Thread: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI? Reply to Thread

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27th September 2015 12:48 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

I am completed higher secondary in first group then which degree I select to become a best CBI
29th January 2015 02:35 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Can i Join Cbi After Marine Engineering ? If Yes Then How.
19th August 2014 02:07 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i m vinod kumar. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.
30th June 2014 06:14 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by shashanksahu66 View Post
i m shashank. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.
ya any university degree holder can join, either it is b-tech or b'com or any other bachelors degree
22nd February 2014 09:43 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by shashanksahu66 View Post
i m shashank. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.
yes you can .only a degree pursued from a well recogonized university,so the examination at the time of february held by ssc
14th October 2013 03:37 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

good after noon sir
i would like to ask if a person having eye vision problem then he/she is applicable for cbi ?
26th September 2013 11:43 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i have 158cm height,can i join to CBI.
31st August 2013 08:50 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hi sir,i m ravi ranjan.....i jon it's my age 21yar ,BA 3pat plz help me..
22nd June 2013 10:32 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i have eye side problem can i join in cbi?
14th December 2012 10:49 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Yes. you can join CBI .

The eligibility criteria for the CBI exam:

>You have to complete your graduation with 50% marks from any recognised university .

>You should be a citizen of india.

>Age limit is 21to 30years.

The selection process is contain in two stage

In first stage written test:-

1)General question ---------- 200marks
2)English -------------------200 marks

with regard umang_28

11th December 2012 06:51 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by Maxsteel View Post
The eligibility for CBI exam is that You Should Be a Graduate with age of Atleast 21 Years
So you can apply in this exam & its post will be goo for you
Prepare for GK & Maths so that you can pass its exam
Its recruitment are advertised by UPSC.
Some post are also filled Through the SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Leve Examl).
i m engg. student so i dont know which subject prepair for the CBI exam
5th August 2012 07:22 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hi sir ths is rohit patil frm sangli can i join cbi after completing BE(COMPUTER)& plz tell me procedure for that exam conducted by under upsc
28th July 2012 02:09 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hi friend,

Here is the eligibility:

Any candidate who have completed their graduation in any decepline from recognise university are eligiable for applying CBI.

- upper age should not exist 27 years.
There is a relaxation on upper age for obc category +3 years and for sc/st category +5 years.

-To join CBI you need
to appear for CGPE exam i.e. Combined
Graduate preliminary Exam which is
conducted by SSC board every year.

-selection procedure is based on

-written test and

-personal interview.

all the best
21st June 2012 11:57 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hi......... i m studying 2nd year in metallurgical engineering@ i have to become a cbi officer .... what can i do? reply me sir mail [email protected]
18th June 2012 11:33 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

sir , at what time forms available of CGL
16th April 2012 04:58 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

I am pursuing my masters in IT from UK and want to know that am i eligible only for sub inspector post or i can apply for higher post as well.
waiting for your reply
Kind regards
14th April 2012 04:15 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Hello friend..

Eligibility criteria for SSC Combined graduate level exam

Eligible Age

You age should be between 18-27 years for

-->Inspector of Income Tax

-->Inspector (Preventive Officer)

-->Inspector (Examiner)

-->Inspector of Posts

*You should be between 20 to 27 years for

-->Assistants and Sub-inspectors in CBI.

Educational Qualification

-->You should complete your Graduation from any recognised University.

all the best
12th April 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) examination usually in the month of February.

Eligibility for Central Bureau of Investigation Exam 2011: -

1. Qualifications: -

Degree of a regonised University or equivalent.

2. Age Limit: -

20 - 25 years.

3. CBI Exam 2011 Application Forms: -

The application form can be transferred from the official website of SSC and designated Post Offices.

4. Selection Procedure 2011: -

Selection based on Written Test, Personal Interview and According to Rule and Regulation of the Govt of India.

5. Examination Pattern : -

a. Part I - Written Examination carrying: 400 marks

i. General Test

ii. General Intelligence and Reasoning

iii. General Awareness

iv. Numerical Ability

b. Part II - Personality Test (Interview): 100 marks.

i. English Language

ii. Language Comprehension

iii. Communication / Writing

iv. Ability Test

Refer to

good luck . ..
11th April 2012 04:27 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

when are the forms filled for the cbi, in which month and what is the syllabus for the same
16th March 2012 06:05 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

how can prepar cbi exam daily but i am studying 2year engineering
15th March 2012 06:57 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Yes shore you can eligible for the CBI exam.
The eligibility criteria for the CBI exam:

>You have to complete your graduation from any recognised university.

>You should be a citizen of india.

>Age limit is 21to 30years.

