Thread: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies? Reply to Thread

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17th February 2015 10:05 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

sir i got 79 in tenth.81 in inter .now iam in 3-2 sem now my aggregate pecentage up to now is below 60.can i get software job with aggregate 60 completing my
16th December 2014 02:24 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

sir , i have got 86% in 10 th and 89% in inter and 70% in btechbut i have baklog in 3-2 but jntu did n,t coundut exam am i eligible for mnc company
6th August 2014 03:48 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

i am complete it 2012 bach after 2-yeras iam studying csc Is i eligible for MNC companie
14th June 2014 06:23 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

i have got 64%in X,54% in XII, BUT pass class in bscit,and got 60% in mca i m eligible for any IT COMPANY
6th May 2014 04:17 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

I have 9 year experience in Erp softwat and following percentage:
10th with 56%
12th with 59%
Commerce graduate distance learning passing marks only
Pgdbm with 59%
Can I apply in any mnc with not gud academic qualifications but with gud practical experience and knowledge.
6th December 2013 04:58 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

hello sir...i'm a fresher ( in electronics and communication....i have 72% in 10th, 57% in 12th and 75% in suggest me some mnc company for which i'm eligible...
4th December 2013 03:46 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

im studying bca final year.can i join in mnc.with what salary
23rd October 2013 11:25 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

i am doing my bitech my graduation 3rd yr.. and i am soo passionate to work in top companiess.. but with my bad luck i have backlogs. what can i do ??? further to palce in such compnaiess??? and more over u it have been mentioned that non chance for people having backlogs.. so what can i further take steps? plz kindly guide me..
4th October 2013 03:45 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

i got 81% in 10th
and 83 in inter
57 in hv completed in 6 years)
and 75%........
am i eligible for mnc or any other companies in india
28th September 2013 05:00 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

am 2nd year B.E ECE student.....what kind of project can i do.??? what kind of topic i can choice ...? Can u suggest me plz.....!!!
2nd July 2013 12:16 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

i have 78.5% in 10th standard. 79.8% in 12th standard. in my b-tech i just have 57.11%. is am eligible for mnc
21st June 2013 04:44 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

the puc cut off marks is considering which all subjects is it overall or only pcm? please reply me
1st June 2013 11:56 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

Hi friend
yes you can apply for the MNC because you have good percentage taken.
You are eligible for almost all the MNcompanies because almost all the companies required minimum 60% marks.
Note that firstly take the experience of about 2 years.
13th May 2013 04:15 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

Sir my 10th percentage is 62% and 12th is 59% and in my diploma i scored 85% .Then i joined engineering with the help of my diploma marks.Is i eligible for MNC companies?
2nd December 2012 04:44 AM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

Originally Posted by 118w1f0018 View Post
Sir, I got 75%in 10th,55%in inter,65% in degree and 8.00 GPA in 1year MCA.Please tel me how much Gpa i need to eligible placements in MNC companies ? Can you please Tell me the names of companies for which i am eligible.

Eligibility For MNCs

The general criteria for eligibility for MNCs is as follows :-

>> The candidate must have secured an aggregate of 60% in 10th,12th, graduation and post graduation..

>> Candidate must not have any active backlogs at the time of placement..

Since you haven't scored 60% in 12th hence, its going to be a little difficult for you..

Although, there are MNCs like Syntel which allow candidates with an aggregate of 50% or more so you can apply for it..

I have attached some of the previous year papers of Syntel along with this post for your reference..

Go through them and I hope you get placed in a good company..

Moreover, there is nothing to feel disheartened about because its only the starting that is going to be a bit difficult but from there, your skill, talent and experience will do the talking for you..

You can switch over to better companies after gaining some experience if you wish to..

all the best..

With Warm Regards
29th November 2012 09:29 PM
Re: Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

As you have good academic records, you can definitely apply for MNC jobs. In most cases the cut off percentage required is 60%. TCS, Wipro, Accenture, etc are some of the companies where this criteria is required. Also you must have at least 55% marks in 12th and graduation. The cut off percentage for Infosys is 65. Here minimum 60% cut off score is required in 12th and graduation.
8th October 2012 12:38 PM
Am i eligible for placements in MNC companies?

Sir, I got 75%in 10th,55%in inter,65% in degree and 8.00 GPA in 1year MCA.Please tel me how much Gpa i need to eligible placements in MNC companies ? Can you please Tell me the names of companies for which i am eligible.

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