Thread: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class? Reply to Thread

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12th February 2021 01:04 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i'm in class 10. i have an equal interest in biology as well as maths. my family's financial condition is not so strong. what should i chose in class 11, biology or maths?
If you are keen to do your work or have a desire that you can succeed in one of the finest medical colleges then you should pursue biology.
If you have same interest in both you may opt for PCMB that is both the subjects one subject as optional. and may drop it in future if requied.
9th November 2019 07:12 PM
suchi haria
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

In order to take science you will have to score good marks in your 10 standard
If you have interest in technology than you can take non medical line that is you can opt for math
If you have interest in biology and life science you can take medical field
Each field is difficult if you do not not study
Medical is a bit tough but if you study hard than you can achieve anything
In both the field you can earn good amount of money and both the fields provide a good opportunity in future
5th November 2019 11:08 PM
suchi haria
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

It is better taht you only take one subject combination because if you take up both the subjects than it will be difficult for you to focus on both
First find your interest
If you go for biology than you can take up
There are many more BSC options even after MBBS
IF you choose non medical field that is math subject you can go for
hotel management
There are many options find your interest first as both the field provide many further opportunities and also you will be able to earn well if you find your interest
23rd July 2019 12:57 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

My son is average in maths do i have to take maths or commerce group in 11th
12th July 2019 01:50 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

If you have interest in both the subjects then you can PCBM as your subjects in class 11th. It will be difficult to manage all these subjects but at last your hard work matters. Hope you like it.
4th July 2019 10:31 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I'm confused, what should I opt for bio or maths I scored good Marks in both subjects and I have interest in both
3rd April 2017 08:57 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

If I have interest in maths nd biology both but not in physics what should I take as my career stream please suggest me ...I'm so confused please help me
9th March 2017 03:55 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hello!I Am Appearing For 10th CBSE Exams Just Now And After 10th I Want To Go To Bio Field So Can You Pls Suggest The Best Schools For Bio (Except Ryan International School) As I Am Presently Studying Here And I Don't Think It's Better For Science..
4th March 2017 11:12 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I want to do govt. Job in maths stream in my local area . So what should i do?
3rd April 2016 08:39 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Is there a group where Maths & Bio after 10th can be availed ?
2nd June 2015 10:06 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

What I should choose in 11 as an additional subject c or biotech I wanted to go in sci stream and have decided to take PCM..... ;-/
1st June 2015 10:57 PM
ompriya omi
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Competition is everywhere.
Medical is not hard . It depends upon your dedication and interest.
Maths is universal . It helps in calculations and proofs in any field.
You should choose maths .
1st June 2015 05:23 PM
swanand thakur
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

It totally depends on your mentality people think medical is hard because cut-off of GOOD medical college is very high.Students even take drop because of less percentages who from heart wants to become doctor only. Now for engineering you can get admission on low percentage too.Now coming towards maths and Biology.If you want to go for MEDICAL you should choose BIOLOGY because all the entrance exams including CET which are for MEDICAL has BIO in it.Whether if you are going for engineering you should choose Maths because the reason is same as above.All entrance exams for engineering by all private colleges and universities and JEE(mains) and JEE(Advance) have maths in now choice is your's.

1st June 2015 03:19 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i am paas out the thenth class and i am secure 7.6 cgp but i am totaly canfused wich steam i take in eleventh class i finaly choose he steam of science but scince in two steam also medical and non medical so again i canfused becuse i like bio but many people says that bio is hard so any one suggest me on that topic on that topic
26th May 2015 06:28 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

HELLO sir/mam my daughter just now passed her SSLC with 93% wiling to go for medicine is the first choice, in future its very hard get the medical seat in India, especially south, is there any option for this choice if Bio maths has any hope in future please advice us
21st April 2015 03:29 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

hey ! i just cleared my 10 class examination i am choseing biology but my family's faincial conditions are not very strong ..... if you can suggest me so plz suggest me any backup plzz suggest me fast because i am not having more time ! plz plz ....
9th April 2015 04:26 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

