Thread: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu Reply to Thread

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22nd February 2022 09:07 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Specs is allowed for SI post?
28th April 2020 04:13 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

laser is there allow for S.I or any department of police???
11th January 2019 04:51 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If You are from Tamilnadu or nearby state, then it is very easy to clear eye test by giving some incentive to concerned doctor. Otherwise you will be rejected on the basis of regionalism and language basis.
21st August 2014 01:07 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Iam 6x6 with glass iam i eligible for SI post... Pls reply friends whether i can apply r not
14th May 2014 06:26 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

my name is karthik.i completed B.E. i have sufficient height,chest,but color vision problem is there.
can eligible for si in tnusrb?
13th August 2013 11:48 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what are the qulification need for technical si.I am completed DME I am qualified technical SI ? please kind reply sir.
11th May 2013 03:10 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

laser operation or treatment for EYE VISION CORRECTION is allowed or not for SUB INSPECTOR Selection?
PLZ any one reply to this email ""
21st July 2012 03:45 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what is the qualification for technical si in tamilnadu police
21st July 2012 03:27 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what is the qualification for si technical in tamilnadu police department
2nd June 2012 09:16 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

i want to job in sub-inspicter but my eyes power so weak right eye -3.00 and left eye 3.00. so u tell me . i am selected in S.I post. plzz reply
25th February 2012 05:05 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Sir,what type books refer to the si and constable exam?
17th February 2012 03:51 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

What is vision eligibility criteria (EYE POWER) for TN POLICE SI TECH?
7th January 2012 07:14 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

can i undergo laser surgery to correct my eyesight to join police as s.i
4th January 2012 05:11 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

sir i am prabhu, now i am doing 2nd year , i joint the police department. so, what are the
physical qualification for si police in tamil nadu?
13th November 2011 11:46 AM
Re: problem in nose bone

i have problem in nose bone so can i become a police sub inspector pls send me reply
18th October 2011 10:29 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

eye standards are pretty cautious in SI medical report , the loop hole is that eye test are not done by the police department . if u can manage the doc , then u can give it a try then
Precaution is that , if SI is ur aspiration , get a Laser done before going to selection with blur vision. mild eye focus like -.5 to -.1 can be tolerated when the selected person has a good education with higher degree
professional degree holders have the maximum chance , cause technicians are welcome in TNPD

Smoking or other drug usage is not tolerated at any cast , keep ur mind fit and ur elbows straight
aspire for it from the beginning, fortune favors the brave
18th October 2011 10:22 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Eye standards are eligibility qualifications in TNPD. They cant allow someone with -2 to be a part of the SI training
minor eye power -.5 to .1 can be allowed when the medical certificate and the person technical skill or the other specific qualifications can be valued in case.
other physical and endurance test are mention in TN police info website, with minimum qualifications to compete the test.
keep ur elbows straight and mind sharp , SI selection is a cakewalk for a people who aspire for it from the very beginning.
smoking or other drugs usage can spoil ur physical body and the selection process can be tough for those addicts.
keep looking the police site or news paper for the next selection, it is not a yearly intake. they select when they have vacancy for it
14th October 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

For the eye standards in the TamilNadu Police department for the SI post, you need to have a normal vision of 6x6, but even the corrected vision without LASIK surgery is also permitted and no color blindness and night blindness allowed.
Try this website for more information:
8th August 2011 03:14 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Sir, the power of my lens is -2.75 dioptre. Iam myopic. Can i eligible for the post of sub-inspector ?
4th August 2011 04:50 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what is the minimum height requirement for the police job
28th June 2011 05:34 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

hi friends,
i am DANIEL RAJ ,now i am doing final year BCA student. l love police department.
so please tell me ,what is eligible for SI post ?
12th June 2011 02:39 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

whether lasik eye surgery s eligible for si post
11th June 2011 05:36 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Originally Posted by senthilshankar View Post
Can you please tell me about the Vision eligibility( eye power ) criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu
pls tell me procedure
20th May 2011 07:07 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Dear sir

I did DECE , is This eligble For Thecnical SI post?
25th April 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

i have vision 6/9 with lasik eye surgery. whether i am eligible for si post
2nd April 2011 03:36 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Hi sir,
I had lasik eye surgery..................whether i am eligible for sub-inspector of police.............
3rd February 2011 11:30 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

29th December 2010 11:16 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

whats a age limite of si
14th December 2010 11:52 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what u mean technical si
9th December 2010 08:27 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Dear friend's,
I'm 24 years completed BCA via distance education, can i apply for police
9th November 2010 07:23 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

tamilnadu si medical mainly prepared
20th October 2010 12:00 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what are the qulification need for technical si
1st October 2010 12:57 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

vision eligibility criterion for sub inspector post of police is normal eyes with 6/6 sight. you should not have color blindness problem. you must see properly. your retina, cornea etc also checked at the time of medical test.
30th September 2010 08:04 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

i want SI post. i am complete BA, but i dont know when distribute the SI selection application. so,i need any information for SI application to my mail address is please you give information for me.
26th September 2010 07:55 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

this is saravanan, now i am doing BE(ECE) i want intrested in sub-inspector of police in tamil nanu i have doubt when will start in 2010(november)batch how prepare this kind of job and i was finished in diploma also so i need informalion for me this is my email
21st September 2010 12:27 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what is physical eligiblity to attend the si selection of tn police department.please tell me
i am waiting for your reply
18th September 2010 01:04 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

i am final yr student. . i want to become si. can any 1 tel wat r al the eligibility for tat..
30th August 2010 05:13 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

any relaxation of eye defects
24th August 2010 04:31 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

23rd August 2010 03:06 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Hello Frnd,
I have done UG via Distances Education, can i apply for SI Post
14th August 2010 07:12 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what are the qualification for OC cast to become sub-inspector of police
23rd July 2010 03:33 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Vision eligibility criteria for Librarian Tamil Nadu
13th July 2010 12:53 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

hello friend,
Sound state of health free from defect/deformity/disease,
vision 6/12 with or without glasses ... Eligibility for Assistant Sub-Inspector.
All The Best for your Future.
11th July 2010 03:17 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

dear sir,
i need all info in S.I. what you need Qualification, and physical qualification and age limited
1st July 2010 04:35 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what is mean by techinical SI?

kindly give me the deail of Police catagorys, positing & position responsibility.
28th June 2010 10:26 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

am having a mypoic power of -2.75 can i b selected for the medical test for the post of sub inspector in kerala?can the correction by glasses or lasik surgery considered?
28th June 2010 10:29 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

wich date the sub inspecter of poliace physical are conducted
1st June 2010 07:27 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

what are the requirement for police inspector
19th May 2010 03:51 AM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

Sir,it should be 6/6 in sight.No colour blindness.Mild power doesnt affect much
17th May 2010 09:20 PM
Re: Vision eligibility criteria for sub inspector of police Tamil Nadu

there is no information regarding the eye sight to apply for this post you can have a look at
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