this will range between 25k -30k per month.Some of the Agriculture includes Agro Biotech,Balaji seeds,Centuri seeds private limited,Indo american hybris seeds,Noverties India,Namdhari seeds,Bhakti Biotech.
29th January 2012 12:05 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

I will suggest to do these correspondence courses along with your bba course because the expectations from the job seekers are high in every field and by these courses

you can improve yourself in other field also.

1) computer diploma courses by niits etc.

2)foreign language courses.

3)prepare yourself for exam like cat, mat,snap etc so that you can take admission to best colleges for mba.

**********after completing your graduation in business administration , you have opportunities for various good jobs.

*********i am mentioning these jobs you will get after completing your bba ,you can select any one of the profession according to the job profile you want as per your interests.

1)you can takes jobs in various mnc's for the profile of business analyst or consultants.

2)you can go for the profile of accountant in any company.

3)you can choose indian defense forces as your career.

4)you can apply for various government jobs like in banks etc

5)you can go for marketing and sales department in any industry..

So these are some of the professions you can choose as bba graduate..

Best of luck
24th January 2012 02:22 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Hello friend!
Company secretary has a vast and excellent scope.It is an excellent and prestigious course, and offers ample job opportunities. Under the companies Act there is need for every company to have full or part time company secretary. The person holding the degree can apply for Managerial posts, legal adviser besides being a part time or full time company secretary. It is the course like chartered Accountancy.
All the best!
19th January 2012 04:31 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

hi dear,
CS (Company Secretary) course is divided into three stages.
Foundation programme
Executive programme
Professional Programme

So, an individual, who has passed the +2 level of examination, is eligible to join the foundation programme and the one with a bachelor degree in any stream, is eligible to enroll directly for the executive programme. The institute do not conduct any entrance test for admission to the CS programme.
For further information, visit

1st December 2011 10:43 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Sir i m inter a poor student i want to join cs and ihop to earn heavy package may it come true help me plz
24th November 2011 02:42 AM
aamir sandhu
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

which is the best after bba ?? mcs or mba ??? which degree gets gud pay after bba????
24th November 2011 02:31 AM
aamir sandhu
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

[QUOTE=imira;80801]Natural choice for you is MBA. But if you are really interested in CS, you go in for MCS course. Some universities like Alagappa university offer MCS distance learning program too for graduates. MBA will offer you wider range of career option
which is the best ater BBA mcs or mba for high pay???
24th November 2011 02:24 AM
aamir sandhu
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Yes you can do
after bba i do mcs but tell me that if i do mba after bba then which is tha best for pay??? mba ?? or mcs?? which degree gave me high pay ???
10th September 2011 12:21 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

what is the value cs if we have completed the cs executive programme?
18th August 2011 01:02 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

will MBA or CS offer better job opportunity after BBA?
20th June 2011 06:59 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

hi, i m pursuing my third year BBA and it will complete in the next year by april 2012. So that means i can do my admission for executive level only after accomplishing it. but can start my study nowonwards for executive level and prepare for dec 2012 exams without doing admissions?
13th June 2011 01:57 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

after bba what course we have
9th June 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

hi dear frndz.....
I've complete my graduation in 2009 nd right now m doing job in share mrkt as a dealer ,,, should I do CS if yes then how can its help in in future with my dealing experiance in share mrkt . plz suggest me and also wanna tell u that I dont want to do MBA.
28th May 2011 04:45 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

what are the course regarding cs?
28th May 2011 04:43 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

wat are d courses related to cs
25th May 2011 04:50 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

can i do CA when i am studing bba?it is good choice for me
2nd May 2011 09:32 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

plz tell me what i should do after 10 2 , either bba or , and which have greater scope . i am expecting that i will score 90 marks in 10 2.
27th April 2011 10:14 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

im student n completed ma grad in 2010... im interested in doing c.s...but really don't know about the value of this course...till date i only got to know that ca is more valuable than kindly tell me the exact worth of the course n about its placement....
17th April 2011 06:44 PM
niketan patel
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Originally Posted by vip201 View Post
I have done BBA.can i do CS.What is the there any chance of job
yes,there is great opportunity for the CS person in the market.

