Thread: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE? Reply to Thread

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13th January 2015 09:27 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

in school i had filled in general category but i also have my obc certificate (ncl) can i fill obc category in jee
ans plZ
22nd November 2013 03:50 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

when we have to submit the obc certificate , after mains result or at the time of registration of jee mains?
21st March 2012 11:57 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

yes, friend
if you want to buy your form with obc quata then you have to show anhy prove for it
not only at the time of buying form, you will have to show your prove again
thank you
21st March 2012 09:35 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

how to submit obc certificate for IIT JEE?
21st March 2012 09:33 PM
shubham pal yadav
OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

how to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?
24th February 2012 10:48 AM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

At the time of submission of IIT-JEE form, you need not to submit your OBC certificate. And also IIT-JEE doesn't demand.

But after selection in IIT-JEE & at the time of counselling you have to show your OBC certificate.

You need not to be worried at this time, kindly take preparation very sincerely & carefully.

good luck.
13th December 2011 03:46 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

will iit send my admit card ;i forgot to send obc
5th December 2011 08:53 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate along with IIT-JEE application? Can i submit OBC certificate at the time of counselling. Dishi.
n.k.j patna
3rd December 2011 01:32 AM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate along with IIT-JEE application? Can i submit OBC certificate at the time of counselling. Dishi.
27th November 2011 02:01 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Sir i belongs to obc(ncl) but i have no certificate is it necessary to send it with application form
22nd November 2011 03:47 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Is it necessary to attached o.b.c cirtificate with application form pleash reply immediately
17th November 2011 11:09 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

sir- can i bring the obc certificate at the time of counselling?
and as i have submitted the form mentioned as an obc, will rank be provide in obc category?
12th November 2011 01:55 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Format of caste certificate obc in up
20th August 2011 10:38 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

What if a student does not brings his obc certificate at the time of counselling?
14th July 2011 08:45 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

it is necessary to submit obc certificate in school?
26th June 2011 05:16 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

I had a friend SURYAPRATP PRADIP BABAR with me in Resonance Kota who belongs to obc category and his Father is ACP in PUNE.He got AIR 4967 and OBC rank 666.His father is ACP equivalent officer who provide obc (ncl) certficate .He is getting admission in IIT .There is a rule no class I officer children can take benefit of OBC(NCL).He submitted false ncl certificate then how iit staff will cross check?
21st June 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is it necessary to submit obc certificate at the time of submission of application form for IITJEE? Plz reply immediately.
There is no need to submit any certificate at the time of submission of application form. These certificates are to be brought along with you at the time of counselling.
20th June 2011 01:18 AM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is it necessary to submit obc certificate at the time of submission of application form for IITJEE? Plz reply immediately.
yes it is necessary to submit photocopy of certificate and at the time of admission original certificate is required,if you fail in giving original certificate then your seat can be CANCELLED.
17th June 2011 11:58 AM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

At iitk jee counselling website my OBC certificate is not received but all other documents are accepted.what should i do?plzzzz help
9th June 2011 10:08 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

if i am not unable pay document in time then what i can i do ?
16th April 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

I am resident of Punjab belong to Sikh Community. Whether seats for Sikh Minority are reserved in IIT Delhi and what is procedure after selection in JEE-2011.
14th November 2010 04:49 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

if you ARE applying for the OBC quota then, yes, you do need to furnish documented proof of your status. attach a copy with your form as per the rules in the information brochure.
14th November 2010 02:53 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

dear friend,

At the time of submission of IIT-JEE form, you need not to submit your OBC certificate. And also IIT-JEE doesn't demand.

But after selection in IIT-JEE & at the time of counselling you have to show your OBC certificate.

You need not to be worried at this time, kindly take preparation very sincerely & carefully.

good luck.
14th November 2010 08:03 AM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?


necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE
Yes if you apply for that quota you have to submit the required documents to prove you eligibility you mention and the seat you are taking in iit colleges.

good luck.
13th November 2010 11:52 PM
Re: Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Yes if you apply for that quota you have to submit the required documents to prove you eligibility you mention and the seat you are taking in iit colleges.
13th November 2010 08:46 PM
Is it necessary to submit OBC certificate for IIT JEE?

Is it necessary to submit obc certificate at the time of submission of application form for IITJEE? Plz reply immediately.

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