Thread: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th? Reply to Thread

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19th September 2021 11:52 PM
Minal F
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

To get Scholarship it's not depend on your percentage,If you are under category students,then you can get Scholarship.
20th August 2021 02:06 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

I want to study psychology and I don't know there jamp secure
19th March 2016 03:56 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Is there any chance of getting scholarship with 70% in 12th (pcm). I want to study engrng!
31st July 2015 02:47 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

31st July 2015 02:39 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

22nd May 2015 05:18 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

i have scored 59% in my puc commerce EABC willing to do my higher studies, due to my family background i'm not affordable to pay for it, can i get any kind of scholarships to continue my studies.
20th March 2015 03:00 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir. My family is not very poor .i can only buy class book but some others book which needs giving a good marks i can't buy this type of book because there have no extra money in my house to buy other
4th December 2014 10:27 PM
syed sazzad
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir my 12th class marks 69.7%in bipc group i belong to the scholarship in my cast is OC indian muslimin center certificat

(thank u sir)
29th November 2014 07:38 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

yes you can got scholarship by filling the form for scholaship and also you give other test like ilets and other
18th November 2014 08:38 PM
Bharti ashish
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by Rislum View Post
Kvpy gave you best scholarship. For more detail visit
not necssary btt it depend there are certain organization ,one can go easily though it
23rd September 2014 11:28 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

respected sir good evening ,i got 90% in intermediate can i get any central scholarship, even my father is an gov employee but with low income? can i get the reply very soon
5th September 2014 05:48 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir my 12Tth class marks 87.7% i belong to the scholarship in my cost is general in center certificat
7th August 2014 07:58 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir my 12th class marks 61.75% i belong to the scholarship in
5th August 2014 11:01 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir, tell me more about SAT & TOEFL exams, whether a 12th pass student with Commerce background take up this exam
21st July 2014 02:37 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Sir I'm dharmu from madurai i have like to join your college through counselling my cutoff is 114.5 I need to join civil engineering my father has no money to do so we have to apply through education loan only so will I have admission in your college please plz..........
14th July 2014 06:25 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

i have scored only 78% marks in maths and 66% marks in science in the ICSE 19th board 2013-14. now i am studying in 1 . Am i eligible to write the KVPY examination.
2nd July 2014 01:03 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir i had done 12th exam and i got 60.4%,ibelong to gen. category now i am doing preparation for jee fathers income is not that much with which i can complete my,is there scholarship exam which only include only pcm subjects and whats all eligibility creteria for that.
1st June 2014 11:43 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Sir! I got 92.5% in 10+2 class at
sri vivekananda college. My hall ticket no is 1324218995 i have no money to go for further studies.plz help me sir. Thank u
29th May 2014 01:00 PM
Vaghasiya Dhara
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please
No dear friend you must have minimum 80% in 12th exam. So you are not eligible to get scholarship.
29th May 2014 08:42 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please
hi frnd....for studying in abroad,you need to take the exams like gre,toefl etc...and the colleges provide you the scholarshis and admissions based on the test score and not on the 12th perform well in these exams....hope this information is helpful...thank you.. all the best.
23rd May 2014 03:22 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please
Yes you can apply for scholarship based on the exam you wrote like GMAT Etc,.
7th May 2014 02:02 PM
salimullah khan
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please
yes of course you can apply for the central government scholarship.
search it on Google by the name "moma scholarship"
7th May 2014 01:53 PM
salimullah khan
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please
yes of course you can apply for the central government scholarship.
search it on Google by the name "moma scholarship"
6th May 2014 05:46 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by tenzin lobsang View Post
respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please

I got 94.5% in 12th in Board of Intermediate education Andhra pradesh
28th February 2014 10:12 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

im pursuing btech final year cse branch.i got 69% in btech.can i get scholarship
26th February 2014 04:13 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Sir, i passed 10th with 81% in 2006 and 12th with 73.5% in science in 2008 from West Bengal board. then i waste 1 year for AIEEE preparation bt i got admission in B.Sc. with maths hons at 2010 and i cleared 1st year & as well as 2nd year with 51% in hons subject in 2012 but due to some personal reason i could not complete final year.
Now i'm working in a pvt lmt company as asst clerk. But i want to do complete my studies nd higher studies from distance education. Plz guide me nd suggest me about good courses nd colleges.
21st February 2014 07:16 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to study in US but my father has no money what to do
give gre exam for this purpose.. try to get a scholarship and your problem is solved
15th January 2014 11:43 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to study in US but my father has no money what to do
hi friend do your best in under graduate course than surely they take u to froigen
28th July 2013 01:13 AM
risk sinha
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

hi friends....
it depends upon your stream which you select for your future....if you clear your stream exam with good marks then you get scholarship very easily...its a time to choice your stream which would you like and make your carrier much as much better....god bless you n all the very very best for your future
22nd July 2013 02:27 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

