Thread: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology? Reply to Thread

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5th December 2020 03:26 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Hello,can microbiology student apply for cancer biology and it is better or not..plz tell ...
21st February 2020 11:10 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am complete B. Sc in microbiology so can I do M. Sc in hematology?
11th September 2019 05:58 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

After microbiology students eligible for diploma anaesthesia and radiodiagnosis?
10th June 2019 11:27 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

How to go for genetic engineering after BSC microbiology? Which exams and colleges ?
5th January 2019 10:46 PM
Siraj ali khan
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

After pursuing your B.Sc microbiology you can either pursue masters in the same course or choose another courses. Some of the masters courses are:
Clinical microbiology
Medical microbiology
Industrial microbiology
Veterinary microbiology
Nano microbiology
2nd December 2018 01:24 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

What is Molecular can be I do not for a job,,, tu running a a b. Sc microbiology 1 stady
21st May 2018 07:43 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I have completed BSC microbiology after this I want to work in hospital at high salary so next in MSC what course I will choose on medical based.

If I can choose MSC allied health science courses
23rd April 2018 08:29 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

After bsc microbiology which couse is best and how we have to write entrance exams and which books have to prefer
22nd April 2018 04:19 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am pursuing bsc from industrial microbiology and now i am totally confused what should i can do after this bsc so kindly tell me
10th April 2018 03:30 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

you have ample of options to explore and believe me every course has wide scope and it only depends how you did that course and how much expertise you have in your subjects. You can do Masters in:Cellular Microbiology
Soil Microbiology
Veterinary Microbiology
Generation Microbiology
Agricultural Microbiology
Industrial Microbiology
Evolutionary Microbiology
Nano Microbiology
Water Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Microbial Genetics
Environmental Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Microbial Genetics and Bioinformatics
Applied Microbiology

Top Universities to pursue Microbiology are:
Delhi University
University of Mumbai
Lovely Professional University
Jiwaji University, Faculty of Sciences & Faculty of Life Sciences
Christian Medical College, VelloreManipur University
Univ. of Calcutta, Calcutta
Anna University
University of Hydrabad
8th March 2018 01:04 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Sir, I was completed my bsc microbiology in i want do to m pharmacy so any opportunity there in after bsc microbiology
17th June 2017 10:14 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Sir now I'm doing Bsc 3rd year (subjects are microbiology, biochemistry, chemistry) I don't have any planing that what to do next. Sir please suggest me what to do?
20th April 2017 04:48 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

20th April 2017 12:23 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

My friend completed bsc microbiology, unfortunately she was failed in some will be clear this time which course can be study? Is she can do or other pg ?? Please help.
4th March 2017 11:02 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I'm doing bsc microbiology second year I'm afraiding of my future after UG I'll get job or not and if I'm go for postgraduate what course should I take if I'll go for agriculture microbiology what may be my future or I'll get job after UG I'll get valuable job in what type of jobs will get . please help me I'm too confused
17th November 2016 10:34 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I have completed bsc microbiogy. Please tell me Mba with which subject will be good option n get me good job opportunities.
1st June 2016 02:02 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

According to me, after completing your BSc in Microbiology, best thing for you is to go with MSc in Microbiology. You can also apply for BEd. You can also choose MBA, if you like management.
Best of luck for you result.
30th May 2016 05:42 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I'm a 12 th passed student .. I want to do bsc in microbiology , plz suggest me I have to go for which combination ?
17th May 2016 02:25 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I need food microbiology courses but in chennai I taught tat this course is not here plzzz if anybody know that food microbiology courses is offered in any colleges means tell me immediately only in chennai
16th May 2016 12:06 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I'm 1st yr student after completing my bsc microbiology I want to do MSC agricultural microbiology..what was entrance for it plss tel me what universities the course required
16th May 2016 10:49 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Im a bsc microbiology completed waiting for my result.i would like to know the best courses after bsc microbiology.i also want to know about the entrance exams.
You can opt for Msc after pursuing your Bsc.There are many universities such as NIT, University of Delhi,Punjab University and Lovely Professional University is going to organise an entrance test of LPUNEST on 31 May,2016 which are providing many courses after Bsc to students.
14th May 2016 12:20 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am in 12 the waiting for result.I'm a bio math stuff .. Can I take microbiology.. Will I be able to do ms after what should I take to do ms..... Pls give me a quick response.....
19th April 2016 11:23 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I'm the 1st year student. I have to know what can i do after micro in botany complete? ????
18th February 2016 01:11 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I have completed my BSc in Microbiology last year 2015 with 48%
What can I do further ? Please help me out.
31st October 2015 10:06 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

After doing B.Sc in Microbiology, the best course is M.Sc in Microbiology.

For M.Sc Microbiology, there will be Entrance Exam that you need to write according to university that you want to join.

Not only M.Sc Microbiology, you can also go for

M.Sc in Biotechnology
M.Sc in Bio-Chemistry
M.Sc in Genetics

these courses also 2 years only and require Entrance Exam for the candidates.

If you don't want to go for life sciences, you are also eligible to go for MBA course. It is also 2 years.

