Thread: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance Reply to Thread

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18th February 2017 03:37 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Sir, i am electrical engineering student. can i choose optional subjects rather than electrical subjects? And which will be good?
24th March 2015 01:44 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Dear friend,
as you are an electrical engineer you are elligible for I.A.S exam conduct by UPSC.
here are some tips for you..
@ Go for coaching class for I.A.S.
@ collect note for I.A.S exam which are avillable in market.
@ fully focus on exam preparation.
@ you can take some special tips from your coaching teachers.

Thank you..
24th March 2015 09:23 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

if i fill in application form in english language than in interview time can i change my language in hindi.
27th February 2015 11:03 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

How much time require to became issue.Now iam studying. Btech 3rdyear in eee. Is it possible to become an ias by preparing Now on wards.
17th November 2014 10:34 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Sir my self anand Chauhan and now I am student of electrical. Engg. Sir you suggest me how I prepare for IAS exam and suggest me any reference book
31st August 2013 01:53 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

sir i m raj a student of mechanical engineering in 1st year . i want to be an ias officer. how can i prepare on my own. i don't want to join any coaching classes.
16th March 2013 12:53 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

how to develop the apititude knowledge ?give me suggesstion about this.
18th February 2013 08:24 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

i m in the 2nd yer of electrical engineering,can i apply for ias post??
17th February 2013 06:17 PM
kiruthika m.m
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

If you want to become I.A.S officer then you have to pass the graduation in any stream you want from the recognized university.

I.A.S exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.
Eligibility criteria:-
>pass the graduation from recognized university.
> Age limit:-
For open category:-21-30year
For OBC category :- 21-33year
For ST/SC category:-21-37 year
> Number of attempts:-
For open category:- 4
For ST/SC category:-7
> Must be citizen of India.

17th February 2013 05:13 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Dear Kaushal,

First of all let me tell you very frankly that it is not at all easy to become a IAS officer in India as every year lac of candidate fill the form and sit for the exam and as soon as results are out many dreams crashes with that so let me tell you that only go for the course if you are ready to promise yourself that you are not gonna leave your preparation and you will take every step possible to clear the exam.

Eligibility of the exam is as follows :-

Graduation from a recognized university
Age limit - 21-30
Relaxation to reserved
No subject limit
No percentage limit

Exam is conducted in 3 stages.

IAS Preliminary
IAS Mains
IAS Interview

Tips for preparation

Study Newspaper daily and write important news or cut the important news and paste it in a copy
Make a time table and study according to that
Divide time equally to all subject
give more extra time to weaker ones
Solve Previous paper
Read as much as you can
Prepare continuously as it is the key to exam
Stick to the time table any how.

Hope that will help you

17th February 2013 12:30 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

sir i am passed diploma and now in this time pursing in electrical engg.i want to be a ias officer can i apply for ias after my
8th February 2013 06:23 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

compitative success magzen is best for IAS
31st January 2013 03:28 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir,i am a student of electrical engineering in 1 year &i want to become a n IAS officer so what can I do for preparation& what kind of preparation I wii do? Also tell me how can I prepare for upsc entrance exam? My name is Kaushal chhatriwala.
Helo, check these gidelines-



The syllabus of the IAS exam is first you have to seat for the preliminary exam this is consist of general awareness, general knowledge, aptitude and other mainly it is objective type paper.

If you able to qualify on this round then you will be called for the main exam it is consist 9 paper and paper 1 and 2 are the language paper [paper 3 is essay writing and 4 and 5 is general studies and the other paper are optional but you have to seat for the all exam and if you passed the exam then you will be called for the interview process for the final selection.
30th January 2013 11:29 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

hello sir .. i am baskar studying ECE 1st year .how i can become an IAS officer ?
20th January 2013 01:16 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Hello sir,i m ankit nd persuing B.E in computer science branch and i want get admission in M.A Course in geography as my interest in that,so what are the reputed university which provide M.A to a B.E student?
20th November 2012 11:10 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

i m a working engineer as govt. services now i want to became an ias officer how its possible
20th November 2012 10:52 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

my age is 24 year old & i have done engineering in electronics & communication .please tell How to start preparation for UPSC entrance
5th November 2012 03:42 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance










THANK YOU...........................
5th November 2012 12:12 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

sir i want a solved question bank of ten years of electrical mains paper for ias. how can i get it. from which publication this book comes
27th October 2012 11:27 AM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

i'm surendar studiying EEE-3rd year..
my biggest ambition is IAS officer..
but i have no knowledge with my carrier subject..but i h've confident to achieve my goal as a IAS officer...
so what kind of step i do..?
20th October 2012 02:11 PM
Re: How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

It is nice to see that you are looking for the IAS officer post. it is one of the most reputed post in India and the public sector. As you said that you are the 1at year engineering student and your branch is electrical so you can start preparation form now. As the 1st years subjects does not matter so much on the UPSC exam but you must concentrate on the electrical and electronics and the mathematics subjects as at the 1st year it wil help you to build your base on the subjects.

But form the 2nd year you have to study all the subjects mainly your core subjects very carefully as on the public sector exam it may be BARC, ISRO ,NTPC or the UPSC exam all question are form the core and your subjects means in which you are fill up the application form. There are some aptitude and the general knowledge also but main part is the technical side.

So you can study the core subjects according to the time management. You must understand the basic of those subjects other wise you will not be able to answer the questions on the exams. You can take admission on the some coaching class they will teach you how you can prepare and answer the question quickly. But one thing you have to study on your own other wise no one can help you .

The syllabus of the IAS exam is first you have to seat for the preliminary exam this is consist of general awareness, general knowledge, aptitude and other mainly it is objective type paper.

If you able to qualify on this round then you will be called for the main exam it is consist 9 paper and paper 1 and 2 are the language paper [paper 3 is essay writing and 4 and 5 is general studies and the other paper are optional but you have to seat for the all exam and if you passed the exam then you will be called for the interview process for the final selection.

So start preparation quickly other wise you can not make it as it syllabus is very huge.

All the best

hope this will help you
6th October 2012 12:13 PM
How to become an IAS officer after passing electrical engineering? How to start preparation for UPSC entrance

Sir,i am a student of electrical engineering in 1 year &i want to become a n IAS officer so what can I do for preparation& what kind of preparation I wii do? Also tell me how can I prepare for upsc entrance exam? My name is Kaushal chhatriwala.

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