Thread: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar? Reply to Thread

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29th January 2019 06:50 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
salary of bams if having 2 yrs experience
Hi Dear,
first it depends on your experience, whether its in ayurveda or in allopathic. As most of the ayurvedic doctor do allopathic practice. secondly if you have gotten experience in ayurveda then it will be good for your future.
you can get easily 30 to 40 thousand a month in any ayurvedic organisation plus if you want to run your business then there are hell lot industries where you can pursue your career as a distributor and as a practitioner too.
lats but not the least Ayurved is a science, if you learn and then if you implement on your patients, then you will get lacs per months, its my personal experience.

Good Luck.
5th August 2015 03:00 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

I am last year of bams student nd m very confused abt my carrier so plz help me out wt should I do after bams plz suggest me plz if md dan which field is good 4 md
25th July 2015 05:27 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are almost same subjects in MBBS and bams.
Then why so many differences in both courses
about there salaries,scope and government Jobs.
Please give me answer....
9th October 2014 08:20 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

what is valli ?
16th September 2014 11:44 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

sir pls tell me is there any chance in private hospital job after bams..if then how much salary I can there private hospital in mp for ayurvedic
12th September 2014 10:05 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are almost same subjects in MBBS and bams.
Then why so many differences in both courses
about there salaries,scope and government Jobs.
Please give me answer....

31st August 2014 10:30 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Dear i m studing in private college how much salary i will get aftwr completing the b.a.m.s ?
21st June 2014 03:26 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

is there good salary In Maharashtra after BAMS ?and how good practice of allopathy also I can do?
24th May 2014 04:54 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Hello sir plz tell what is the salary scale for a ayrwedic doctor.and what is the best goverment bams collepe in mp.
15th May 2014 08:23 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

whats about scope of bams in india? can i get job in government seats even if i will be a product of private/associate colledge. whats about its initial salary after its pg course. im worried , plz advice for other courses also . rply fast plz
9th April 2014 12:20 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi i m nivedita. I want to make my future in medical field as a doctor, so plz tell me if i will do bams from private college..what is starting salary and job opporunities?
20th December 2013 07:24 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Hi its sonú here. I am doing my 2profession b a m s and now i feel I've done a great mistake by choosing this since people degrade it so much and salary is also paid less tram twenty thousand:(
25th November 2013 08:21 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

bams is the better than BDS.
29th October 2013 02:57 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which line should i follow after 10th to get this degree?
science stream bi,p,c
17th September 2013 12:56 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi confused whether to opt. BDS or BAMS after 12th??plz help me
12th September 2013 04:27 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

what is the maximum salary a bams doctor gets from indian government????
28th July 2013 12:56 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

if i study perfect B.A.M.S IN SELF FINANCED COLLEGE IN GUJARAT SO,i will getting job in goverment?
13th July 2013 07:53 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

I got 190 rank at state level for st category and 1833 rank at all india level. May i'll get govt medical college?
12th July 2013 08:52 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

upl tell me salary after doing bams
11th May 2013 10:55 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hello sir
i have opted medical and m very confuse about my future i want to know all about careers in medical xpt MBBS n BDS and i also want to know about salary pls help me out
19th April 2013 06:25 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

i don't the Sanskrit ,so that BAMS it's not deficute to me
2nd April 2013 08:28 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

i want to know that if do bams from ibam kolkatta is the certificate valid or not .i will get job or not i.
20th February 2013 12:26 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

sir I want to know which one is better between BUMS and BAMS
14th June 2012 09:36 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Hii am mandeep singh am do bams degree from shri dhanwanrtry ayurvedic college chandigarh .what i do aftr take the degree & what is the scope plz tell me
30th December 2011 11:31 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi myself Nitheesh doing b.pharm.
After my graduation which one is better among m.pharm,ms in pharma or pharmd
14th October 2011 06:23 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi.. i m doing bsc nursing from lok nayak hospital nd i got the admission ltter from ip for bams wht will be better to continue in futre.... plz tell me......
9th October 2011 05:17 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

After doing b-tech you cam try for m.b.a and also you have got high salary job..
24th September 2011 08:57 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

i wana know about salary of bams after doing private and other state
24th August 2011 05:19 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

salory after bams
9th August 2011 08:42 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi am dili ,completed my bachelor of physiotherapy course .i want to do bams course .is there any oppurtunities to me to do this course.plz reply me as soon as possible.
3rd August 2011 12:37 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

I am doing BAMS in private college can i get job in goverment hospital?pl reply
2nd August 2011 12:09 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

what can i do in bsc
2nd August 2011 10:38 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Hi i m silky i m completely confuse about my future bcoz i got only 126 marks in mp pmt therefor i can not take admission in govt. MBBS college but i want to make my future in medical field as a doctor so please tell me what will i do. reply fast.
2nd August 2011 10:36 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Hi i m silky i m completely confuse about my future bcoz i got only 126 marks in mp pmt therefor i can not take admission in govt. MBBS college but i want to make my future in medical field as a doctor so please tell me what will i do. reply fast.
31st July 2011 01:20 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

bams or bhms which has scope?
23rd July 2011 08:26 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

bams and bums which one is best
20th July 2011 06:47 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

Which is best BAMS or BUMS
18th July 2011 10:44 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

30th June 2011 11:58 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

which is best BDS OR BAMS
15th June 2011 12:43 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

sir i wish to take bams.but am doubt about all its scope and pg courses after so kindly please guide me
14th June 2011 12:58 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are very few areas in which you can specialise. You require to decide which of these interests you. Most of these areas have a very good scope. If you join a Government Hospital you will learn around Rs 15000 per month. With experience the pay scale will increase.and also depends on govt. job.
14th June 2011 12:55 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are very few areas in which you can specialise. You require to decide which of these interests you. Most of these areas have a very good scope. If you join a Government Hospital you will learn around Rs 15000 per month. With experience the pay scale will increase.and also depends on govt. job.
12th June 2011 08:16 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

which line should i follow after 10th to get this degree?
5th May 2011 04:01 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

salary of bams if having 2 yrs experience
31st March 2011 07:19 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are quite a few areas in which you can specialise. You need to decide which of these interests you. Most of these areas have a good scope. If you join a Government Hospital you will learn around Rs 15000 per month. With experience the pay scale will increase.

All the best.
29th March 2011 02:32 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

22nd March 2011 09:43 AM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

hi .i want to know .what is the scope in other state and contry for bams doctor
7th March 2011 05:42 PM
Re: B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

There are quite a few areas in which you can specialise. You need to decide which of these interests you. Most of these areas have a good scope. If you join a Government Hospital you will learn around Rs 15000 per month. With experience the pay scale will increase.
21st June 2010 05:13 PM
B.A.M.S salary and scope in India? How much salary will I get if I do BAMS from government college in Haridwar?

i want to know that in b.a.m.s which feild is best n what about salary in b.a.m.s n scope?
if i will do b.a.m.s form goverment college from haridwar (india)then what' the salary n job security plz tel me?

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