For MBA, Entrance Exams are CAT and MAT.
29th September 2015 06:14 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Im a bsc microbiology completed waiting for my result.i would like to know the best courses after bsc microbiology.i also want to know about the entrance exams.
You can do a lot of course after completing BSc Microbiology.
The Microbiology has following topics:

Microbial Physiology
Generation Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Industrial Microbiology
Aero microbiology
Soil Microbiology
Food microbiology
Agricultural Microbiology
Nano Microbiology
Microbial Genetics
Cellular Microbiology
Inam ur Rehman Microbiology
Evolutionary Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology
Veterinary Microbiology
Water Microbiology
Pharmaceutical Microbiology

You can do following post graduation courses after B.Sc Microbiology:

M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology)
M.Sc. (Hons.) (Microbiology)
M.Sc. (Microbial Genetics and Bioinformatics)
M.Sc. (Microbiology)
Ph.D. (Microbiology)
Diploma Courses in Microbiology
Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Marine Microbiology
23rd August 2015 11:16 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Which is best bbetween nursing and industrial microbiology?
27th June 2015 01:05 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I'm student of Bsc microbiology in second year.. What can I do then graduate in microbioloy?? MLT or MSC which degree give job easily
26th May 2015 11:20 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I compeleted bsc micro... Which corse better in job... Plz ask me sir... I can do msc in forensic Science, mlt & clinical reserch in msc plz sir ask which corse better?
15th April 2015 01:41 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;3515342]Im a bsc microbiology completed waiting for my result.i would like to know the best courses after bsc microbiology.i also want to know about the entrance exams and am intrested in medical line but i dont know whether i ve a future in it.pls help me out wat i ve to do in pg vth good job
27th March 2015 02:56 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology with Dmlt??

Im a bsc microbiology with Dmlt completed student..i want to know which exam i have to give and which courses i can do further...
14th February 2015 09:23 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

sir /madam my wife completed B SC Microbiology,D T ED, B ED in Biology now what is the suitable course to do master degree for education field? kindly guide me.
7th February 2015 10:24 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am a microbiology final year student. and i would like to take a deviation from pure microbiology.kindly help me to choose a better course having great scope..
8th January 2015 12:46 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Which course can be complete within 1yr after in microbiology
3rd January 2015 11:39 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am microbiology 2nd year and I am also studying DMLT what course should I choose to study after finishing my
11th October 2014 09:52 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

i am studying bsc microbiology 1st year .next preference is Msc enviromental studies. then what job i will get and what is the scope
7th October 2014 06:40 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

bsc microbolgy and DMIT course which oppourtunity
23rd August 2014 06:49 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

i hv completed (industrial microbiology)..what course should i do, so that i can get the job easily?? Is clinical reasearch is good ? which is the best colleges in kanpur for clinical reasearch?
30th June 2014 12:44 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

which is best course or job oriented course after bsc in microbiology botany and chemistry..?
19th June 2014 09:53 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

i finished microbiology i will do microbiology or i will like to go reach or medical microbiology which the best
19th May 2014 11:24 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

10th March 2014 01:48 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am a bsc student in microbiology;can u plz tell me is there any job availability after doing bsc with microbiplogy.can i go for professional course or not? give me suggession
18th January 2014 12:57 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

i am a bsc student in microbiology;which would be the best subject to be study about cardiologist or a neurology
7th November 2013 12:07 PM
Phebe Grace
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Nursing in distance education is available only for PB.B.Sc(N),for those who have completed GNM.In your case,its better to do any other courses in Microbiology,Biochemistry.
4th November 2013 08:30 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

i am a bsc student in microbiology biotechnology and biochemistry ,which would be the best subject to be choosed to study about cancer,its causes and its prevention.
5th October 2013 03:25 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

can u plz tell me is there any scope of job availability for the given fields and what are the jobs?vaccine researcher,medical microbiologist,agricultural microbiologist,food and nutrition and plz tell me what type of jobs they are plz..........................
5th October 2013 11:11 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

I am a final year student of BSc microbiology, so I am eager to do MSc in microbial gene tech. But I don't know the scope, opportunies of microbial gene tech, so can you please clearify this doubt and tell about the advantges of microbial gene tech
31st August 2013 11:45 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Hello friend,
for BSc Microbiology canditates, there are so many course are available,there is no need to worry about it. After Bsc you can try Msc in different fields that are.......

1. Genetic Engineer
2. pharma researcher
3. Vaccine researcher
4. molecular biologist

and many other.

31st August 2013 07:36 PM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?


Some are the best course after BSc Microbiology.

M.Sc in Biology
M.Sc in Chemistry
Clinical Microbiology
Industrial Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Nano Microbiology
Agricultural Microbiology
Veterinary Microbiology.

Thank you------------------
31st August 2013 07:57 AM
Re: Which is the best course after BSc Microbiology?

Before going to suggest the courses, I want to tell you one thing.

The job market in the field of Microbiology is dry in present situation. There are number of candidates in the Market who have completed Post Graduation in Microbiology and not able to get the jobs.

This is one of the reason why many of the candidates are shifting to MBA course at Post Graduation level even though they have completed Graduation in life sciences.

MBA will be a good choice if you want to come out of your field.

If you want to go on in your field, then you can opt for any of the following courses
M.Sc in Medical Microbiology
M.Sc in Clinical Microbiology
M.Sc in Cell Biology
M.Sc in Genetics
M.Sc in Biotechnology etc.

Each and every university will conduct its own Entrance Exam to give admission for these courses.

Decide upon yourself and opt for the stream which you are interested in M.Sc course.

Improve your practical knowledge and subject knowledge to get the job.

My suggestion would be to go for MBA course.

Because there are good number of job opportunities for the candidates in various business sectors like
Banking sector
Real Estate sector
Finance companies
Insurance companies
stock broking companies
asset management companies
retail sector
fmcg sector etc.

Wish you all the best.
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