All the best.
8th March 2012 12:54 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

can i join CBI after completing diploma engineering in civil?
6th March 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Im Anoop .Can i join cbi after completing mbbs...
24th February 2012 08:42 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

WHAT IS THE EXACT PHYSICAL REGUIREMENTS For recriuting cbi or cid officer?
24th January 2012 06:43 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by shashanksahu66 View Post
i m shashank. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.

Yes.You can join the CBI after the completion of B.Tech degree
23rd January 2012 05:20 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hello dear
The eligibility for CBI exam is that You Should Be a Graduate with age of Atleast 21 Years
So you can apply in this exam & its post will be goo for you
Prepare for GK & Maths so that you can pass its exam
Its recruitment are advertised by UPSC.
Some post are also filled Through the SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Leve Examl).
thank you
22nd January 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

my name is kumar shaurabh i want to join cbi or cid officer .so wat i hv to do ? please tell me .
my phon no. is 9853336821
currently i m now in 4th year from electronics and telecommunication soa university(odisa)
3rd December 2011 02:38 AM
nida shakeel
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation)

Eligibility Criteria:-To join CBI you need to appear for CGPE exam i.e. Combined Graduate preliminary Exam which is conducted by SSC board every year.

QUALIFICATION: Minimum Qualification is Graduation in any Discipline.

AGE: You should be in between 20 to 27 years of Age. & special Relaxation is given to SC/ST which is 5 years and For OBC 3 years.
2nd December 2011 02:02 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i have long sight 2.25 for both eyes. now i am pursuing my final year can i join in c.b.i
12th November 2011 02:53 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

sir my name is purshvng my 2nd yr ece branch...the problem is i have eye sight cn i height is 6 feet..
5th November 2011 12:59 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i m karthikreddy i want to join in cbi my qualification in cse its possible and how to join tell me the process
8th October 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by shashanksahu66 View Post
i m shashank. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.
Dear friend,

YES , B-TECH student are eligible for CBI but after completion of your graduation degree.

To join CBI you need to appear for CGPE exam i.e. Combined Graduate preliminary Exam which is conducted by SSC board every year.

Those candidate are graduate from any recognized university with any discipline are eligible for CBI exam.(Criminology)

But your age should be in between 20 to 27 years old.Age relaxation is provide for SC/ST/OBC category as per govt rule.

The maximum attempts for SC/ST candidate is Unlimited. For OBC candidate it is 7 years and for general candidate it will be 5 years.

Also you must be in citizen in India.

The selection process is contain in two stage

In first stage written test:-

1)General question ---------- 200marks
2)English -------------------200 marks

In second stage you can faced an interview which is contain 100 marks.

You can also visit at the below web site for more information on CBI

7th October 2011 05:34 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

i m doing diploma in civil engg. and i m only 17 years old can i do exam after diploma or before 20 years of age and what are the requirments for the post of A.C.P?
1st October 2011 09:14 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hy,yes you can.
eligibility for CBI exam is
Education Qualification:
Bachelor's degree from a recognised university or equivalent.
Age Should be Between 20-25 years
(relaxation of upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC.)

physical requirements you need to fulfill
height minimum --165 cm
and chest -- 76 cms
vision -6/6

examination consist of 4 stages and you need to clear all.
1st October 2011 01:01 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

dear friend

yes an engineer can join to CIB For this minimum 50% of marks are required.An exam is held and the candidate must have to attempt this exam. IF he passed the n the candidate is asked for the interview.
If it is also cleaed by him then he is selected

all the best.
1st October 2011 01:00 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

dear friend

yes an engineer can join to CIB For this minimum 50% of marks are required.An exam is held and the candidate must have to attempt this exam. IF he passed the n the candidate is asked for the interview.
If it is also cleaed by him then he is selected

all the best.
1st October 2011 12:52 AM
Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

The eligibility for CBI exam is that You Should Be a Graduate with age of Atleast 21 Years
So you can apply in this exam & its post will be goo for you
Prepare for GK & Maths so that you can pass its exam
Its recruitment are advertised by UPSC.
Some post are also filled Through the SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Leve Examl).
1st October 2011 12:36 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
good evenibg sir this is durga prasad i completed my B.Tech in some recogniged university sir my height is 162cm can i fit for cbi pls reply sir i'm waiting
To join in CBI you need to write the CGPE EXAM conducted by UPSC...!!
and minimum qualification for that is to be Graduate..
and education qualification also you fulfill.

for that you need to have good physical strength also like any armed force..
So, your height seems good as for CBI height requirement is of 157.5 cms. Chest 81 cms. (fully expanded with a minimum expanses of 5 cms.)

