Thread: What are the opportunities for BSc computer graduates Reply to Thread

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21st May 2015 04:28 PM
Re: What are the opportunities for BSc computer graduates

I have just passed my 12th class with maths and i have got 87% so what can i do now i want to do bsc but i want expert edvice for this.
Should i do bsc or not.
9th May 2013 09:17 AM
Re: What are the opportunities for BSc computer graduates

how many years take compliting bsc ?
27th March 2013 11:19 AM
Re: What are the opportunities for BSc computer graduates

You need to pursue some short term courses to fetch in software field. Courses like CCNA and CCNP offers career opportunities. Networking courses, software testing courses, etc can also be opted. These courses are offered through institutes such as Oracle and GNIIT. Select any one course that interests you.
7th November 2012 06:13 PM
What are the opportunities for BSc computer graduates

I have BSC comp. science degree in Distinction of year 2001. But I do not have much experience in programming field. I could not complete my MSC IT because of financial problems at that time. The place I am working does not give me any opportunity in this field and also my job is on contract. What should I do to fetch a good job now?

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