What are the job opportunities available if we choose biomaths in plus one?
9th April 2015 01:35 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I am good in maths and also biology so what I take for 11class
3rd April 2015 04:00 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i have passed class 10th & now i am totally confused for opting streams in 1.some r saying there is no scope in commerece & good scope in &maths r my favourite subjects......plz help me what to do???????
2nd April 2015 05:53 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I am interested in both subjects i.e math or biology.But now I am confused which subject should I choose?Please help me!
31st March 2015 05:29 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Is becoming doctor a really hard it need long hours of study.Is doctor's life good? Please reply fast.
23rd March 2015 11:23 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

medical is tough...I want to know if we doesn't get good marks in medical after 12 then what to do ? our career will be lost .plz answer
20th March 2015 01:13 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

One thing you should clear in your mind that nothing is hard in life. If you are a hard working man than none of the stream cant bother you. Now it is fully depend on you that you take science stream or any other stream.For this decision you have to pay attention on two things first that is your interest
should be in science stream and second thing is you must be a hard worker. If these both points are satisfied than there is no problem with science stream.
19th March 2015 04:23 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Anything is hard.
So if you are more inclined to biology then opt for it and if you are more inclined towards maths then you should go for maths.

Don't judge on the marks you get in these subjects.
Judge only on the basis of what you want to learn more about just for fun and not for marks.
3rd March 2015 02:41 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

If I don't want to became an engineering but I love maths si I should choose non medical or commerce and I want to be a lecturer so..........?
1st August 2014 11:48 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

how to manage biology theory and practical as additional subject along with Maths as main subject in 11th class.
1st August 2014 11:46 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

how to manage biology theory and practical as additional subject along with Maths as main subject in 11th class.
8th June 2014 08:14 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

if anyone is not intterested in physics and he want to take the subject pcb than what
24th May 2014 01:16 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
i'm in class 10. I have an equal interest in biology as well as maths. My family's financial condition is not so strong. What should i chose in class 11, biology or maths?
listen watss ur gutts feeling is first u take dat priority butt den u decide about uir financial and economy i think bio is lenghty butt if u think u cann gett 90+ in 12th den u can take biology.........................
Standard doesnt matater watt is dat da hunger for knowledge...................
Dats it and nthing else.............................................. ..........
14th May 2014 10:40 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I want to take bio but I think that there is more scope in maths but I am average in both the subject so what should I take?
30th April 2014 02:26 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I suppose a doctor is more prestigious than an engineer. Should I choose biology? I am interested in both subjects
29th September 2013 10:42 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am in class 10th.i am totaly confussed what to choose in 11th bio or maths.i love both subjects.which option is better?
please suggest.
i heard that medical is this true?
Its hard to study medical
11th September 2013 08:15 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i am a middle class family. i am secured 480 marks.i am interested in maths.but many of us told to take biology.what can i do?
1st September 2013 12:51 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hai friend

After passing Class 10th, the students are given a choice to choose any stream out of SCIENCE, COMMERCE & ARTS streams.These three streams are totally different with each other and also very versatile in their subjects, applications etc..

Now different students have different interests in various areas like Engineering, Medical, Law, Computers, History, IAS, Arts, Music, etc..
So accordingly one should choose the subject of study. Like if anybody wants to become an Engineer, then from 10th class itself he/she should be aware what subjects they should take up in 11th and 12th so that they can study Engineering later on.

Similarly for the Medical aspirants and others as well.

Talking of your case, as you ask if you should choose Maths or Biology in Class 11th, I must tell you that Maths is compulsory if you want o do Engineering and also Biology is compulsory if you want to do Medical.

So now that questions hits you back , as to what you want to become in life. Many students take both the options just to keep their options and opportunities open. If they do not get through good medical college, they go with the better colleges of the Engineering and like that.