I got 66% in ma class 12(arts) CBSE.. Is there any chance to get scholarship??
28th May 2013 09:54 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Is there is any scholorship in sports I got many madal at cbse state level and 1silver and 1 bronze madal at cbse national level.
10th April 2013 08:03 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

sir i am first year in vr sidddartha engineering college. i gain the 91.6% marks in intermediate &my eamcet rank is 12320.please accept my reqest.idont have money to continue my studies.
24th January 2013 01:03 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Dude , getting 68% in 12th standard doesn't satisfies scholarship should have a degree with good percentage atleast 80% & to this u should have a good score in gre ,tofel,then the university provide you about $5000 .or now you may apply for any education supporting foundations with your present percetage.
But,to achive good scholarship you should get good rank.
or if u get a good rank you may apply for a bank loan so that you can continue your further education.
you get success if u feel yourself "I can do it-i can succeed".
Always remember "success comes only after failure".
Have a good future.
3rd December 2012 05:39 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Sir, I have secured 79.6% marks in 12th (up board). can I get any type of scholarship by giving any exam as I belongs to a poor family? And if yes please tell me.
30th October 2012 06:54 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

There is no chance for those students who belong to non reserved category to get scholarship or you are non backward area's candidate.Because government and some private institutes and schools and colleges provide scholarship mostly basis of percentage and its backwardness of those community which you belong.Some scholarship only for girls specialy those belong to bakward community.So you can apply if u fulfill these conditions ans also can get information to state education board.
23rd September 2012 03:08 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

i got 88.87%marks in 12th board in science math.can i get scholarship for mtech
5th September 2012 05:39 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am pass in 12th class mp bord
i want to givin scholarship test so what can i do plzs sugest
you gave kvpy scholarship test for more detail visit
5th September 2012 05:27 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

Kvpy gave you best scholarship. For more detail visit
24th June 2012 07:50 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

i got 75% in std 12 and i want to study medical abroad please tell me did any scolarship is available or not
28th May 2012 04:23 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?


Yes your 12th board results are not very good and do not deserve appreciation. However you must know that life doesn't end here and it is only the beginning.

You have not mentioned any particular stream in which you have done you Class 12th and also not mentioned which graduation course you want to do from abroad.

I should tell you that just 68% will not fetch you any scholarship. You must have scored over 85 or 90% in order to get scholarships in or outside India.
I must inform you that the only way by which you can earn scholarships is by taking up some graduation college and topping there.
If you do well in your studies there and be amongst the top few students of your batch, then your college would surely get you scholarships.

Around the world there are many good universities, but they are equally expensive. So your father has to put in the initial money in getting you admission there and then you have to work really hard and score the best you can to get scholarships. So all the doors are not closed yet and it all depends on you.

Getting and studying in the Scholarships is one of the most respectful things in life. So I would suggest you to try for it and put your best efforts in it.

All the best

6th May 2012 03:09 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

i am pass in 12th class mp bord
i want to givin scholarship test so what can i do plzs sugest
4th April 2012 02:10 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

I want to study in US but my father has no money what to do
28th September 2011 09:44 PM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

can i give scholarship exam after attempted 58% in commerce stream?
21st July 2011 11:23 AM
Re: Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

dear friend,
scholarship does not depend on your 12th percentage the only thing you will have to do for scholarship is that you will have to score high in SAT,TOEFL. if you are able to score high in these exam you will get scholarship.don't worry about your 12th score.
work hard.
27th June 2011 10:30 PM
tenzin lobsang
Any chance to get a scholarship after scoring 68% in 12th?

respected sir,
i didnot score good marks in 12 science board,i only got 68%,and still i want to do my farther study in abroad in scholarship,so i want to know is there any chance for me to get any schoklarship from any abroad university.
thank you ...reply soon please

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