You can Go through these Links about Recruitment and vacancies at CBI
15th September 2011 03:09 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

hi i am saurabh patel irunning b.e computer eng and i join cbi i wantto be cbi officer please contect me for cbi job mo no. 9408393070 please call me thank you.
24th August 2011 11:43 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

good evenibg sir this is durga prasad i completed my B.Tech in some recogniged university sir my height is 162cm can i fit for cbi pls reply sir i'm waiting
3rd August 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by shashanksahu66 View Post
i m shashank. i m pursuing and i want to join cbi india so can i join cbi. and what are the requirments for engineers to join cbi.
so please help me.
i am waiting for your answer. thankyou.
10th July 2011 02:14 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

sir,can have a handicap person enter a cbi officer?also necessary details for handicap person.bcaz some handicap person (like me) interested in cbi officer and after becoming cbi,I will protection his nation .I m handicap student final year . I m getting interested cbi officer.please help me.
[email protected]
9th July 2011 11:25 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

please tell what should i opt after 2 to join CBI INDIA
I'll be wating for you .
thank you
27th May 2011 03:58 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

sir, i am persuing in electronics & communication 2nd year fom kurukshetra university..i want to be an cid officer .plase tell me how can i become,,,,my contact no 09813182802
27th May 2011 01:50 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

I venkateswarlu,iam a btech graduate my graduation completed aggrigate of 70%.My dream is became a CBI officer.So, please tell me what is the exam conduct for cbi and what is the exam pattern.
26th May 2011 05:54 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

what are the subjects to be covered to qualify the cbi exam???
upsc preparation is enough to cbi???
3rd May 2011 12:35 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

im wearing power glass in eye after 20yrs ill do laser surgery shall iget this job
15th April 2011 06:45 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Yes. To become a CBI you must write an exam called

CGPE exam i.e. Combined Graduate preliminary Exam.

To be eligible for this exam you must be a graduate. And your age must be

between 20 and 27 yrs.
15th April 2011 11:57 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m an instrumentation engineer can i join cbi
friend as you have completed graduation in technical field you can join in CBI as Sub-Inspector...

To become a CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation) you need to go through a Combined Graduate Level Examination of Staff Selection Commission conducted by Government of India.

Education Qualification:
Bachelor's degree from a recognised university or equivalent.
Age Should be Between 20-25 years
(relaxation of upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC.)

physical requirements you need to fulfill
height minimum --165 cm
and chest -- 76 cms
vision -6/6

Examination consist of 4 stages and you need to clear all.

Selection Procedure :
-Selection based on Written Test,
- Personal Interview and
-According to Rule and Regulation of the Govt of India.

Plan of the Examination:
Part I

Written Examination carrying: 400 marks

Part II

Personality Test (Interview): 100 marks.

Examination Subjects:
(Paper No. Subject Questions Max. Marks Duration)

Paper-I General Test
General Intelligence and Reasoning 50
General Awareness 75 200 2 hours
Numerical Ability 75

Paper-II English Language
Language Comprehension
Communication/Writing 200 2 hours
Ability Test

physical requirements you need to fulfill
height minimum --165 cm
and chest -- 76 cms
vision -6/6

CBI post are:
1. Sub-Inspector, (degree in any disciplinary)
2. Assistant Public Prosecutor and (graduation in law required)
3. Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP).(graduation in law required)

Application form can be Downloaded from the official website of SSC given below and Get It From The designated Post Offices
15th April 2011 11:53 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech Engineer join CBI? Requirements for joining CBI?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how can i join in cbi
hi friend,

To become a CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation) you need to go through a Combined Graduate Level Examination of Staff Selection Commission conducted by Government of India.

Education Qualification:
Bachelor's degree from a recognised university or equivalent.
Age Should be Between 20-25 years
(relaxation of upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC.)

physical requirements you need to fulfill
height minimum --165 cm
and chest -- 76 cms
vision -6/6

examination consist of 4 stages and you need to clear all.

Selection Procedure :
-Selection based on Written Test,
- Personal Interview and
-According to Rule and Regulation of the Govt of India.

Plan of the Examination:
Part I

Written Examination carrying: 400 marks

Part II

Personality Test (Interview): 100 marks.

Examination Subjects:
(Paper No. Subject Questions Max. Marks Duration)

Paper-I General Test
General Intelligence and Reasoning 50
General Awareness 75 200 2 hours
Numerical Ability 75

Paper-II English Language
Language Comprehension
Communication/Writing 200 2 hours
Ability Test

physical requirements you need to fulfill
height minimum --165 cm
and chest -- 76 cms
vision -6/6

CBI post are:
1. Sub-Inspector, (degree in any disciplinary)
2. Assistant Public Prosecutor and (graduation in law required)
3. Senior Public Prosecutor (SPP).(graduation in law required)

Application form can be Downloaded from the official website of SSC given below and Get It From The designated Post Offices
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