I would suggest you to think upon this thing, and then decide what is your aim. And you should choose your subject according to that only

All the best
1st September 2013 12:50 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hai friend

After passing Class 10th, the students are given a choice to choose any stream out of SCIENCE, COMMERCE & ARTS streams.These three streams are totally different with each other and also very versatile in their subjects, applications etc..

Now different students have different interests in various areas like Engineering, Medical, Law, Computers, History, IAS, Arts, Music, etc..
So accordingly one should choose the subject of study. Like if anybody wants to become an Engineer, then from 10th class itself he/she should be aware what subjects they should take up in 11th and 12th so that they can study Engineering later on.

Similarly for the Medical aspirants and others as well.

Talking of your case, as you ask if you should choose Maths or Biology in Class 11th, I must tell you that Maths is compulsory if you want o do Engineering and also Biology is compulsory if you want to do Medical.

So now that questions hits you back , as to what you want to become in life. Many students take both the options just to keep their options and opportunities open. If they do not get through good medical college, they go with the better colleges of the Engineering and like that.

I would suggest you to think upon this thing, and then decide what is your aim. And you should choose your subject according to that only

All the best
31st August 2013 09:46 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

iam studing in cbse school 10th class , i aim is to became an ca ,, say which grop i should itake in 1, 2 in inter cbse plsplsplspls help
6th July 2013 01:10 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

How i select the Biology and maths in science stream. I want the look of subject combination. please.
25th June 2013 10:05 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hey..Somebody said that medicine is tough u must choose the medicine because anybody choose easy subjects but those u have talented they r only choose tough subjects..i thought that u r brilliant student right.why am i suggest u means our city is very well technology developed technology developing leads to health plz take medicine.
all the best for ur future
4th June 2013 01:40 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i like to choose computer with maths for engineering courses.i am not interested in medical .is my chosing correct?
1st June 2013 06:45 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i want to know which subject is better if i have interest in maths and other's are telling me that there is scope in biology then what should i do.
21st May 2013 12:47 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hello friend,
I'm also like you. I have completed 10th this year and I love both maths and biology. Since you have interest in both the subjects (like me) you can go for bio-maths in class 11th. If you take this group you can go for either engineering or medical field.If you take maths leaving biology you can go for engineering but you may not get an opportunity in medical field or if you take biology leaving maths you can go for medical field but may not get an opportunity in engineering. So choose your subjects carefully. Good luck.
21st May 2013 12:36 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Dear friend,
I'm also like you. I have completed 10th this year and I love both maths and biology. Since you have interest in both subjects (like me) you can go for bio-maths in 11th. By taking this group you can opt for either engineering or medical field and you may get get very good jobs in your future. Best of luck.
15th May 2013 10:07 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

I choose medical but my father is income not enough please suggest me that my future
30th April 2013 02:59 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am in class 10th.i am totaly confussed what to choose in 11th bio or maths.i love both subjects.which option is better?
please suggest.
i heard that medical is this true?
Don't say what other are saying... Say want you want to do...
Friend if you want to become engineer then opt maths and if you want to become doctor then opt Biology.

Opt that stream in which you want to join. so that you can read and understand much batter.

You can chose both option also.

You have time to think and move forward.

29th April 2013 10:13 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i have no interest in maths so i take biology..............
14th January 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

Hi Friends...........

Choosing the better option for you is know to only as per your interest........

If you are interested in Mathematics then you can choose Maths or else you can choose Biology............

ALL THE BEST............
9th January 2013 06:26 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

If i have a choice between psycology and maths ,what do I opt for?......i want to go in for medicine and we have biology as a compulsary subject...but still dont know whats better for the future coz people say you waste time practising maths whereas psycho ....not so much.So what do I do?
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!.....=)...:-).............. . . . . ..
23rd November 2012 12:36 AM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

What is cutoff percent for biology in 11th?
18th November 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

i'm in class 10 . i want to study genetic engineering , which group should i take in 11th ?? PCB or bio tech .
27th October 2012 08:57 PM
Re: Should I choose Maths or Biology in 11th class?

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