To start CS you have to register at ICSI online or at have to go CS institute...
16th April 2011 06:37 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

sir , iam a bba gradute started with my career with customer service , but now i got a job in accounts deprtement , so iam planning to do icwai will it perform???
27th March 2011 02:22 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

CS (Company Secretary) course is divided into three stages.
Foundation programme
Executive programme
Professional Programme

So, an individual, who has passed the +2 level of examination, is eligible to join the foundation programme and the one with a bachelor degree in any stream, is eligible to enroll directly for the executive programme. The institute do not conduct any entrance test for admission to the CS programme.
For further information, visit

22nd March 2011 07:12 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Placements after completing Foundation Programme
20th March 2011 06:16 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Upto which date I can fill cpt forums (CA) .
22nd January 2011 11:04 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

can i do cs while iam in fY B.COM,what is the value?
16th January 2011 12:53 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Can I do CS course after BBA
Yes you can do CS after completing your BBA.The minimum requirement for CS is 10+2 exam.So yo are eligible for it.
15th January 2011 03:41 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Almost you have done BBA so better to go for MBA to get better results soon. But even than you want to go for CS than ofcourse you can go for CS (company secratory).For CS 12th passout is eligible and you have done graduation in Business operation so if you go for MBA it will really best for choose better.

with best wishes!!!!
13th January 2011 09:33 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

i m doin my bba and right now i am in 5th sem, and will complete my bba by june 2011. so cn i appear for this december's executive programme????
and for this i need to feel up my form within 28th feb..... so suggest me...
17th December 2010 01:01 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

sir which will be batter cs or mba after doing bba
8th December 2010 03:10 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Can I do CS course after 10 all friends say that CS is very tough.
14th November 2010 08:40 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

Originally Posted by lalit mohan View Post
can i do cs course after BBA. what is the vaule of cs..
yes, doing cs after BBA is a good option.In cs many portion like law and all are already covered so it will proove beneficial to you.
13th November 2010 08:30 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

CS is an awesome professional course,just after CA.
but i would like to say that every one plays a vital role in his field,let it be ICAI,ICSI,ICWAI etc,no company can run without a CS nor CA nor COST ACCOUNTANT individually.
CS takes its top priority , when its done with LLB MBA.
but no matter a student with CS MBA has a fine future..

and YES anyone can pursue for CS,from any kind of degree (except fine arts)
the minimum level to attain for foundation cource is 10 2.
the minimum level to attain for intermediate cource is after graduation.

for further info contact [email protected]
12th November 2010 10:17 PM
lalit mohan
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

can i do cs course after BBA. what is the vaule of cs..
24th October 2010 08:38 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

yea surely you can do CS( company secretary). also it is a very good course. after 10+2 level students are eligible for this course.

but as you have completed you BBA then i will suggest you to go for MBA. because after MBA you will get a better opportunity and also high pay scale.

CS also a good course. job opportunity is also better. you may go for it if you like it. choice is yours.

best of luck.
24th October 2010 08:07 PM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

hello dear ,
well it is good choice to do cs course after BBA ........ after completing this cources u r eligible for applying in manny big MNC like(YCS,WIPRO,INFOCES, EVEN U R PLACED WITH HIGH PACKAGE IN GOVERNMENT COMPANY, so it is good for u by thet u can exalt in your filed
24th October 2010 06:22 PM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

yes of course you can do cs its full form is company secretary. and you will have to manage the company .you should have law knowledge . it has attractive salary package. good luck
24th October 2010 05:20 AM
Re: Can I do CS course after BBA? What is the value of CS course?

yes off course you can do cs. the full form of cs is company secratery . cs knows the several laws and thus help his company. it has good salary and is a royal job.
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